The Perfect Wardrobe

1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe? The most important pieces?

- long sleeved tees in every color that suits you for winter, and short sleeved ones for summer. i also like to have an item (or an assembly) for every "vibe" i want to convey: funny, romantic, classic etc.
oh, and cardigans.

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch? How often do you throw stuff out?

- i don't, voluntarily. and when my mom forces me, i hide old clothes in our basement closets, hall closet and in the guest room, just so i can avoid throwing it out. i'm not sure why, but i feel sort of attached to my clothes, and i'm convinced i'll need it again at one point.

3. How is your closet organized? By color, products, designers?

- pants, long sleeved tees, short sleeved tees, sweaters and gym clothes+pjs are all on individual shelves. in addition the two top shelves are reserved for old clothes (the "temporarily out of order"/on hiatus clothes) and the bottom shelf i dedicate to mixed items.
all the clothes that wrinkle easily are on hangers (dresses, most skirts, shirts etc.), and the rest of my skirts are in a hamper in my bathroom (situated right next to my room).
belts and socks have their own basket, and the i have a dresses for underwear and undershirts/tanks.
+ a basket for tights and an old coat rack with all of my necklaces (and i really do have alot!).

this is, however, how it should all ideally be. i'm a big fan of leaving my clothes in piles on our laundry table, and just fetch it from there.

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, ect.

- it's a bit of everything. i love one-colored items with unusual lines and details. i think my wardrobe says something along the lines of quirky.. ?

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?

- i have a black ballon/parachute skirt, which i adore because it goes with so many things, and a black/white striped long sleeved tee, that just fits really well, but beyond that there is too much of it i love, for me to mention anything in paticular. maybe my dresses, because dresses have a way of making me feel differently. also, i love necklaces and accessories too much, and tend to wear a fair amount with almost any of my clothes.

6. What are you missing?

- a peacoat and a black pair of jeans. possibly a pair of sandals for summer, and def. a new pair of colored dancing shoes.

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe?

- personally, i like hand/home made clothes (it can be made by small independent designers, my grandmother, frinds... and so on). there is something about owning a one-of-a-kind piece of clothes, and i love the "luxury" (in a non price related way) of it. not that i don't love thrift store finds, but i feel comfortable, lovely and somehow different in my hand/home made garments. this made practically no sense, but it's difficult to rephrase now.

Feel free to add more questions, share advice or tips. :)[/QUOTE]
1.What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe? The most important pieces?

nice pair of pants, well fitting coat, not a catastrophe of colors--everything can go together for the most part...

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch?

haha, last time i did that i was there for an hour and just got rid of three shirts which i gave to my neibor, i can't part well.

How often do you throw stuff out?

last time i did was the first time i did in years.

3. How is your closet organized? By colour, products, designers?

i have three places where clothes are, dresser, closet and platform type-deal inside of my closet where i just stack stuff.

closet is where i put jackets, dress shirts, dresses, old/rarely worn pants, hang my scarves, belts. i have two shoe holders hanging on it as well.
dresser is where the clothes i ushally wear are shirts, jeans, sweaters, skirts, whatever.
on the platform is misc. items like jewelery, more scarves, glasses, accesories...

no real organization, just by most worn to least worn.

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, etc.

confused? time-period inept?

5. What's your favourite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?

not really clothes, but my great aunt gave me a buch of stuff from the 20's-40's and i have this beaded flapper bag, a cahmere scarf, a wallet...i would newver give that stuff up.

6. What are you missing?

wow, i can list forever.
but right now i would like a pair of flat boots, green shoes, and more stockings and skirts.

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe?

buy what you really like, it will pay off in your confidence in your wardrobe rather than the million of things you sort-of like.
1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe? The most important pieces?
perfectly fitting black pants, good white T and tanktop, V neck cashmere sweater, perfect jeans. a nice leather bag that goes with everything.

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch? How often do you throw stuff out?
i really dont throw out a lot of stuff.. i only cleaned my closet once during the past three years... i throw out old t shirts and tanktops... but thats pretty much it. a trend will always come back... if im really sick of my clothes i try to deconstruct it to make something new.

3. How is your closet organized? By color, products, designers?
by item->color..

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, ect.
tri-polar :ninja: boho chic to simple classic to cute.

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?
my current favorites are seven's dojo and brown suede slouch boots.

6. What are you missing?
trench. tiered prairie skirts. frye boots.
linen dress.

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe?
invest in basics.. then add or subtract trendy items as you go.
write down a list of ALL things you want..
then pick out the ones you absolutely need... something that works with your existing wardrobe..
1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe? The most important pieces?

At least 3 pairs of perfectly fitting jeans, black pants, a great coat, different colored pashminas, lots of different belts, black boots and at least 2 bags- one roomy day bag and one evening bag.

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch? How often do you throw stuff out?

I clean out my closet after each season, I mostly throw out jeans that were impulsive purchases and don't fit and tops and sweaters which are in bad condition.

3. How is your closet organized? By color, products, designers?

By product.

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, ect.

I have classic pieces but lots of accessories, so i guess classic/bombshell.

