What is the Most Inspiring Book You Have Read?

I'm young, so last year I read We Beat The Street by Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, Rameck Hunt and Sharon M. Draper and I thought it was pretty inspiring. I actually liked it (though I did not like the excessive work I had to do on it-teachers should realize it;s the fastest way to ruin a book and hate reading for kids...)
The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, a true masterpiece that everyone should read, enough said!
What really did it for me was The Unbearable Lightness of the Being, it really made me understand love and the human nature better and it really resonated in me if you know what I mean. Many of the situtations described on the book, I identified with, it was just the perfect book at the right time and right place. :heart:
Absolutely. I read it last year and gave up halfway, but I picked it up again earlier this year and simply fell in love with it. :flower: What a beautifully written book!
PopCo by Scarlet Thomas. SUCH a good book.

This thread is so good for suggestion, Ive taken at least 10 names for next time I visit the library.
"Franny and Zooey" by Salinger (one of the best books I've ever read) and a romance I recently read "The good luck girl" by Kerry Reichs. Weird combination but I love classics and romances. :heart:

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