Where were you at the Spice Girls' era?

Yeah, she wore the best clothes, hands down!

I miss the 90s too :cry: I wanna go see the Spice Girls AND the BSBs in concert... I got to see the BSBs twice but never the Spice Girls :(
There was so much color in the 90's, people seemed to really just not care at all! Today there is no variety, nothing crazy.

On another note, I remember going to my cousin Michael's house every day after school to play the Spice Girls video game, which was basically an early version of DDR or Guitar Hero. God knows how our parents put up with us...
I was in 5th grade when the Spice Girls were their most popular in the US. My younger sister who was in 2nd grade was OBSESSED with them! We saw "Spice World" in the theatres, and she would buy their gum (do you remember that?!? The gum came in individual packets and there were stickers in the packets! It was made my Chupa-Chup or whatever). It was sooo good! :innocent:

I always thought they were adorable and I love their music, even to this day. I've never been ashamed for liking them! They're just so fun!
i was in third grade or something at their peak. i loved them but never got the cd.
but i DID rent the movie, spice world, from the video store!! i watched it ten times within a five day rental!
it was the best movie ever.
it would be so interesting to watch it now and see how much different i view them now that i am no longer obsessed.
during the SG era i was listening and dancing along to their cds :lol:
i still have them, and listen to them every once in a while.. actually i bought the Greatest Hits some weeks ago :ninja: oh no, let's scratch that smiley because i'm pretty excited about their come back!
There was so much color in the 90's, people seemed to really just not care at all! Today there is no variety, nothing crazy.

I would argue against that, personally! There's plenty of color now, sometimes too much. I think there was such an abundance of influential people who donned colorful outfits, like the Spice Girls, that when people look back on the 1990s all that fills their mind is a lot of red, green, yellow, and so forth.
I was about 4/5 years old I suppose and was obsessed.
I remember my mother calling a radio station one day asking them to play a Spice Girls song for me haha.
and I remember singing along to If you wanna be my Lover and Who do you think you are?!
I had no idea what they meant but they were so catchy!

I also wanted to be Baby Spice and once I was soo happy that I got her sticker with a Chupa-Chup lolipop.
:lol: what a dork I was! haha... oh, the '90's!!
The lollipops, the bubblegum, the movie sticker album... I have to admit I had them all. Their first two albums were owned by my older brother, though- not me! I bet he's ashamed to admit he was the first who got into them, now... :lol:

It was really strange because at the same time I was very into alternative rock, hard rock (70's- 80's), Aaliyah, and cheesy boy bands.
I was at home, I like the spice girls and the teletubbies and I went to see the movie with my dad, and I bought their collectible pictures, I was obsessed. Then I moved onto Beanie Babies.
I still have those lollipop wrappers. I loved Posh then and I still do now <3
I was about 14 - much older than most of you - and I was totally enamored! The catchy beats, the cheesy dances... I cried on 2 become one! haha. I'm so happy to see them back together, albeit only for a second :)
Oh God I loved them so much... my friends and I were driving around about a year ago when a Spice Girls song came on and everyone started singing. :lol: It's just such fun music.
Ahh the spice girls I remeber i was 8years old i used to love them . At the time every kid in my class was a spice girls freak. I loved baby spice^_^:heart: she was popular.

My fav song was Mama i :heart: you, stop, wannbe and viva for ever
Let me think, that was 1996 when "Wannebe" came out, I was 11 then, lol I loved them from the first second I´ve seen the Video, I loved Geri and Victoria so much!!!! Still do!

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