White & Green tea

^ Heresy! :p

Are there any low caffeine versions because I can't sleep when I drink caffeine at all.
^^ Yes, my mother buys it...not sure where abouts in london you could get it though :flower:
SiennaInLondon said:
^ Heresy! :p


If you like milk/sugar I recommend whipping up matcha green tea with sugar and hot milk, it is sooo delicious. :heart:

I'm with Bargain Queen on how to drink tea. Another way is, in Japan the "real" way to brew green tea is with freshly boiled water cooled down to about 60 or so degrees. The tea becomes incredibly sweet. Perhaps a bit too sweet for my taste.

Sienna, I have the same problem with caffeine. I found that emptying the pot after brewing for 20 seconds (serving it to someone else) and adding fresh hot water for a little longer than usual helps. Apparantly caffeine is highly soluble in H20, and thus is the first thing to dissolve out. What's left is the flavor and polyphenols...don't know the percentage but it helps a lot for me.
pai mu tan is a variety of white tea thats generally inexpensive, i usually pay around $AUD10/100g
pai mu tan is a variety of white tea thats generally inexpensive, i usually pay around $AUD10/100g. and it has barely any caffine but super doses of antioxidants
just wondering does any of the above mentioned teas (green and white) have any caffeine in them?
It might be a strange question, but have you ever heard about green tea makes kidney work harder?
My mother often says i shouldn't drink too much... :unsure: and since i have kidney problems due to flu since last week (i go to rest room a lot :doh: ) i don't drink any because my kidney already hurts enough and i'm worried of causing more problems with green tea.. :blush: Any idea? ^_^
green tea is the best drink for me, i love it, it really has some healthy benefits.
by the way, does anyone know how about red tea? because we heard about a lot of benefites about green teas, but how about red tea?
red tea (rooibos) is the closest in flavour that a herbal tea tastes to regular tea. its really high in antioxidants and has no caffine
pinglet said:
how much caffeine? Is it the same as normal tea?

If I recall, green tea has less than black tea and black tea has less caffeine than coffee.

I just got a green tea/pomegranate tea from Republic of Tea - it has all of the antioxidants of green tea, as well as all of the nutritional value of poms. It's really tasty!
i used to drink at least 1 liter of green tea over a year, or maybe even two. But i switched to water or 'light teas' (such as limetree blossom etc.) a few months ago, since i tend to be a little anemic and i read caffeine may repress the iron absorption in the body.

and yeah.. i haven't noticed any difference at all, i.e. everything about me is still the same ;) which leads me to the conclusion that green tea didn't have any noticable effects on me.

but i just like drinking it, so i may also just start again.
i tried looking for white tea today! i cant find it anywere
lcc123 said:
i tried looking for white tea today! i cant find it anywere

I think celetial seasonings makes it. You should check at Whole Foods or another organic grocery store.
I have heard that the decaffinated green/white tea's do not contain the same amount of antioxidants because of the process it goes through whilst being decaffinated.

Also green tea has about 20mg of caffeine per cup,
white tea has about 15mg per cup,
coffee 90mg per cup just for comparison.

Make sure you get ORGANIC tea's as well. Non organic tea and coffee is heavily sprayed.

You shouldn't have milk or sugar with these tea's either as it really lowers the nutrient content. I would say raw honey would be ok.

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