Where were you at the Spice Girls' era?

I was about 10 or 11 and my friend and I were obsessed. I had a huge poster of them on my wall and I'd read all of those little teen magazines to see if they were in them. I was also really excited when they were on the cover of Vogue.
i was bout 8 .. i was proper into it .. had spice girls everything .. yes even the union jack dress and platform trainers .. i ahd the barbie dolls as well

and does anyone remember spie girls impulse ?? it was the nicest one of them all and was the spray of choice back in the day .. it had a picture of them on the lid and an orange cap .. smelt well nice .. well i remember it being ncie probally think it was vile now

and how crap is there new song please ?? so disapointed .. oh well for a good cuase i surpose .. altho they wuda raised more with a good song

how messed up is the video why is vb half naked ?? and does she know how to stop pouting plese ?? vile :yuk:
I would tape their videos on VHS and listen to them over and over and over and over and over...... until my older sister would want to kill me :rofl::clap:

About the new video..
Is it me, or does Victoria really have A LOT of screen time, a lot more so then all the others, especially Mel B.? I am looking too much into this aren't I.....:unsure::innocent: Yes.. probably..:lol:

i was in 5th/ 6th grade so like 9/10... i was baby (unless this other girl from my school who was tiny and had blonder hair than me would come and hang out with us, and then she would claim it, it still annoys me to this day HA)... i wanted to be posh after i saw the movie though. I had figurines and their CD (first one i ever bought with my own money (that fact causes endless embarrasment), and spice girls shampoo (yes, shampoo). I also remember their final concert and having to drag the tv into my room so me and my friends could watch it... am i embarrassed by this now? yes. am i still going to the reunion tour? of course :P
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oh yes, i forgot about the videos... i also have the shameful memory of learning the dances to most of said videos (haha)... do you guys remember that last one with the dolls/ fairies in the woods? it really has no relevence to what im saying i just suddenly remembered that song.. i think it was their last? i think it was called 'goodbye' or something ...
i have just remembered .. we did a dance show with dance class to goodbye .. and our show was called a final goodbye a triubute to geri haha we were all heart broken when she left so did a show on it .. argh i have the video somewere so so so bad .. we all wore union jack micro mini dresses with black knickers haha with ginger wigs lol yes wigs !!! we were all nearly crying by the end .. i musta been about 9/10 here maybe ??
ah yes that was it :P i remember that impulse spray that someone else mentioned haha actually i never bought that.. loads of my friends had one though and we would spray it on before we went 'out'... (we were 11 haha)
I think I was in fourth grade when they first appeared. I cannot tell you how many dances on the trampoline I made up to those songs... Or how many spice girls songs I know by heart :lol:

I got a code for the Chicago show but I cannot afford 120 bucks per ticket :ninja:
I think I was 7 or 8. I remember always wanting the spice girls videos they'd sell at Thriftway when we'd go shopping for food.
i was 7 and me and my friends used to pretend to be them (i was always baby spice) at recess and we would sing their songs in the middle of the school oval hahaha. i had their casette (haha how stone age is that) too and i listened to their songs everyyy single day "SPICE UP YOUR LIFE!!" oh gosh.
Me and my sister used to love Victoria! I think I was around 9. We even went to see the 'Spice World' movie :ninja:
I was in fifth grade, which was the perfect age really. I was so into them, I saw spice world twice in theaters and i had platform sneakers like they did. I remember all the spice girls stuff at limited too, lol. oh it was awesome

baby spice was my fav because her name was Emma and mine is Emily
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I don't know the exact age, but I was young and loved them. Ginger (Geri) the most.
When the dolls came out, I got Geri, Sporty and Baby. I hated Victoria and still do.
CD's and those shoes:lol:........
ahahahahaha oh god, was i obsessed...

i was probably 7 or 8, gaining the courage to call toys r us daily asking them if i could "waitlist" for the spice dolls...

also, for a month or so it seemed like i lived off of the spice girl lollipops...
I was around 11 I believe and I adored Spice Girls. Trying to sing "Wannabe" was a highlight amongst me and my friends. :lol:
Oh man I kinda miss that era! :lol: I was about in grade 5 back then, I think. It was so funny, because me and my sister would do the dances with our neighbours (3 sisters) in our backyard. Posh was my favourite and that's who I usually was :lol: I think my sister was Mel C cause she was the sportiest of us all :rolleyes:

I don't think I had a lot of Spice Girls stuff (I was a big BSB fan, much more so than SG) but I remember wearing platform sneakers.... :rofl:

I wanna go to the concert though, so badly!!!!!! :cry: But I can't cause it's in Toronto and anyway I don't have tickets... And is it wrong that I want the jeweled t-shirt for sale on their website? :innocent::ninja:
I was 10 so where was I? A die-hard fan of course. :shock: :heart:

It was all about POSH! :buzz: :buzz: Even before I knew what style was I knew she had "it." That's about the time I started reading Vogue. I named my little pony Chanel, cute non? I had to pick it up from somewhere. :p
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Posh was my favorite too without a doubt, her and her little black Gucci dresses. :rofl:

I miss the 90s. :(

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