I find fashion very exciting. It's constantly evolving and expanding in every direction possible, because of all the people from different backgrounds with different outlooks on life contributing to the industry. I love how there are always individuals who try to use fashion as a way to make a point, to send a message, who try to use fashion to change society for the better.
The clothes a person wears often say something about them and influence the way others react to them and interact with them. Clothes can tell you what someone's favourite colour is, where they shop, whether or not they are sure of themselves. Not that you should judge someone by what clothes they've got on their back but it amazes me how good a sense of a person's character you can get just by looking at what they're wearing. You can figure out what kind of job they have, if they have any religious faith or none at all, what kind of music they've got on their iPod. As for high fashion, I'm always very much excited to see what they come up with next, who comes up short and who exceeds all expectations and where they draw inspiration from. It's very interesting to see how the high street shops translate high fashion collections and trends into clothing that will be sold to the masses.
A lot of people think the fashion industry is intellectually-limiting and vain. Whenever I tell someone that I want to go into fashion their reply is usually, "Oh, but you're so bright!" People have this idea of everyone who's interested in fashion being a self-absorbed airhead when really a lot are the opposite. I don't think that fashion is that much vainer or self-indulgent than other artistic industries, it's just more openly so, and I think that in a way that's necessary. When fashion really addresses an issue it reaches millions of people, not just those directly involved, and it's always interesting to find out how people who aren't necessarily "fashion-conscious" (but are open-minded) view fashion.
The thing I love most about fashion is that sheer excitement I get when I'm viewing a new collection or talking about one, when I see a brilliant editorial for the first time or read a great interview, when I get to try on or even buy a piece that I really love, designer or not.
Why do I love fashion?
It is such an beautiful form of expression and the industry itself, even with all its (many) flaws, is so dynamic and constantly thrilling.