20 Questions


Active Member
Feb 16, 2004
Reaction score
5 Words Summing You Up:

1) What Is Your Greatest Achievment So Far?
2) What Were You Doing 5 Years Ago Right Now?
3) What Is The Best Advice You've Been Given?
4) What Is The Best Thing In Your Life?
5) What Is Your Greatest Hope For The Next 5 Years?
6) When Was The Last Time You Celebrated?
7) What Did You Wear?
8) Tell Me Something Nobody Knows About You?
9) You Move Your Feet When You Hear?
10) What's Your Favorite Smell?
11) What's Your Favorite Drink
12) When Was The Last Time You Had The Time Of Your Life?
13) How Do You Give Your Eyes A Rest?
14) Have You Ever Fallen In Love With A Complete Stranger?
15) Where Do You Feel Your Truly From?
16) Do You Prefer Spring Or Fall?
17) Do You Prefer Butch Cassidy Or The Sundance Kid?
18) Would You Kiss Or Hug A Complete Stranger Upon Introduction?
19) Have You Ever Had A Non-Threatning Crush On Someone From The Same Sex?
20) What Person Would You Love To Have Dinner With?
Name: Jessica:P
5 Words Summing You Up: persistent, insecure, pretty, stubborn and naive:heart:

1)What is your greatest acheivment?
Getting into University
2) What Were You Doing 5 Years Ago Right Now?
I was 14...so probably.....putting on really bad make up and clothes that i thought were hot so that i could go to an all ages club:sick:
3) What Is The Best Advice You've Been Given?
Treat Yourself well because if you don't..why would anyone else??
4) What Is The Best Thing In Your Life?
My friends and Family...no joke or cheeseness...i have a good support system:heart:
5) What Is Your Greatest Hope For The Next 5 Years?
That I will graduate and get a good job and have all the people that i love in my life:flower:
6) When Was The Last Time You Celebrated?
On my Birthday...all my girls took me out and made me have the best night of my life...no drama...just pure nineteen year old girl fun and it was the best night ever!!!!!
7) What Did You Wear?
OK.....we went to a club so i was pretty sl*tty...and it was canaidian winter too...so...it was.....a Guess skirt with zippers on the at the hem goin up...really hot....a white kinda corset lingere top that i got at Lasenza underneath a holey kind sweater that i got from Guess in White and Black Knee high Gucci over the knee boots and it was pretty...revealing
8) Tell Me Something Nobody Knows About You?
If i told u.....then somebody would know.....well i guess that my kinda secret is that i trust no one because i have been hurt in the past and i put up a wall so that i dont get hurt and everybody things that i am tryin to be snobby when really im just tryin to protect myself because i dont wanna be hurt again and it really sucks...and that it i guess...wow...its easier to write the truth than to actually say it out loud...
9) You Move Your Feet When You Hear?
i don't get the question.....so...maybe?????:huh:
10) What's Your Favorite Smell?
When a guy wears colonge and he smells so clean and boyish..i love it...and aftershave...when i kiss a boy he has to smell really good...i just love the way that they smell
11) What's Your Favorite Drink
I love Orange Juice....no alcohol...just give me plain old OJ and i am good
12) When Was The Last Time You Had The Time Of Your Life?
On my birthday...but i always try to have a good time and be happy.....you never know when u wont have a chance to be happy next so you should always try to do it when you can:P
13) How Do You Give Your Eyes A Rest?
I sleep.....and thats it
14) Have You Ever Fallen In Love With A Complete Stranger?
No...the way that my life has been...i dont even think that ive really expierienced love....just strong emotions and attachment and feeling safe if that makes any sense
15) Where Do You Feel Your Truly From?
I feel like i don't know who i am...i am stereotyped as the pretty rich girl with the nice clothes and the car and the big house and i have all that but i always feel like im missin out....and that i dont fit into any of it...im lucky...............
16) Do You Prefer Spring Or Fall?
SPRING!!!!!!!!!!Have you EVER been to Canada...and the clothes are so much happier:D
17) Do You Prefer Butch Cassidy Or The Sundance Kid?
:blink: ...............NO Comment
18) Would You Kiss Or Hug A Complete Stranger Upon Introduction?
I actually tend to do that already...so yes...i like to break the ice.....
19) Have You Ever Had A Non-Threatning Crush On Someone From The Same Sex?
I have thought that certain girls were hot but not really a sexual attraction...no...although i am kinda in love with Eugina Volodina,,,,she is tooo pretty:flower: :heart:
20) What Person Would You Love To Have Dinner With?
I am in LOVE with Josh Duhamel...so i would have to say him.....or Chad Micheal Murray...or basically any pretty boy with nice abs and good colonge...ill admit it im shallow....:innocent:
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1) What Is Your Greatest Achievment So Far?
Getting into the college of my dreams and being on track to a medical degree.
2) What Were You Doing 5 Years Ago Right Now?
Well I was thirteen, so I was still in eighth grade.
3) What Is The Best Advice You've Been Given?
Probably right before I decided to quit modeling, my dad told me that I needed to start taking care of myself and stop trying to be what people wanted me to be and make myself happy.
4) What Is The Best Thing In Your Life?
My boyfriend.
5) What Is Your Greatest Hope For The Next 5 Years?
That I will be in a good medical school and on the road to a happy future.
6) When Was The Last Time You Celebrated?
Does Easter count?
7) What Did You Wear?
An old black Herve Leger dress...not so Eastery
8) Tell Me Something Nobody Knows About You?
I don't eat anything that's blue.
9) You Move Your Feet When You Hear?
hmmm not sure
10) What's Your Favorite Smell?
11) What's Your Favorite Drink
12) When Was The Last Time You Had The Time Of Your Life?
A couple of nights ago after I finished a major paper and got to hang out with all of my friends and not worry about schoolwork.
13) How Do You Give Your Eyes A Rest?
i never do
14) Have You Ever Fallen In Love With A Complete Stranger?
no...I don't really believe in that.
15) Where Do You Feel Your Truly From?
outer space
16) Do You Prefer Spring Or Fall?
17) Do You Prefer Butch Cassidy Or The Sundance Kid?
sundance kid
18) Would You Kiss Or Hug A Complete Stranger Upon Introduction?
sure why not?
19) Have You Ever Had A Non-Threatning Crush On Someone From The Same Sex?
not really
20) What Person Would You Love To Have Dinner With?
Albert Einstein for his contribution to math, science, technology, and history.
Name: Dylan
5 Words Summing You Up: Big Eyed Wino Sleek, Chic

