White & Green tea

I've read that green tea needs to steep for at least 30 minutes to get its full benefits...
You should soak tea with cold water first. Also don't use boiling water, especially with white tea, which should be warm water.
yes! you'll also notice quite a big difference in taste between greentea with boiling water and shortly-before boiling water.

It's much less bitter and more enjoyable.

ah and never buy any of the cheap packed greentea bags generally, they're just gross and none of the benefits remained in them anyway.
Ok so is white tea better than green tea? with higher antioxydents and all..?
I drink white tea and from what I understand the water should be boiled, but not boiling. My only issue is that it tastes a bit fish-y....which is weird.
I love green tea <3 .. except I have a thing where I OD on sugar & milk, so I guess the benefits don't work out for me. :( It's just the way my taste buds work
Meg said:
I drink white tea and from what I understand the water should be boiled, but not boiling. My only issue is that it tastes a bit fish-y....which is weird.
hmm that sounds very strange I don't think my white tea tastes fishy maybe its the brand or type of white tea your using ?
I drink Pai Mu Tan
and pai mu tan is a very good white tea for beginners, very light tasting and rather neutral
^ :lol:

sardine: How else can you drink tea cold rather than using tea bags...do you mean the strainer tea leaves holding device? heh, sorry i'm not good at explaining. Dipping that in cold water will allow the water to absorb the tea?
i used to drink supermarket green tea bags but i've switched to the leaf varitey and i'm never going back! (plus i like the pretty little jasmine flowers in it)
Today I had iced green tea with lime (squeezed in it an little pieces put in it). It was so refreshing and delicious!
i can see that someone is a regular at T2 ... lol .. yeh i now drinking the detox tea - that reminds me i have to stock up on tea -- Winter is comin down under ...
I think green tea with lemon tastes quite good, but i dont like white tea
I used to drink a lot of coffee, but I changed to tea. (I think I'm just addicted to caffiene). :p I drink 2 cups of tea in the morning. I add a tsp of local honey (to help with my allergies) and sometimes, I'll add lemon. When I drink tea throughout the day, I drink it plain. I switch between green and black teas because too much of one thing gets boring to me. I've never tried white tea, but I want to.

I've never noticed any difference in weight loss because I already have a high metabolism. (I'm 5'8" and 117 lbs). But I did notice that when I drink green tea in the morning, it supresses my appetite; so I won't get hungry as fast.
I have cheap tea bags of green tea haha, but I'm not sure if it has the same health benefits? I sure hope so. It's so confusing how yes its good for you,but only if you let it seep for so long blah blah blah it gets so confusing!
^ actually I just went to greentea.com and it's from the brand I just started using-Salada, cheap AND good! It says you only need to steep 2-3 mins, the normal amount, and that they way they decaffinate their teas only uses spring water and effervescence which preserves the antioxidants!

Here are their tips for brewing:
To brew Salada Green Tea properly
1. Bring cold tap water to a boil in a kettle
2. Remove the kettle from the heat and allow it to stand for 1 to 3 minutes
3. Pour the hot water over the tea bag, using 1 tea bag per cup
4. Allow the tea bag to steep for 2 to 3 minutes and remove
5. Add orange or lemon and sweetener if desired

We further recommend that you allow the green tea to cool for another three minutes.

When brewing Salada Green Tea Flavors, use freshly boiled water to fully release the aroma and the flavor. Allow the tea bag to steep for 3 minutes and than set aside for 3 minutes.

Following these instructions will bring out the subtle flavors that make green tea one of the most popular beverages in the world.

They say that right now 4+ cups a day are recommended for the maximum health benefits, but research is ongoing.

In my opinion, if you even have at least 1 cup a day it's still good for you, just the very best is 4+ !

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