You were a little girl in the 70's if ...

I'm an 80's baby, and yet I remember a lot of those things. The tape recorder, stickers (:woot:) and the beloved sit 'n spin....oh those hours spent making yourself sick, good times.
You learned to skate with actual skates (not roller
blades) that had metal wheels.
You used to tape record songs off the radio by holding
your Portable tape player up to the speaker
!!:heart: :lol: yes ...
me too!
Originally Posted by Alpha Femme
"You used to tape record songs off the radio by holding
your Portable tape player up to the speaker."

i didnt have a pet rock.. but i had sea monkeys!!!! the kind that was advertised in comic books.. i think i ordered some.
they died a quick and painless death tho lol
what else,,, yah i watched little house on the prairie, was that in the 70s?

when i was like 6 or younger, i used to wear my mother's scarf as a skirt and clop around in her bruno magli high feels, hold a wooden spoon like i'm singing and pretend I was DONNA SUMMER. i really worked that donna summer thing. my parents took pix of me and also recorded me singing. like it was a huge joke.
anyway, when adults asked me what i wanted to be when i grow up, i always said "disco queen"
i was sooo into ABBA and neil diamond, thanks to my parents.
at nite watching SOLID GOLD was a real treat for us kids... and of course there was the muppet show, and the electric company, the donnie n marie osmond show..
as for toys, i had a strawberry shortcake lamp and tonnes of smurf memorabilia!
i read alot of enid blyton, beano and archie comics.
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tlloveshim said:
^^ Love this!! I had Holly Hobby sheets and curtains that were made from sheets!! LOL!! and of course I plastered my walls with the photos from Tiger Beat magazine! (had the Dorothy Hamill haircut too, BLAH!) And I def wanted to marry Shaun Cassidy!

Oh yes, I had lovely Holly Hobby wallpaper...Shaun Cassidy was ok, but I had my heart set on marrying Leith Garrett :yuk: .
So many of these ring true, scratch and sniff stickers, smelly coloring pens, the recording music from the radio.... - but I was just discussing with my sister when she got a pair of Corkease (or corkies as i thight they were...) shoes - similar to the ones that are out this summer. I was too young for them then and now just not in the right place...
i showed this to my mum and her response was oh pi** off your making me feel old .. :p (to my mum anything over 18 is old lol as this is her mental age probally) and then she said i didnt own anything rainbow and i said yes you did ive seen the pictures to which she replied .. ok but dont tell anyone lol.ok so guess you needed to be there but it was funny.
Wizard of Oz had no effect on me whatsoever :innocent:


Helena - right there with you with Laura and the tape player :lol:

And I had a helluva smurf collection!

Thanks for the trip down memory lane Soft :kiss:
Oh my..even though I was born in the eighties, I recognised and did a lot of things on that list! :ninja:
Oh my gosh, Rex!!! Girl, you take my breath away!!! LOL. And don't forget The Hardy boys series. Great memories, thanks for the post.
hmmm... a lot of these apply to me, even though I was a little boy in the 80's... especially the part about the smurfs and star wars action figures... I remember a guy named jimmy sneaking a 1970's issue of playboy into class (3rd grade) that he jacked from his father's collection; I thought it was a "special issue" of Weekly Reader on human anatomy... I thought the pull-out centerfold was the "free animal poster." I innocently asked our teacher why my Weekly Reader wasn't like jimmy's and ended up getting him a detention...


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hmmm... a lot of these apply to me, even though I was a little boy in the 80's... especially the part about the smurfs and star wars action figures... I remember a guy named jimmy sneaking a 1970's issue of playboy into class (3rd grade) that he jacked from his father's collection; I thought it was a "special issue" of Weekly Reader on human anatomy... I thought the pull-out centerfold was the "free animal poster." I innocently asked our teacher why my Weekly Reader wasn't like jimmy's and ended up getting him a detention...


Hilarious :lol: That would be a special issue alright ...
strawberry shortcake! remember my little pony too... and rainbow brite.

remember those stained glass-making stoves where you would make goofy ornaments at home?

i totally remember those plastic potholder makers, like macrame or something...

remember jelly bracelets and jelly shoes? jams shorts and rip curl t-shirts, guess jeans and esprit shirts, la gear tennis shoes...
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I had this (metal) lunch box w/a matching thermos...

I remember having crushes on the OG Jamie Somers and at least a couple of the OG Charlie's Angels. :wub:

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