MJ…I’d love to hear your views on the magazines.
don't say that again

magazines are the closest thing for common people to get in touch with fashion.
and although the trends and icons are not made in them, they are glue between brands, designers, etc and people wirld wide.
there is a simple reason i stopped buying them. i had all issues of cosmos and elles from serbia and croatia and many magazines from italy and the states. i threw most of them away, kept only the ones
that i found to be more interesting.
editors are the ones who start labeling certain stars, calling them fashion icons or trashing them... they are the ones who first started calling certain actresses and singers icons of fashion, though the girls were barely 18... look at miss barton again.
they are obssesed with youth and certain brands. there is no diversity in anything fashion related. for example, in serbian magazines you can only see names of 2 serbian designers in editorials and brands like zara, guess, aldo.... its all so generic.
yes, they pay for that, but what do i get? someone's lookbook?
oh and the chioce of models..... it would make sense if the stylists picked models. but they don't. i don't even know what the stylists do....
so, editors pick models, pieces of clothes, they pick photographers, blah blah blah.... its all up to that one person maybe two. can a person or two actually know whats best for millions of readers? nope. but they do influate people, especially the teens, and that is why most of girls look like there is some dress code or even uniforms.
so, when was the last time you were actually shocked with an editorial or cover? good schocked, i am not talking about little girls dressed up as women (vogue paris december last year, if i am not wrong), or so called arty editorials with boobs here and there and other female parts which can be important for designers, but why would i care for some naked editorial?
seems like one group of people is controlling everything in fashion. LVMH group owns almost every fashion house... and there is a reason why monopolism is bad. no creativity, no competition. and no money unless u r in that circle. and i have no idea how that can be changed.
the other thing that bothers me is that music and film and theatre are under fashion's influences. first thing i heard about the black swan was that rodarte is doing costumes... but thats a whole different story...