84th Annual Academy Awards (2012) #2

What's with the leg? :huh:.. that should be the job of the dress, not your [vulgar] pose.
Well hello sexy Mama!!!!

Loved the "original girl with a dragon tattoo" note.
Angelina, lol, she goofed it, but she stuck that leg out!

Best adapted screenplay: The Descendants
^ That was hysterical

is that the dean!!!???

Edit: it was him!! made me love him more
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Yeah I think this is the first time ever Angelina has ever been not sexy. It's quite weird.
Haha, love how they called her out for how ridiculous she was posing. Is she on prozac?
Predicted The Descendants even if I'm complete opposed to that.

MUAHAHAHAHAH that bald guy impersonating Angelina was brilliant.
Kirsten Wig? (spelling is off i know i know)

Oops nope, The Woodster!! - most screenplay awards and nominations in the history of the Academies. He is a great writer, love him or not.
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Original Screenplay noms are so tough! Congrats for Woody, loved the idea of the film.
BOO I loved Midnight in Paris but I really wanted Bridesmaids to win.

PS Woo for Reese's shoutout for Overboard. Love that movie. Goldie and Kurt :heart:

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