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?

My Chloé bracelet bags, my suede black boots, Marc Jacobs skirt (although I can't wear it until summer).

6. What are you missing?

Wedges, sailor jacket...

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe?

I think everything has already been said.
1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe? The most important pieces?

I believe in the modified version of the six-piece rule by a French fashion lover: a coat, a black little dress, a suit, a nice pair of pants, an evening gown, and nice lingerie.

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch? How often do you throw stuff out?

I re-examine my closet as the seasons rotate. I ditch items that no longer have the desired fit or because I don't like them anymore (around 3-5 items per season). I rarely save things for sentimental reasons.

3. How is your closet organized? By color, products, designers?

First by type (coats, pants, skirts, shirts, etc) then by how much I like them (my favorites are the easiest to reach).

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, ect.

I would say classic but if that sounds pretentious, I would say sleek. I am a moderate minimalist and I value clean lines and good tailoring above all else. I guess I am more interested in creating my own look than following trends (saves $$$ too).

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?

Hmmm, I have a favorite in each type of clothing but if you put a gun to my head I would say my knee-length LBDs.

6. What are you missing?

I am always short on shirts/sweaters because my collection of tops is constantly outnumbered by my collection of pants/skirts.

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe?

I posted some of my philosophies on the 'fashion rules' board but my guiding principle is that shopping should event-oriented. I break down my purchases by the kind of events they are suited for: for an interview, for a date, for a girls night out, for a class reunion, for a trip abroad, for meeting the boyfriend's parents, and for attending an event where the ex would be present. These are the most difficult events to dress for, I think.
1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe?
It depends on your lifestyle and climate. For me it's lots of separates.

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch? How often do you throw stuff out?
I ditch things that are damaged, or I'm tired of. Having said that, I also pack my favorite things away, just in case. I do a big throw out at the start of each season.

3. How is your closet organized? By color, products, designers?
It's organized by product

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, ect.
Feminine, retro

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?
That's a tough one, I have so many! At the moment it's a chocolate crepe beaded 40s dress.

6. What are you missing?
Nothing and everything. It's bulging at the seams, but I'm always on the lookout for something to add.

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe?
You don't need to spend a lot to have a great wardrobe. Be creative and learn to sew, even if it's just for alterations (or find a great tailor).
1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe? The most important pieces? A versatile suit, a basic blazer, jeans that fit well, cashmere sweaters, basic white, black, and neutral colored shirts, quality shoes and bags.

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch? How often do you throw stuff out? I don't throw anything away, but I donate stuff about once a year. I find it very difficult to decide, but if I have not worn somethhing in a year then it goes. (with the exception of some very special things that I just do not have the opporunity to wear)

3. How is your closet organized? By color, products, designers? I am in the process of organizing my closets. I plan to do it by type, then color, then designer.

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, ect. Alternative conformist. :lol:

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe? eggplant colored Paul Smith velvet suit.

6. What are you missing? More refined every-day clothing

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe? Think about what you do every day and what you should be wearing when you do it. Do not buy tremendous amounts of clothing just for the sake of having it if you will not wear any of it. Avoid anything overly-seasonal if you can not afford to replace it after the season is up and always buy what suits your appearance and personality.
1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe? The most important pieces?

a nice pair of classic well fitting black pants. i have a pair of black Theory pants that are perfect for work, or a date, or a club...they are incredibly multifunctional. every girl needs a perfect pair of black pants.

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch? How often do you throw stuff out?
if i haven't worn it in two years, its time to list it on ebay. i rarely buy trendy clothing so i don't have an insane amount of turnover...but every so often i have impulse buys that i never wore that simply need to go.

3. How is your closet organized? By color, products, designers?

i have two closets. one is for skirts and dresses, another is for shirts, pants, and sweaters. in the first closet the dresses have no real order, but the skirts are matched up with their kind. pencil skirts with pencil skirts. short summer skirts with short summer skirts, tweed with tweed. within that i do actually tend to group things by designer, but thats just a quirk of mine.

in the second closet its tops and pants and sweaters. i have a section for long sleeve button downs, then for short sleeved shirts, and then tank tops/ strapless tops. then i have a section for pants... a khaki section, a black pant section, cords, quirky, etc... like is matched with like. no jeans. i don't hang up my jeans. my sweater section is a mess. it used to be orginized by type of wool...but now its midwinter so its prety much just all my sweaters bursting off their rack. come spring cleaning i will orginize by season so that my heavy wool is in the back andmy lighter spring/summer sweaters are near the front.

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, ect.
probably eclectic and feminine. i try to not be too trendy, but i am edgy at times. i used to be the girl with 20 different black mini skirts, but as of late my wardrobe has taken on a warmer more feminine quality. i guess i'd be a slightly deviant girl next door type. if you had to pin a lable on me i'd call me a spoiled Jewish American Princess, designer clothing snob, trying to pass herself off as somewhat hip, slightly bohemian chic, (but not in a tacky sienna miller sort of way) with an eye for pretty things. i don't try to be fashionable, sometimes i am, sometimes i am not.

