Moderators' Note: due to the frequency of off-topic posts in this thread, we have decided to state a few ground rules for what is and is not allowed here:
Thread rules:
Just wondering how many of you own and wear fur. I used to think that fur was so luxurious and pretty... but now I own two chinchillas as pets.. and recently visited a pelting factory (for a leather class I was taking) and did NOT like what I saw.
Thread rules:
- The topic is your fur style--real fur, no fur, new fur, faux fur, vintage fur. All of these are welcome here.
- Any and all innuendos or categorical statements about others with the same or a different fur style from yours are off-topic and therefore not welcome in this thread.
- The tone of this thread is to be calm and dispassionate. If you are not calm on this topic, please do not post in this thread.
- This thread is a discussion of style, and not a forum for convincing others of your point of view, whatever it may be.
Just wondering how many of you own and wear fur. I used to think that fur was so luxurious and pretty... but now I own two chinchillas as pets.. and recently visited a pelting factory (for a leather class I was taking) and did NOT like what I saw.
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