1) What Is Your Greatest Achievment So Far? Reason and Understanding
2) What Were You Doing 5 Years Ago Right Now? Being Awkward and Tall
3) What Is The Best Advice You've Been Given? To Just Go for it and to be aware of the moment your living in
4) What Is The Best Thing In Your Life? Fam, Friends, Camera, i-Pod, Blank Canvas, Pencil
5) What Is Your Greatest Hope For The Next 5 Years? Travel The World
6) When Was The Last Time You Celebrated? Today
7) What Did You Wear? Jeans and Assorted Smiles
8) Tell Me Something Nobody Knows About You? I love To Hold Hands
9) You Move Your Feet When You Hear? The Hollies - Long Cool Woman In A Black Dress
10) What's Your Favorite Smell? Open Ocean Air, Grass, Ralph Lauren 'Cool'
11) What's Your Favorite Drink? Cranberry Juice, Fiji Water
12) When Was The Last Time You Had The Time Of Your Life? I don't remember but it was most likely at the beach
13) How Do You Give Your Eyes A Rest? A Beautiful Painting, A Pretty Face, and Watching Someone enjoy themselves
14) Have You Ever Fallen In Love With A Complete Stranger? Yes
15) Where Do You Feel Your Truly From? the 60s
16) Do You Prefer Spring Or Fall? Spring
17) Do You Prefer Butch Cassidy Or The Sundance Kid? Both (I can have my cake and eat it too)
18) Would You Kiss Or Hug A Complete Stranger Upon Introduction? Kiss
19) Have You Ever Had A Non-Threatning Crush On Someone From The Same Sex? Yes
20) What Person Would You Love To Have Dinner With? Edie Sedgwick
oooh i forgot the 5 words...
intellectual, anxious, stubborn, silly, shy
Name: Alex
5 Words Summing You Up: Loving, romantic, honest, dark, creative

