I do not think the Dior Detective, or any Dior bag for that matter, will ever rise to the same popularity that the Saddles did years ago. Most of the designer bags that have been big lately are particularly designed not to look like designer bags. Dior embodies what a designer bag looks like, so it is a hard sell now-a-days. Mullberry bags have been in the US at Bergdorf's and Barney's for a year or so already, and a lot of chic NY women have been carrying them. However, until a celeb has one in every color and style, the rest of the country will not follow, but I am sure it will happen soon. The Paddington, even with all its hype, is not really anywhere near as big as say a Le Dix or a Mombasa, or a Baguette. Those bags are the type that you see EVERYONE with for a season, but I haven't seen many paddingtons, so my hope, and guess, is that they will not be that big next season.