209 dead in bushfires in Victoria, Australia (update: death toll increase)

^ Maybe it was included in the general populations tally? Guess it's hard to know though.

$45.4 million now! :D
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I tried to make a donation many times, but there must be something wrong with my credit card because i can't make it.... i hope i can do it in the next few days...
but we have quite a few high profile actors who haven't given anything

You don't know that they haven't made any donations, perhaps they donated and didn't make a media fuss of it? :flower:

Keeping my fingers crossed that the current fires burning don't join together like they've predicted on the news. Lightning storms are creating fires between the two huge fronts, which could spell disaster again :cry:

So nice to see the Australian cricket team going to play cricket with the kids in the affected areas ^_^ And the 6 million raised at the game last night is just amazing :heart: I love that the players all donated their playing fees too.
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^ Thats what I thought to but I was talking to others and they said that if a celebrity had donated any sort of money it would have jumped right up. But maybe they have.

I hope it doesn't get any worse. :(
I wondering why all these big Australian actors haven't donated any money yet...
I'm 100% positive Cate has a spare million laying around at least. Same with Nicole and all the others.

It make me annoyed that $24.8 million is from the average Australian population ($10 million was from corporate Australia) but we have quite a few high profile actors who haven't given anything.

But good on to Australia! My family donated a whole bunch of money, I was happy to give up some of mine for them.

How do you know they haven't? Some people give freely without worrying about having thair names attached to it. Some people do things without being concerned about getting credit for doing them.
it's good to see that our Aussie members are not in harms way. lets keep it that way, shall we? :flower:

as for donations: it's amazing the money raised has escalated.
i'm sure Australian celebs have/or will donate...

justlooking: i gather with the emoticon smiley means Cate Blanchett and family is far away from the blazing fires? no? :)
Yes, Hunters Hill is in New South Wales, the fires are/were in Victoria, which is a different state...
$50 + million has been donated now :)

Ellen mentioned the bushfires on her show today which I thought was really sweet! She included the pic of the koala I emailed in but I'm sure other people probably emailed that too!
this is soo sad.i'm really disappointed that the mainstream media in America haven't done more to cover this story.My thoughts are with everyone in Australia.
^ Thanks :)

Oh really? Our news coverage here in Aus made it look like the story is splashed all over your media networks?
here in spain it's all days on the news... yesterday de main story was Sam the koala
this is soo sad.i'm really disappointed that the mainstream media in America haven't done more to cover this story.My thoughts are with everyone in Australia.
World News (ABC and NBC - i rarely watch CBS) in nyc shows it.. local news hardly...
the stimulus package is actually the top news and on going reports for the past weeks :doh:
^as it should be.

The package is going to directly affect the lives of Americans and the economy of the USA. It is more important news (for American media) than something that happens in a foreign country.
The Australia Unites telethon raised $21,502,485! :D Bringing the current tally to $77,202,485!!!!!!!! How amazing is that!!!!
^That is wonderful!

sYdneY-The evening news like Anderson Cooper did a 3 minute segment out of 2 hours!!! disgraceful. I had to go through all the channels to find little segments on it. Are you and your family well?:flower: I balled my butt off when i saw the koala. :cry:

Harumi-I stayed home all day(cause i was sick) and was watching CNN and it was on in there little top of the hours snippets. and ALL DAY was about the stimulus, I'm not saying it want important but they could have spared more than a few minutes.When anything happens to Britain it's covered because they are 'allies' well so is Australia and what if there are Aussies living here? and want to donate? this is not just some foreign country they had troops in Iraq and Afghanistan with the US. Sorry dear,if i sound a little emotional I just hate the hypocrisy of it.the media saying Oh hey Australia in war with us(in the beginning) and then when something bad happens to them it's treated like it's nothing.:( It just upsets me cause it comes off as, we dont care what happens to anyone else,it's about our needs etc. you know?
^ Ellen mentioned it again on her show today which I thought was really sweet :) She even encouraged people to donate and set up a link through the shows website!

My family & friends are all safe luckily, thanks for asking! I'm in the next state over and there are about 20 bushfires burning here but nothing like those in Victoria. It's been really upsetting for me too :( It's just so devestating!

Thanks for your support!
I so glad Ellen did that. It's good to hear you're alright. I was going to go to Australia but now it's been shelved for awhile.I heard it's arson. any suspects? anyone know more details?

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