why do you like/hate Karl Lagerfeld?

I LOVE Karl!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

He's my favourite designer ever, absolute God of Fashion. And it's so amazing about him that in his age he's still doing such wonderful designs for three different brands. He never disappoints me and I love almost each and every single piece he desings. Big, big, big YAY for Karl! :woot: :heart:
I love Chanel's clothes (LG and Fendi, too) but I don't like Karl... after his successful diet he designed this awful project:

*please do not quote pictures*
BTW, on the leggy Daria Werbowy which is amazing slim (skinny?)

The point is... my size is 36 but how should you feel if you have 40 or more? I know that HIGH FASHION is for slim people (most of designers have clothes which look good at thin people) but he is so ostentatious :yuk: . So after 'Lagerfeld Gallery' show for spring 2004 I don't like him anymore...

Welll...I've once read an interview with karl in which he was saying that the only reason for which he lost weight has to get into that "slim" clothes.So i guess that he tought the t-shirt would be motivating...[for fashionistas :) ]
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I'm sure he's a very nice man (if you have enough money and fame!) :p

He seems to have friends in the highest places, but I'm not sure if he gains them from being a great friend or if he gains them because he gives them all the free Chanel stuff they could ever dream of! I tend to think it's the latter!

From the PROkarl side... i'd say that people like Caroline di Monaco doesnt need his friendship to get all the couture and stuff... and still she seems to have a very good relationship with Karl...

he does seem pretentious... but come on! if i was just half as genious as he is, i'd be pretentious too.
I think it's just part of a character he's created. think of people like Dalí, Warhol, Serra... they all had/have strong characters, they were icons, they showed their identity. they dont only sell their work, but also their image. Them, on their own are their best work of art/product, that's what matters after all.
He's my favourite designer.:wub:
I love him because he's an icon, a genius, whatever he touches becomes succesful.^_^ He's very talented, and when I think of the 'fashion person' he comes to my mind with Carine Roitfeld.:wub:
^^ i have to absolutly second that! him and carine and then just HEAVEN!

Im not sure if it belongs in this thread, but above is an AMAZING interview with karl, taken in 1996 for Zeit Magazine. It's titled "I don't want to be my own victim". Sadly, only in german. It's long, I don't really have time to translate right now but trust me, it's very revealing. I was quite suprised. Here are some quitoes I liked:

" Das Denken ist genau das, was ich vermeide oder zu vermeiden versuche. Ich möchte ein angenehmes Leben ohne Probleme haben. Ich bin Egoist. Ich will nicht mein Opfer sein und auch nicht das Opfer anderer Leute. Ich bin mein Anfang und mein Ende, und was ich erreichen möchte, bestimme ich selbst. Das Glück ist eine Frage des Willens. Ich bin das Ergebnis dessen, was ich mir ausgemalt und vorgestellt habe, was ich gewollt habe und was ich beschlossen habe zu sein. "

"Thinking is excatly what I avoid or try to avoid. I'd like to have a pleasant life without problems. I am an egoist. I am not going to be a victim of myself or a victim of others. I am my beginning and my end, and what I want to achive, I decide myself. Happiness is a question of willpower. I am the result of what I myself have painted and imagines, what I wanted and what I decided to be".
roughly translated by me
Wissen Sie, als Modeschöpfer sind Sie doch dauernd von Leuten umgeben, die über nichts anderes sprechen als über Sex. Die Sexualität ist in diesem Milieu ein Gebrauchsartikel der schlimmsten Sorte. Das allein genügt schon, daß man die Lust verliert.
Onanieren Sie?
LAGERFELD: Darüber zu spekulieren, überlasse ich Ihnen.

About sex:

You know, as a fashion designer, I am constantly surrounded by people, who talk about nothing else but sex. Sexuality is such a commodity of the worst kind in this business. This alone is enough for one to lose all desire.

Do you masturbate?

Largerfeld: I'll let you speculate about it. :rolleyes:
Alles Körperliche ist Ihnen peinlich.


Aber Sie können es doch nicht unterdrücken.

LAGERFELD: Man kann alles, wenn man will. Um das zu verstehen, sind Sie vielleicht noch zu jung. Sie müßten sich mehr zusammennehmen.

Sie sehen Ihr Leben als einen "Triumph des Willens".

Everything that has to do with the body is embarassing for you.

Lagerfeld: Exactly.

But you cannot supress it.

Lagerfeld: One can do anything what he wants. You are too young to understand this. You have to pull yourself together more (????)

You look at your life as a "Triumph of the Will"
I know! :lol: These automatic translators are not to be trusted! Here is another quote:

Was tun Sie, wenn Sie zum Pflegefall werden?

LAGERFELD: Das weiß ich nicht. Soweit bin ich noch nicht. Oder finden Sie, daß ich schon in einem gefährlichen Stadium bin?

Nein, aber ich dachte, Sie hätten vorgesorgt, weil Sie es doch so verabscheuen, von Menschen berührt zu werden. Das wäre ja dann nicht zu vermeiden. Sie müßten es zum Beispiel ertragen, daß Ihnen jemand den Po abwischt.

LAGERFELD: Ja, aber, Gott sei Dank, gibt es Leute, die ihre Berufung darin sehen, das zu tun. Ich könnte es nicht, weil ich es erniedrigend finde, und ich würde es anderen gern ersparen.

What would you do if you became a care-case? (someone who needs professional care due to illness or old age)

L: I don't know. So far I am not one. Or do you find I am in a dangerous stage already?

No, but I thought, you said you were mortified by human touch. But this wouldn't be possible to avoid. For example, you'd have to put up with somebody wiping your butt.

L: Yeah, but thank God, there are people, who do it professionally. I couldn't do it because I find it humiliating and I'd like to save others from doing it.
I like his designs..but I am a little tired of the fact that he thinks he is God... and he looks a little ridiculous..
I think that Karl Lagerfeld is a genius and incredible intelligent.
Always when i read quotes or interviews of him, i admire how quick-witted and smart he is.

I, personally, like the fact that he looks, acts and talks like a person who sees himself superior to the others, because i think that he isn't too serious about himself.

I also love his bitchiness. I find people like him so entertaining to watch and to listen.
I love him because he is the ultimate fabulous gay designer. He actually embodies that stereotype for me.

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