Zucca S/S 07 Paris


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2004
Reaction score
from vogue.fr

i couldnt translate the review..or understand it entirely. but something to fill our thread. and violate english-only policies...:o

Il est finalement très rare d'assister à un défilé de mode où presque chaque vêtement suscite le désir. Un désir de possession. C'est ce que j'ai ressenti devant la collection été de Zucca : un sentiment simple qui n'engage pas la pensée : j'aime, je veux. Tout comme Martin Margiela, Zucca crée une mode singulière depuis 1989. Des vêtements qui prennent en compte la réalité du monde qui nous entoure et y apportent beauté et poésie. Ici pas de mode fantasme pour une femme imaginaire. Le défilé, élégant et simple (ça fait du bien), avait lieu dans la grande salle de l'école des Beaux-Arts, sans podium. La collection d'été ne joue pas sur le spectaculaire mais sur de multiples détails délicats et sensibles. Bermudas-sarouels en jersey. Blousons de nylon léger, froncé sur les épaules. Shorts confortables. Jupes longues en crochet. Robes aériennes en coton ultra léger. Top destructuré en maille argent. Du noir et du blanc associé à du vert, du bleu et du rose pâles, du beige et des touches d'or et d'argent. Les chaussures à talons compensés sont en cuir naturel. Le rouge à lèvres, noir.

Elein Fleiss

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i believe only a fraction of the collection has been uploaded at vogue.fr so far...since Zucca shows seem to have no end most of the time. :innocent:
i love it...
zucca pieces are always special.
...my français isn't that good enough to translate. :(
darn it.
thank you mullet, all looks wonderful ! :heart:
I think Walter Van Beirendonck was sitting first row.
My French is a bit rusty but it says something along the lines of this:
" It is finally very rare to attend a show where almost every clothing gives way to desire. A possession desire. I felt this infront of the collection at Zucca: A simple feeling that does not engage the thought: I like, I want. Just as Martin Margiela, Zucca has created a unique method since 1989. Clothing that takes into account the reality of the world that surrounds us and hereby brings beauty and poetry. Here not any method fantasizes for an imaginary woman. The show, elegant and simple (which is good) took place in the big room of the school of fine arts, without a podium. The collection does not play on the spectacular but of multiples of delicate and sensitive details. Bermuda sarouels in jersey. Light nylon jackets gathered at the shoulders. Comfortable shorts. Long skirts (something). Aerial dresses in light extremist cotton."
(Sorry I'm not so sure about the last few lines!)
^ my thoughts exactly. Intersting. I want to try and find some more images. If I do I'll post them. Thanks Mullet!
You're right,Colette. Their pieces are always very unqiue and special but they're also really easy to mix with other things.

As for the collection,I really like these jodhpur leggings and really almost everything. It actually reminds of some works from Blaak.
I can't help but think that without the conceptual head gear and runway, I wouldn't like this collection half as much as I do.
This is good! Thank you mullet
also, those sandals with the stuff around the ankles seem to be popping up in a lot of places...

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