62nd Venice Film Festival

I really like Helena's skirt :P its funky, she pulls it off!
Everytime I see Sienna Dressed up ( about twice now ) she looks so gorgeous I barely recognise her. It's way better then the 'child going thourhg mothers wardrobe and putting things together' thing she usually does
Love Sienna Miller in the Roland Mouret....esp the shoes :woot: I have been vying for those shoes all season!!
liberty33r1b said:
^oh my god, Valentino! what was he like? please tell more....

Well, my dad didn't go into too much detail, but he apparently looked just like the pictures! Overly tanned, the hair, the nice clothes... He was sitting at a table with two younger men and three ladies... As soon as my dad gets back I'll ask for more details (the phone kept on breaking up). For my father to recognize him, he MUST have looked just as we see him on TV and magazines...
Here are some of the pictures my dad sent me from the Venice Film Festival... these are all candid shots (credit: my dad!)...

The woman shopping he told me was Catherine Zeta-Jones... From the picture it doesn't look like her, but he says it was her and she didn't look ANYTHING like the pictures. According to him, he says she isn't that pretty but is very thin.

The man in the green hat is HEATH LEDGER (there is a picture of him at a press event on page 1 I believe of this forum... he is wearing the same outfit, but holding the green hat in his hand.)

The woman with the bangs I believe to be Monica Bellucci.

The remaining three pictures I don't know who they are... The guys in the suits might just be bodyguards, and the blonde guy I have no clue. If anyone knows who they are, please let me know! (Also, if you think I have misidentified someone, let me know as well!!!)
wow, cool that your dad has seen them! I've been to venice last year by the time of the festivals but I saw no-one. maybe the king of spain, but I'm not sure.
Calista Flockhart looks less anorexic now, she looks healthy and actually beautiful imo.
kate_is_goddess said:
wow, cool that your dad has seen them! I've been to venice last year by the time of the festivals but I saw no-one. maybe the king of spain, but I'm not sure.

The thing that bothers me is that I can recognize pretty much anyone... and since my dad isn't into these things, he probably missed out on taking a lot of pictures! It's funny that he told me he had taken a picture of "some guy who is in a tv show"... he didn't know which show or his name. I think that that guy might have been Heath Ledger! Hahahah
Renee Zellweger at the photocall for 'Cinderella Man' (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
Renee Zellweger, Russell Crowe & wife Danielle attend the premiere of 'Cinderella Man'. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
^ahh Elijah is there! :D Of course he wouldn't wear a suit jacket lol I hope he and Orlando meet up and get pics taken together cause I wanna see! :P :P :P
more than Catherine Zeta Jones, she seems to me SAlma Hayek..
I can't wait to see "Proof"! I :heart: :heart: Anthony Hopkins and Gwyneth P. Is she at the festival, since the rest of the cast is there?

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