I'm sorry but I don't agree! Gaga is not an attention wh*re, Gaga is just being herself! The fact that she doesn't conform to the standards of normal dressing doesn't make her an attention wh*re.
It makes her courageous and unique.
i don't care much about gaga...
but i am really sick of people talking about how 'unique' she is when she even admits to copying other artists---both musically and visually...
and she isn't even doing a good job of it anymore...
she hasn't done anything good- visually- since bad romance actually...
that video was the one moment when everything was cool and unique and really well done...
everything since then has been trying to reach that level and really falling short...
and seriously---
if you're going to do a meat dress---it damn well better be the most amazing dress that ever was!!!...
meat dress---*sheesh*...
*i am not a piece of meat*...
blah blah blah...such a cliche....bo-o-o-rrring!...
total art school BS...
just because you call yourself an artist doesn't mean you have any talent...
people paint dogs on velvet all day and call themselves artists too...
but you're not gonna see that stuff when you go to a museum!
and don't even get me started on the rest of them...
i love that there are so many women on the charts these days...
but it's kinda disappointing that there aren't more adeles...
* frankly---i think the only really unique thing about gaga is her lack of plastic surgery...
and if that makes her courageous---then most of us are heroic!...