What Will You Be For Halloween?


Oooh la la.
Omg omg I've been planning this sh*t since August I'm so lame! For now, I'm feelin' like a dysfunctional soldier a la Junya.
Well sadly I don't know if I will be able to participate this year because I have a job and I never get invited to any parties. However if I do I'm still undecided. I'm thinking I'll be a glam pirate because for the Moving Up assembly (an informal graduation-style thing where the seniors dress up in costume) I was one and I don't want the outfit to go to waste. It was black tights, a black skirt that had kinda rough edges (like an ice-skater skirt but longer), a red tank top, a piece of red eyelash fabric that sparkled for the headpiece, a rhinestone-encrusted sword on a belt of stretchy sequined fabric, and a pirate bodice of sorts that I used sequins left over from the pageant sashes I made for my One-Act as well as sequin trim, faux pearls, and the cheap strings of gold beads. Add a fishnet-type thing around my waist, tons of jewelry, and the look is completed.
^^ Sexy.

I think I might go as Guinevere in a costume a bit like the one above... Preferably clean and white. Maybe I'll grab a flowery crown too...
my boyfriend's related to jesse james! (many generations apart mind you, but, still pretty cool! :) ) he's cute too. haha i can see the resemblance
^ your boyfriend must be a very bad boy then!:brows: haha!!:flower:
Halloween is not such a big deal here in Denmark...But if I should dress up, it would be like a witch a la givenchy, with striped stockings :D
^hahaha!!!!!! that would have been hilarious!!! a very original costume!

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