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?

what a hard question! probably my black theory pants, they are such a staple. but thats the sensable answer. the more fun answer is my incredibly tacky white prada leather belt which makes me look like a silly hipster and i wear it all the time regardless. or maybe my flip flops....i really dig them.

6. What are you missing?

so many things. i just did a major wardrobe revamp and its an ongoing process...right now i'm in dire need of a perfect pair of brown shoes and a bag that goes with brown things. all my bags have black in them, and all my brown shoes are the wrong colour.

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe?

i don't know if this counts as advice but, i did a major revamp this year. i decided that all my black clothing made me look gothy and gaunt. i wanted to be pretty and fresh and feminine. so i bought a fabulous pair of brown pants and based an entire new wardrobe off them...brown is much warmer...i have a lot more colour now. purple, lavender, blues, many things go with brown in a much softer way then they go with black. pink aginst black seems like such a with brown is much more smooth.

my wardrobe also used to be much more simple and i am all about tiny hints of the form of feminine details like embroidery or beading. really though all i did was find one colour brown i liked and went from there..that was my foundation from which i built up and i now have a much more colourful and expressive wardrobe.
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1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe? The most important pieces?

A great unique bag.
White flats.
Diamond studs.
A great pair of jeans.

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch? How often do you throw stuff out?
I throw stuff out only if it doesn't fit anymore. I never really get 'sick' of anything.

3. How is your closet organized? By color, products, designers?
There are five sections, dresses, skirts, pants and jackets and tops. Then they are sorted by color.

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, etc.
I'm more laid back girly bohemian.

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?
Navy Braided Dress

6. What are you missing?
I'm dying for a new pair of vintage cowboy boots.

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe?
It takes time and money. Your style should reflect yourself.
1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe? The most important pieces?

- the perfect pair of worn-in jeans
- an immaculately tailored black suit
- white t-shirts

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch? How often do you throw stuff out?

- Anything that no longer fits my style is gone, the last time i did a massive wardrobe clearance was when I got rid of all my hip hop style clothes and gave em away to relatives in mainland China.

3. How is your closet organized? By color, products, designers?

- T-shirts in one drawer, underwear/socks in another, one for sweaters, and my outerwear/pants/suits/button downs are hung up in the main closet. Limited space means everything is quite cramped up.

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, ect.

- Minimalist, well tailored but laid-back.

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?

- My Y's by Yohji charcoal suit.

6. What are you missing?

- A tuxedo jacket, fitted black button down, a pair of polished dress shoes

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe?

- When in doubt, go with a wardrobe of basics and classic, timeless staples that never get out of style. I'm not really a crazy mix-and-match or trendy person so I have stuck to this principle in building my wardrobe.
1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe? The most important pieces?
jeans, black flats, white shirts & obviously a black dress.

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch? How often do you throw stuff out?
i throw stuff when i really hate it..once a year maybe.

3. How is your closet organized? By color, products, designers?
by materials and sizes.

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, ect.
i dont know.

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?
green army jacket..and most of my coats..

6. What are you missing?
black trousers, heels. :ninja:

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe?
only keep things you really love or have simpathy for, nonsense clothes make the wardrobe depressing to look at. :p
7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe?

i don't know if this counts as advice but, i did a major revamp this year. i decided that all my black clothing made me look gothy and gaunt. i wanted to be pretty and fresh and feminine. ...brown is much warmer...

:) Thats nice I had the same idea :) And it really works!
Brown is much more better for me, in black I sometimes look like a vampire
A couple answers...

1. The foundations of a great wardrobe are classic pieces that fit well and are appropriate for the occasion be it work school or play. Neutral, multi-season fabrics and colors. Pieces that can be dressed up or down as needed. High quality accessories.

2. When it is time for a closet purge, anything that looks too worn out I part with sadly. It that way because I loved it to death. Anything that no longer fits (or that never did). Anything I have not worn for over a year (I just boxed up several things with the tags still on them!). Anything with bad memories attached to it.

3. My closet is currently arranged by type, then by function, then color (business shirts for work, then casual shirts for play etc.)

4. Right now my wardrobe says I am BORING. It says “Too scared to take a risk with her look and innovate. So safe she’s a fashion prude.” I dress like business casual wall paper and I hate it.

5. I have this pair of seasonless medium gray wool trousers that I love. They fit well, look sharp and mix with many other things in my wardrobe.

6. The biggest thing I am missing is A Clue! I have no idea how to dress appropriately for my age without looking like an old lady. I am missing clothes that reflect my quirky, creative mind. Clothes that say I am approachable but not gullible. And finally, clothes that make me look both hot as a woman and credible an artist and business professional at the same time (I don’t want much, do I?)

7. Please don’t listen to any fashion advice from me! I only know boring, traditional business dress. I have suits. Several suits. Lots of black and white and grey and olive. Chinos, polos, button downs. Yucky old lady shoes with low heels and flats. Every thing is extremely safe, traditional, stuffy and completely lacking individuality or flair (and this includes the collection of silk scarves and leather accessories). I need code blue help revamping my pathetic wardrobe!!!

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