What Will You Be For Halloween?

fab_fifties_fille said:
A couple of years back I invited a few friends round my house...and it happened to be halloween...I decided to make myself something bin-baggy again, so stuck one to my head in a sculptural kinda way, with a bin bag sellotaped on me as a top...it was great seeing my friends faces when I answered the door :lol: one of them had the same thoughts as me and came in little cat ears etc, and another in geisha make up :heart:

:lol: :lol: :lol: i remember this well! but oh no i forgot to dress up:innocent:
What is going to be your Halloween Costume?

Well, we know Halloween is coming up soon at the end of this month!

No, I don't expect everyone here to "trick-or-treat" but what about those fantastic costume parties? :D Gives everyone a chance to dress up without feeling too silly.

I'm interested in what creative costumes you fashion experts will come up with!!:heart:

I'm making my boyfriend dress up with me too haha and I'm going to cosplay as a Japanese comic character: Nana Oosaki! :woot: I love her style, it's really edgy and full of Vivienne Westwood (The character actually wears VW clothing!!). And her style is very different from mine...Much more daring


Examples of my character wearing a VW jacket from nana-nana.net

I just ordered a bunch of stuff that I can wear on Halloween :flower: I'll take more pics of it when they arrive!

So share your costumes everyone!
Merging this with the existing topic in the Spot ;)

Oooh... and I need to update mine. I'm going as Gwen Stefani for "Rocktober". And the beau might switch up to Moby instead of Right Said so we can do "Southside". We'll see how it pans out :lol:
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I don't think I'm invited to any halloween-event this year... :(
But then...it's not really a longstanding tradition in this country...

Would probably have been goth chick/witch kind of thing :unsure:
I'm not decided yet, me and my friends were talking about it in class today, trying to come up with ideas, they suggested we all go as the spice girls (I don't do drag, so that's not likely!)

I'm thinking something like the Vampire Lestat...I'll have to think about it.
^Think it's a great idea. Could turn out really well - far better than spicegirls anyway ;)
I think I'll play it easy and dress as Margot tennenbaum on the day of halloween (i have to be at work, and class), but something slightly more risque for the evening out...don't know what, maybe an owl (mask and short feathered skirt...black tights)

My favorite costume ever (not worn by me)

The kid I saw at the bar a few years ago who was pretty short (5'6) and dressed as "The Mammogram Machine"
He had turned a rectangular box so that the top opening faced forward, and cut a hole for his head to fit in. Directly in front of his face he had constructed some sort of half-circles...covered the whole thing in foil, and put a sign underneath the half circles that read "Place Breasts Here"

It was hilarious...and no I didn't, he was too short ^_^
We don't have Halloween in Denmark, but I'm still hoping for a Halloween-party at my school - me and my friend are going as Gomez&Morticia from The Adams Family ^_^ We're gonne look so hot B) :lol:
Vampires... me and my boyfriend, we'll try to be Anne Rice vampires!! yesterday I've bought the fangs they look real!!
source: villagevoice.com

Treats, not Tricks
Don't be a sl*t for Halloween
by Nina Lalli
October 21st, 2005 5:13 PM


Oh! The horror!
photo: Nina Lalli

If there's one lesson to learn in college, it's that nothing brings out a person's inner ***hole like a costume. Alcohol may unhinge our self-control, but eventually, it also makes us barf, putting a stop to the insanity. A costume, on the other hand, gives the dangerous impression of anonymity, a conscious break from our usual standards of behavior.

This is the danger of an adult Halloween. Without fail, meathead guys in wigs and miniskirts display their homophobic/homoerotic tendencies, and insecure girls convince themselves that dressing up as a sl*tty cat is somehow empowering. Can't you see? Wearing whiskers and showing people your t*ts is just not a good costume. Common sense seems to fly out the window as soon as October 31 rolls around, and unfortunately, pride and imagination go with it.

At Halloween Adventure, a gigantic costume shop, the ready-to-go ensembles for adults seem to outnumber those for children. For $59.99, you can embarrass yourself as a Sexy French Maid, or for $84.99, an erotic "Trooper" (apparently a soldier wears fishnets and a crop top—gloves not included). If you want to avoid submission and dominance, there's always "Mermaid," "Cave Woman," or the inexplicable half-naked British flag. And for a mere $44.99, you can take the most giant step backwards for all womankind: The "Cherry Pie" costume consists of a bra shaped like two cherries with stems for straps, a red-and-white-checkered skirt, an apron with cherries on it, and "pie panties" which remain a mystery.

Issues of decency and self-respect aside, is there anything less creative than buying a complete costume someone else thought of? Halloween is supposed to be about horror, humor, or both—and it is also meant for children. Adults who insist on participating should be held to some standard of effort and imagination. The best Halloween memories (aside from counting up the booty) are of figuring out how to get your hair to stand up straight, getting your grotesque nose squared, or finding the perfect jacket for Frankenstein at the Salvation Army.

This doesn't mean it has to be a difficult process. An easy approach is to choose a celebrity who died in some horrible way, and then dress as them "in Heaven." You could also choose a character from a horror movie, like Carrie, because fake blood is awesome. In fact, being a bloody version of yourself would be more acceptable than being a French Maid. And if you insist on looking sexy, you could at least also be dead. For the cheerful, there's the pun-y costume, though they can verge on pretentious (for example, an art school student might embody Picasso's Blue Period, with some paint and maxi pads).
Don't forget, you can also just stay at home.
:cry: i don't know what to be. everyone else is simply dressing as a wh*re.. :lol: .. ok so they're disguising it as dirty nuns but i unfortunately just don't want to do this.. ugh
if I was going somewhere I'd go as....a movie star from the 50's

and something scary would be...ummmm dang if i had dark hair I could do the ring girl thing very well:lol:
My boyfriend and I are going as Devo - complete with red lego hats and whips.

(from dannyhellman.com)
I'm going as Britney Spears during the pregnancy. Complete with I HAVE THE GOLDEN TICKET shirt, metallic pants, flip flops with socks and Von Dutch hat.
I might be Sally from A Nightmare Before Christmas. If I can summon the energy to dress up as anyone at all, it´s kind of a new tradition here, not even much of a tradition yet but it´s spreading it seems.
anyone have ideas to tack on to my ensembles' EUROTRASH look?

other friends going to bash as: ali g, robin hood + lil' john (oKAAAY!), weather news team in a hurricane, sleazy seventies disco producer, cast of arrested development, bullsh*t + holysh*t ......
longlegsue said:
a member of team Zissou

I love it!!! I don't know what I will be, if I even dress up. I was thinking Mary-Kate, but I would just look like every girl at school. :p My favorite costume was Holly Golightly. Complete with vintage black cocktail dress, long black gloves, long cigarette holder and oversized sunglasses.
am soooooooo tired of seeing girls dress up as: nurse, playboy bunny, maid, sexy cop or any of the likes. too stupid of an idea imo. this yr am goin to a phantom of the opera party so i have this long dress all organza in black with gold and silver detail that zips on the front and have a mask with black feathers:D . i LOVE halloween:blush:

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