White & Green tea

^^ Im drinking it right now too! but the supermarket kind ..i wonder if I should upgrade.. is there a big difference from the grocery and the "more expensive" kind?
I had about 4 cups today!! yayy it really makes you feel so refreshed, or maybe that's just the caffeine..for me it's like magic, soothes my throat and makes my headaches go away- and I don't add anything to it..just Salada Green Tea Bags & water!! The only other thing I drink besides green tea is water, but seeing that green tea has no calories and a ton of positive benefits, I definitely will drink more of it!!
pout306 said:
^^ Im drinking it right now too! but the supermarket kind ..i wonder if I should upgrade.. is there a big difference from the grocery and the "more expensive" kind?

YES! :shock:

Although, it depends on which "more expensive" kind you are talking about, and also which supermarket you are talking about. ;)
You should definitely get teas which have been certified organic. "Yogi Tea" is great.
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I recommend that you don't add any sugar (or honey or any sweetner in that matter) to green tea because I think it distracts from the natural sweetness/very mild bitterness of the tea. If you brew it hot then drink it cold, the sweetness intensifies.

I agree, I have NEVER added sugar or any sweetner at all. When I first tried it I was grossed out but seeing as I pick habits up easily (and I really wanted this to be one) I tried it again and LOVED the subtle bitterness and hot water feel when you first get it and I absolutely will NEVER go back to coffee after kicking that habit for this one. As well, I don't know if it has anything to do with the green tea but since I've started (my one cup a morning which I will soon be increasing to 5/day) drinking it I've felt more energetic and less tired at the end of the day and have lost 5lbs (again, I don't know id there is a relation) but over all - I love it.

I also don't mind the fact that I can go into Starbucks and grab my Venti (the largest size) Green Tea without worrying about price since size doesnt matter.
starbucks do green tea!?? ooo i had no idea! i will order it next time im there! thankyou sheselectric!

does anyone know the affects of bayleaves, i love them! but im not sure what they do exactly, and whether thay have caffeine in them
Starbucks has 2 types of green tea's. I recommend trying Zen. You can buy the same brand at Wholefoods (they carry all the flavors that Starbucks has). I started drinking at least 1 or 2 venti's of it a day and I noticed a difference in digestion right away.
ShesElectric said:
I agree, I have NEVER added sugar or any sweetner at all. When I first tried it I was grossed out but seeing as I pick habits up easily (and I really wanted this to be one) I tried it again and LOVED the subtle bitterness and hot water feel when you first get it and I absolutely will NEVER go back to coffee after kicking that habit for this one. As well, I don't know if it has anything to do with the green tea but since I've started (my one cup a morning which I will soon be increasing to 5/day) drinking it I've felt more energetic and less tired at the end of the day and have lost 5lbs (again, I don't know id there is a relation) but over all - I love it.

I also don't mind the fact that I can go into Starbucks and grab my Venti (the largest size) Green Tea without worrying about price since size doesnt matter.

I know!! Like someone said, less than two dollars.. not that it matters since I get venti iced soy lattes on a regular basis. I love getting the green tea iced, though. All teas (and about all drinks) taste better iced, in my opinion. ^_^
Starbucks has 2 types of green tea's. I recommend trying Zen. You can buy the same brand at Wholefoods (they carry all the flavors that Starbucks has). I started drinking at least 1 or 2 venti's of it a day and I noticed a difference in digestion right away.

BaskinRobyns, may I ask why you recommend "Zen"? I want the healthiest possible choice in terms of keeping a steady weight and what not as I work out quite often.

Haute femme, I've never tried it... I want to though! Are there any added sugars and whatnot though? Or is it SIMPLY frozen tea...

Dont mind me, I'm on a CALORIE watch!
Oh I definetely understand!^ ^_^

It's not actually blended (not sure if that's what you meant) but just over ice. They ask whether you want it sweetened, so you can just have unsweetened tea. I think it works that way for all teas (freshly brewed), except maybe the iced passion tea, which is pre-made I believe.
^^ Fruit flavoring is usually artificial, unless the company states that the flavorings are from natural sources.

I’m sure twining's would note if the fruit flavoring's weren't artificial.

I suppose twinings would be ok... but you can certainly find much higher quality teas. Twinings is not organic, and for me that is a big deal (tea's being heavily sprayed). I would assume that if you were drinking green tea for the health benefits, you wouldn't want a bunch of pesticides and other chemicals lurking in your teacup. ;)
Coffee has much higher antioxidant activity than green tea.

In fact, even cocoa is a better antioxidant than green tea.

In carefully controlled studies, green tea has little effect on weight loss; what effects exist are probably caffeine-related (and coffee has more per serving).

Eight weeks of topical green tea extract in combination with twice-daily green tea did not result in any visible changes in skin appearance.

In controlled human studies, green tea consumption does not appear to affect oxidation of LDL (bad cholesterol).

Green tea or green tea extract may have some beneficial effect in treating cancer, at least in the test tube. But in humans, the evidence is not there. In fact, drinking green tea to excess (>5 cups per day) may be associated with an INCREASED risk of pancreatic cancer.

So...drink green tea if you actually like the stuff. However, real evidence for significant health benefits is lacking. And drinking too much of it may be harmful.

^ok that scared me.... I've been drinking @ least 4 cups a day, and it makes me feel a lot healthier/better, but if it's BAD for me..uh-ohhhh..eek
Umm... Coffee is MUCH more harmful than green tea. Consuming too much of ANYTHING is not good, including green tea.

Coffee is the most heavily sprayed (with pesticides and various other toxins) food item that you can consume. Unless you drink organic coffee.

The actual coffee bean is where the antioxidants are held, but by the time that coffee is in your cup, there is very few of them left.

Coffee leaches minerals, proteins and vitamins out of the body. It is also extremely hard on your liver, kidneys, pancreas and adrenal glands.

This article is interesting...

^ I agree with the article that states how caffeine can drain your energy, make you irritable, etc.. in the long run. That being said, I still drink it often. Thanks for the information everyone. I guess we should continue talking about green tea?

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