209 dead in bushfires in Victoria, Australia (update: death toll increase)

I think this has been a terrible year in terms of war and natural disasters...I can't believe what people do to each other and the world. I hope whoever did this is feeling really bad.
Originally Posted by xsavagex
I have a question though, how come its being called the worst natural disaster, when it was lit on purpose by people and didnt occur naturally?

Originally Posted by Belowen

Originally, a few different fires were lit. These fires combined to create a firewall/firestorm over 100km wide - and that is what brings the natural disaster title I think.

I'm sure the 'natural' part of it has to do with the ongoing drought conditions that have made everything so volatile. Under normal rain conditions, small fires could be put out rather easily.
The Red Cross Tally is up to $30.4 million now :D

Are those funds handled responsibly there? We get a lot of mismanagement and 'administrative costs' taken out of donations here in the States.
^ Thankfully on the Red Cross website it says the money will be put into a trust fund and no admin costs will be taken out.

It's so wrong when that happens hey. I think it stops many people from donating which is awful!
It's just terrible. It feels surreal, like it's happening but it hasn't sunk in. My good friend lost her family home and her dad died trying to defend the property. The Kinglake fire moved so fast nobody even knew it was there until it was too late.

I bought some pet food this morning at Coles to donate and started bawling my eyes out at the checkout. I was talking to someone at work and started crying about it. I dropped off a whole load of pet food, bedding, toys, collars, leads etc to the Lort Smith (animal hospital) this evening and nearly started crying again. Just thinking about all those poor people and animals and everything else is heartbreaking.

As for the arsonists who started the Churchill fires, I sincerely hope they get what's coming to them.
I honestly can't believe so many people have died in our country.
Went through my wardrobe for clothing...apparently people also want things like mobile rechargers, tampons, underwear, etc.
I'm taking my clothes to the Salvos as it seems some community centres in Victoria are already too full, although others aren't...I believe the Salvos will collect and deliver them later.
For those outside Melbourne, like myself, I heard that it's best if we make donations via our banks. There were some great gentlemen at my station today working hard collecting money. You can also donate at your closest Bunnings Warehouse.
I've heard that people are making cakes to take to work or sending around a bucket to collect further donations.
To the people wondering about the Red Cross, they are a very reliable charity! Remember that right now the Aussie dollar is weak so like 1 usd = 1.5 aud. My family just donated around $350, hard to do at an economical time like this but nothing will be as hard as what some of those people are going though right now. I think my school was going to have cake stalls to to help raise money.

I can't turn on the news at the moment without crying. It's just so surreal.

I think one of the worst stories I heard was about a man who took his kids to stay with their aunty because it was a safe zone, he went back home to try and save the house. The wind changed direction and suddenly the safe zone wasn't so safe. He ended up saving the house but the two kids died. How that poor man must feel. :(

only in Australia would one state be drowning and another be burning. :/
^ this is the first time i've ever really understood for myself the meaning of the words "her beauty and her terror," as referred to by Kevin Rudd
Firefighter David Tree with koala in need



Those firefighters are doing a terrific job.
^ that picture has swelled my eyes all day today...
aren't koala's known to be unfriendly animals?

so heartbreaking.
the lives losts and continues to rise is so shocking...
Aw, the koala picture :heart: Apparently she drank 3 full bottles of water - and koalas hardly ever drink water - and she has 2nd and 3rd-degree burns on her paws.

There's a video of the koala and firefighter here

My heart aches for all the animals that have perished :cry:
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:cry: i want to adopt that koala... it's so touching..

i just saw in the news that flares continue because of the wind picking up (?)
it won't die down.... can the Australian coast guards fly helicopters and get water from the ocean and dump it on the areas affected like they do in california???? it would help the firemen grately.
Yep, I believe they've actually been doing the water-bombing since the start of the fires! :( It seems these are unusually intense fires compared to an average bushfire.



Here's a picture of the koala in recovery :heart:



and people can buy a hardcopy of the original photo of the koala drinking with procedes going to the CFA.
^ The pictures of the koalas above are so touching! I never realised these fires were of this enormous proportion. Seeing the shocking pictures and heart broken people on TV is unbelievable. I hope these horrible arsonists stop lighting fires. I heard the death toll is expected to rise above 300!!!
there are towns that were incinerated beyond recognition. total wipe out!
God i hope the fires don't reached Hunter Hills .... Cate Blanchett and family resides there, i believe :(

Thank you, Bianca!
I'll definitely buy a copy. it's the most touching picture I've ever witnessed!
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there are towns that were incinerated beyond recognition. total wipe out!
God i hope the fires don't reached Hunter Hills .... Cate Blanchett and family resides there, i believe :(

hunters hill is in sydney :flower:
I wondering why all these big Australian actors haven't donated any money yet...
I'm 100% positive Cate has a spare million laying around at least. Same with Nicole and all the others.

It make me annoyed that $24.8 million is from the average Australian population ($10 million was from corporate Australia) but we have quite a few high profile actors who haven't given anything.

But good on to Australia! My family donated a whole bunch of money, I was happy to give up some of mine for them.

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