1) What Is Your Greatest Achievment So Far? Keeping myself alive this long, I suppose.
2) What Were You Doing 5 Years Ago Right Now? Basically the same thing I'm doing now.
3) What Is The Best Advice You've Been Given? To do whatever I want, because in the end, it really doesn't matter.
4) What Is The Best Thing In Your Life? The beauty in between the sadness.
5) What Is Your Greatest Hope For The Next 5 Years? Releasing a CD and finding a true love.
6) When Was The Last Time You Celebrated? Easter.
7) What Did You Wear? I don't remember.
8) Tell Me Something Nobody Knows About You? I've never really had someone I could truly call a girlfriend. (People know that, but not a whole lot of people.)
9) You Move Your Feet When You Hear? Anything.
10) What's Your Favorite Smell? Summer air when the flowers are in bloom.
11) What's Your Favorite Drink? Vodka
12) When Was The Last Time You Had The Time Of Your Life? Modelling in a fashion show.
13) How Do You Give Your Eyes A Rest? Close them.
14) Have You Ever Fallen In Love With A Complete Stranger? Not until I've gotten to know them a bit. :wink:
15) Where Do You Feel Your Truly From? I have no idea.
16) Do You Prefer Spring Or Fall? Fall
17) Do You Prefer Butch Cassidy Or The Sundance Kid? I don't remember the movie well enough...
18) Would You Kiss Or Hug A Complete Stranger Upon Introduction? Yes.
19) Have You Ever Had A Non-Threatning Crush On Someone From The Same Sex? No.
20) What Person Would You Love To Have Dinner With? I'd love to have dinner with Adrienne again.
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AlexN said:
3) What Is The Best Advice You've Been Given? To do whatever I want, because in the end, it really doesn't matter.

Now, thats some good advice!
5 Words Summing You Up:
whimsical, analytical, frank, tenacious, marriage- material

1) What Is Your Greatest Achievment So Far?
graduating from college--attending school abroad
2) What Were You Doing 5 Years Ago Right Now?
getting ready to graduate from high school all fresh faced and new
3) What Is The Best Advice You've Been Given?
you're not weird
4) What Is The Best Thing In Your Life?
friends/ family all that smushy stuff
5) What Is Your Greatest Hope For The Next 5 Years?
location/ job/ relationship...one more crazy european adventure checked off the list.
6) When Was The Last Time You Celebrated?
my birthday a week ago--smashingly good time-i'm officially an adult
7) What Did You Wear?
a brand new outfit i starched and ironed myself
8) Tell Me Something Nobody Knows About You?
i've been listening to a freda payne song on repeat for the past hour obsessively
9) You Move Your Feet When You Hear?
10) What's Your Favorite Smell?
fresh clean soap
11) What's Your Favorite Drink
really good beer--it fluctuates
12) When Was The Last Time You Had The Time Of Your Life?
about a week ago...i also had a zen buddhist realization
13) How Do You Give Your Eyes A Rest?
i pry them away from this screen
14) Have You Ever Fallen In Love With A Complete Stranger?
i believe so yes--but reciprocation is rare
15) Where Do You Feel Your Truly From?
a fictional world with no logic
16) Do You Prefer Spring Or Fall?
17) Do You Prefer Butch Cassidy Or The Sundance Kid?
i never actually watched that movie
18) Would You Kiss Or Hug A Complete Stranger Upon Introduction?
19) Have You Ever Had A Non-Threatning Crush On Someone From The Same Sex?
20) What Person Would You Love To Have Dinner With?
issey miyake/ francisco goya/ iggy pop
5 Words Summing You Up:
Sarcastic, honest, creative, dreamer, insecure

1) What Is Your Greatest Achievment So Far?
Hmm...Graduating highschool

2) What Were You Doing 5 Years Ago Right Now?
I was 14 and thinking I was cool in my matching Britches separates.

3) What Is The Best Advice You've Been Given?

"Don't let people cage you in with thier eyes"

4) What Is The Best Thing In Your Life?
My friends...I :heart: them like Dior

5) What Is Your Greatest Hope For The Next 5 Years?
To be in NYC and attacking the fashion world with both paws...Or in NYC attacking the Public relations world with both paws...I don't know what I want to do.

6) When Was The Last Time You Celebrated?
Easter, the whole family got together and stuffed an artery.

7) What Did You Wear?
A black Lacoste track top with white piping, a navy crew neck tee, dark lightly washed jeans and my white Romas.

