What annoys you about your body?

My belly and that I dont seem to get it siced down.
My skin. The products that I use dont seem to work in summertime
My celluite on my lovehandels. Dont make things andy better
Nothing, and it feels darned good to finally be able to say that after more than 20 years of endlessly yapping at my poor body.

I've spent countless hours fretting over practically everything; from uneven skin, unequally sized eyes, big nose, flat hair, saggy boobies, naevi, premature wrinkles, hairy toes, ribs poking out, puffy belly, stringy neck and thin calves to welts on my thighs. This continued until I realized that 10 years down the line I'm going to miss the body I have now and regret that I didn't enjoy it, and that scenario will repeat itself until I die. What a friggin' miserable way to spend my life!

Better enjoy what I've got now; a well-toned (despite not doing much in terms of toning it), well-proportioned and overall quite useful body. I'm good at building muscle which makes biking a pure pleasure, and I can even waggle my ears! Yay me, and yay the rest of you! I bet my hair that you don't look even half as bad as you may think that you do. :flower:
I'm trying to think positive.

NOBODY is perfect, and while that seems obvious, it seems that most people are too hard on themselves.

I'm sure you'll look back ten years from now and think, "Wow, I really shouldn't have been so self-critical".

schoastic, Bambam: Karma for the positive posts

You should both post more often!
God, there's hardly anything I really like about my body. It's completely out of proportion - my legs and butt are far bigger than my upper body (hence I have close to no boobs which doesn't make it any better). In general, I carry a few pounds too much and am not toned enough. Also, my legs are pretty short.
Concercing my face, I think my eyes are too small and my nose is a bit too big. I also wish it had a more feminie and gracile shape.
haha where to begin

Here's the list in order of horrifying-ness

1) My skin which is scarred and full of impurities
2)My legs which are riddled with cellulite and too chunky
3)My nose which is crooked and too wide
4)My hair which is frizzy at the hairline and drives me wild!
5)My stomach which swells at the mere mention of salt or carbs
6)My teeth which are crooked, despite braces :( (wear your retainer kids!)
7)My feet which are size 10 and ugly due to dancer's bunions :(
8)My eyes which are so shortsighted its outrageous!

I am working on fixing the hair, skin, stomah and thighs... The thing that annoys me most is that if I looked after/had looked after mysef more, I wouldn't have these "issues" :(
my *** it's just too big ^^ Glad i don't have to see it that often :D
I don't like my sides. They are too flabby, IMO, and nothing can firm them up no matter how hard I try.
stochastic said:
Nothing, and it feels darned good to finally be able to say that after more than 20 years of endlessly yapping at my poor body.

I've spent countless hours fretting over practically everything; from uneven skin, unequally sized eyes, big nose, flat hair, saggy boobies, naevi, premature wrinkles, hairy toes, ribs poking out, puffy belly, stringy neck and thin calves to welts on my thighs. This continued until I realized that 10 years down the line I'm going to miss the body I have now and regret that I didn't enjoy it, and that scenario will repeat itself until I die. What a friggin' miserable way to spend my life!

Better enjoy what I've got now; a well-toned (despite not doing much in terms of toning it), well-proportioned and overall quite useful body. I'm good at building muscle which makes biking a pure pleasure, and I can even waggle my ears! Yay me, and yay the rest of you! I bet my hair that you don't look even half as bad as you may think that you do. :flower:
Karma to you:D, you made my day, and i just remembered, I can waggle my ears to ;)
Im not sure how I do it, but I remember that when I did it the first time I looked at my ears in the mirror and tried to focus on moving them, my grandfather had just showed me that he could blow smoke out of his ears AND waggle them, and being to small for the smoke stunt I had to settle for waggeling...and as I kept on trying suddenly they moved..I think it might have something to do with controlling the muscle that goes accross your cheeckbone or something, at least thats what it feels like..I hope this helps :D
indigoskies said:
aww, i can't waggle my ears.
any secret tips?

The trick is to first learn how to waggle your scalp. After that, ears will come naturally. :D
SO this is my first post... and it seems kind of sad to be starting here... but am having an especially hateful looks day today - hate my face more than usual and needed to rant!!

Know I should just be accepting and happy with what I have got - but i have managed to aquire myself the most beautiful friends, and although I am fine looking, there is no way to compare (not that I should, other qualities and all!!):lol:

anyway hate my high hairline that has a widows peak so I always have to have a fringe, and my nose WAYYY to big for my face!!

sooo I feel much better now!!:woot:

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