8) Tell Me Something Nobody Knows About You?
I have a homosexuality complex, I feel the need to prove myself to people that are both gay and straight because Im gay.

9) You Move Your Feet When You Hear?
Music with a great beat.

10) What's Your Favorite Smell?
Wet concrete and gasoline...

11) What's Your Favorite Drink?
I don't drink alcohol, I hate the taste. I enjoy water though and Im a Coke fiend.

12) When Was The Last Time You Had The Time Of Your Life?
My class trip, we all went to Mexico on a 5-day cruise. It was incredible.

13) How Do You Give Your Eyes A Rest?
Sleep if I can...or sunglasses cause they look cool.

14) Have You Ever Fallen In Love With A Complete Stranger?
Nope...Ive lusted for a complete stranger

15) Where Do You Feel Your Truly From?

I don't know...

16) Do You Prefer Spring Or Fall?

Fall, I hate shorts and I love outerwear. The pretty colors as well.

17) Do You Prefer Butch Cassidy Or The Sundance Kid?

The gay one.

18) Would You Kiss Or Hug A Complete Stranger Upon Introduction?
Ive done that, actually.

19) Have You Ever Had A Non-Threatning Crush On Someone From The Same Sex?
Everyday of my life!

20) What Person Would You Love To Have Dinner With?
Madonna, Van Gogh, and Coco Chanel. They're my creativity icons.
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I cant edit! Im not 19, I mis-mathed! In #2 my age should be 12.
Name: Carrie
5 Words Summing You Up: just ok ok and ok

1) What Is Your Greatest Achievment So Far? being able to study at uni
2) What Were You Doing 5 Years Ago Right Now? at high school. bla... thinking when i'll move out and i'm still thinking of the same thing now
3) What Is The Best Advice You've Been Given? grow up?!?
4) What Is The Best Thing In Your Life? being able to imerge myself in this world of fashion
5) What Is Your Greatest Hope For The Next 5 Years? being able to travel to different parts of the world (best: New York, London and somewhere in Europe would be great) and do what i like and hopefully earn money from doing that
6) When Was The Last Time You Celebrated? i don't know. seems so long ago.
7) What Did You Wear? cant remember
8) Tell Me Something Nobody Knows About You? i actually have a mole on my bum! :P ssssshhh... :P
9) You Move Your Feet When You Hear? nothing
10) What's Your Favorite Smell? grass :P (forgive me i'm taurus)
11) What's Your Favorite Drink vanilla milkshake from macdonald's fat and nice!
12) When Was The Last Time You Had The Time Of Your Life? Last last friday! :P
13) How Do You Give Your Eyes A Rest? close my eyes?
14) Have You Ever Fallen In Love With A Complete Stranger? yes, constantly!!! :P
15) Where Do You Feel Your Truly From? hong kong? :S
16) Do You Prefer Spring Or Fall? spring but my clothes aren't very sexy though!
17) Do You Prefer Butch Cassidy Or The Sundance Kid? huh? neither!
18) Would You Kiss Or Hug A Complete Stranger Upon Introduction? hug or ... maybe just a handshake! :P
19) Have You Ever Had A Non-Threatning Crush On Someone From The Same Sex? no. not yet.
20) What Person Would You Love To Have Dinner With? the guy i have a huge crush for!!! arrrrrgh... i'm crazy about him!!! :P Why don't you call me? Arrrrgh! :P
Diorling said:
17) Do You Prefer Butch Cassidy Or The Sundance Kid?
The gay one.

This got me thinking
Butch Cassidy - The Pitcher
The Sundance Kid - The Catcher
Etta Place - The Hag
this concludes their both gay...subsequently making me feel letdown
but a young newman and redford still make my knees give out.

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5 Words Summing You Up:

1) What Is Your Greatest Achievment So Far?

My whole self
2) What Were You Doing 5 Years Ago Right Now?nightclubbing,socializing,dancing a lot.
3) What Is The Best Advice You've Been Given?
Follow all the advices you ever had give
4) What Is The Best Thing In Your Life?
me and My third eye
5) What Is Your Greatest Hope For The Next 5 Years?
No hopes,I just visualize things
6) When Was The Last Time You Celebrated?
Just now with my karaoke
7) What Did You Wear?
a black tank top,pin stripped navy blue pants,and black desert boots
8) Tell Me Something Nobody Knows About You?
If I Tell you here,won't be a secret anymore for the rest :wink:
9) You Move Your Feet When You Hear?
I can't explain (the who) and so many others....
10) What's Your Favorite Smell?
Any beloved skin..
11) What's Your Favorite Drink?
Orange juice,Cranberry juice,water.
12) When Was The Last Time You Had The Time Of Your Life?
I don't remember...
13) How Do You Give Your Eyes A Rest?
With a "make believe" siesta of 15 minutes
14) Have You Ever Fallen In Love With A Complete Stranger?
15) Where Do You Feel Your Truly From?
another planet (urantia)
16) Do You Prefer Spring Or Fall?
17) Do You Prefer Butch Cassidy Or The Sundance Kid?
sundance,was a dandy
18) Would You Kiss Or Hug A Complete Stranger Upon Introduction?
All depends...
19) Have You Ever Had A Non-Threatning Crush On Someone From The Same Sex?
yes,non threatning and threatning but always with my same sex ^_^
20) What Person Would You Love To Have Dinner With?
Any good friend or any of my girls
ball79 said:
11) What's Your Favorite Drink?
Orange juice,Cranberry juice,water.

:flower: I'd give you a cup, choc full of the worlds best cranberry juice if i could...cranberry juice lover buddy...did you know it helps with the urinary tract? i bet my tracts are pristine, crystal clean, by now...
TokyoVogue said:
:flower: I'd give you a cup, choc full of the worlds best cranberry juice if i could...cranberry juice lover buddy...did you know it helps with the urinary tract? i bet my tracts are pristine, crystal clean, by now...

And I know it helps a lot to make me smile and put my lips even more reddish ^_^ ,so now we are two cranberry juice lovers!! :D
Name: Sherree
5 Words Summing You Up: Insecure, sarcastic, impatient, happy, laid back

1) What Is Your Greatest Achievment So Far? Um, finishing Uni, i guess (not really, but I can't think of anything:blush: )
2) What Were You Doing 5 Years Ago Right Now? At Uni, finishing my degree and living the fantastic life of a student!
3) What Is The Best Advice You've Been Given? Don't give a S*** what anyone else thinks (I try :blush: !)
4) What Is The Best Thing In Your Life? Hope
5) What Is Your Greatest Hope For The Next 5 Years? To have a healthy, happy family & to be living a comfortable life
6) When Was The Last Time You Celebrated? July 2004 - at my wedding
7) What Did You Wear? Gorgeous wedding gown
8) Tell Me Something Nobody Knows About You? I doubt myself and th edecisions I've made every single day
9) You Move Your Feet When You Hear? Any cheesy 80's song (esp "Come on Eileen")
10) What's Your Favorite Smell? Freshly cut grass
11) What's Your Favorite Drink Chardonnay
12) When Was The Last Time You Had The Time Of Your Life? Again, July 2004. Good food, lots of good wine and best of all surrounded by all my friends and family - the best party!!!:D
13) How Do You Give Your Eyes A Rest? I daydream
14) Have You Ever Fallen In Love With A Complete Stranger? Nope
15) Where Do You Feel Your Truly From? the 50's
16) Do You Prefer Spring Or Fall? Spring
17) Do You Prefer Butch Cassidy Or The Sundance Kid? Butch Cassidy
18) Would You Kiss Or Hug A Complete Stranger Upon Introduction? No way - I'm not a hugger!
19) Have You Ever Had A Non-Threatning Crush On Someone From The Same Sex? Nope
20) What Person Would You Love To Have Dinner With? Sorry have to have 3 - Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Princess Diana
ball79 said:
And I know it helps a lot to make me smile and put my lips even more reddish ^_^ ,so now we are two cranberry juice lovers!! :D

haha, those swollen red just kissed lips?
I use red gatorade for that buddy!!
TokyoVogue said:
haha, those swollen red just kissed lips?
I use red gatorade for that buddy!!

hey red gatorade is great and hawaiian punch too!! mmm love the red stuff :D
I find it interesting that three people have used "insecure" as a word to describe themselves. That's just not something I'd expect.
Mmmm. One of them was me and to tell you the truth I found it comforting that other people put it down. On the outside I'm a confident, outgoing person, but I doubt myself every second of the day. It's sorta comforting to know that there's others like that as well.

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