Alber Elbaz - Designer

There's not much going for Lanvin without Alber. I always thought "the day Alber leaves is the day that business dies." I highly doubt she'll get the price she wants for that company without Alber there. Things must have been worse than we thought.

As for Lucas, he's also a remarkable talent. I doubt he'll stay at Lanvin unless he wants to do the women's as well. Otherwise, I could see him and Alber moving over to Dior and usher in a golden age for the house. If I were Arnault I would be using every resource available to secure those two.
Wow, this is all just too much to take in one week! I never would have imagined. What next? Karl exits Chanel to pursue bead making in Cambodia? Nothing can surprise me any more after this!

I thought his latest collection was sublime. I really liked it and I have always found him to be consistent and true to himself. I wonder who could possibly replace him. I don't think I'd want to see him at Dior however, Schiaparelli is without a designer (?) and I think he would be great there.
There's not much going for Lanvin without Alber. I always thought "the day Alber leaves is the day that business dies." I highly doubt she'll get the price she wants for that company without Alber there. Things must have been worse than we thought.

As for Lucas, he's also a remarkable talent. I doubt he'll stay at Lanvin unless he wants to do the women's as well. Otherwise, I could see him and Alber moving over to Dior and usher in a golden age for the house. If I were Arnault I would be using every resource available to secure those two.

No kidding. First she sells off the perfume business, then she jacks up the asking price, and to put the cherry on top, fires Alber. I hope she likes owning Lanvin, what there is left of it ...

I liked his statement--very graceful.

No one has mentioned the possibility of Alber creating his own label. But I'm not sure his stake will automatically get cashed out as at a large house. If it did, he would undoubtedly be able to do that--and maybe he can even without that infusion. He's already got a built-in business partner ... But perhaps if he really wanted to, he would have already.

I'm wondering if Balenciaga might be a nice fit for Alber. Of course, the brilliant minds that hired Alexander Wang probably don't share my vision for the house ... :rolleyes:
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Wow, this is all just too much to take in one week! I never would have imagined. What next? Karl exits Chanel to pursue bead making in Cambodia? Nothing can surprise me any more after this!

I thought his latest collection was sublime. I really liked it and I have always found him to be consistent and true to himself. I wonder who could possibly replace him. I don't think I'd want to see him at Dior however, Schiaparelli is without a designer (?) and I think he would be great there.

You make an excellent point about Schiaparelli. However, there have been some good designs there and very little promotion or availability. I don't recall who owns it?

It's a catch-22 ... maybe he's ready for a turn with one of the big conglomerates now that he's experienced the downside of an eccentric owner?
One thing I've been wondering all day: I think Alber would be a good fit for Dior, and a lot of people mentioned him. However, from the article that was posted it doesn't seem to be a decision that everybody involved has been thinking or known about for weeks or even months. Rather, it seems to be an ad hoc decision. Of course we don't know that for sure, but the fact that the people working at Lanvin only learned about Alber's exit today and the fact that there was some kind of disagreement involved makes it very likely that Alber only decided to leave a couple of days or maybe a week ago or so.

On the other hand, we know that Raf's decided to leave somewhen in summer. At this point, the Dior execs have known about it for at least three months I'd say.
So let's just say Alber at Dior is real, that would either mean that the whole disagreement thing is not as important and that Alber actually knows already that he's headed to Dior (and in this case, the offer from Dior would probably have been the reason for him to leave in the first place) or it would mean that after three months of debating and searching, Dior still hasn't found anybody to replace Raf. Which seems unlikely to me, since according to Mutterlein, Dior let him go, so they weren't unprepared and certainly had somebody in mind for the brand.

One thing I've been wondering all day: I think Alber would be a good fit for Dior, and a lot of people mentioned him. However, from the article that was posted it doesn't seem to be a decision that everybody involved has been thinking or known about for weeks or even months. Rather, it seems to be an ad hoc decision. Of course we don't know that for sure, but the fact that the people working at Lanvin only learned about Alber's exit today and the fact that there was some kind of disagreement involved makes it very likely that Alber only decided to leave a couple of days or maybe a week ago or so.

On the other hand, we know that Raf's decided to leave somewhen in summer. At this point, the Dior execs have known about it for at least three months I'd say.
So let's just say Alber at Dior is real, that would either mean that the whole disagreement thing is not as important and that Alber actually knows already that he's headed to Dior (and in this case, the offer from Dior would probably have been the reason for him to leave in the first place) or it would mean that after three months of debating and searching, Dior still hasn't found anybody to replace Raf. Which seems unlikely to me, since according to Mutterlein, Dior let him go, so they weren't unprepared and certainly had somebody in mind for the brand.


I think Alber's discontent has been building for some time. He has been making those remarks about clothes looking good on camera for awhile now, and it seems this was one of the pressure points at Lanvin (perhaps dating to the new person coming onboard??). So in that sense I don't think it's sudden. I am also suspecting (with of course nothing to back this up) that the 'decision' he references may have been made in response to an ultimatum. Would you like to invest in the business as per xyz, or would you like to accept my resignation?

Is it true, though, that Dior let Raf go? I was under the impression that everything was smooth sailing, and that he meant it when he said he was leaving to give more time to his personal life and interests. Didn't he make the kind of statement (with all kinds of nice things to say about his bosses) that would only be made by someone leaving voluntarily?
Is it true, though, that Dior let Raf go? I was under the impression that everything was smooth sailing, and that he meant it when he said he was leaving to give more time to his personal life and interests. Didn't he make the kind of statement (with all kinds of nice things to say about his bosses) that would only be made by someone leaving voluntarily?

It's a public statement. There's nothing candid about it. There's always a level of deception and making nicey-nice. Who knows, six to eight months from now we could be getting Raf and Alber tell-alls in System magazine. :lol:
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If you've been fired, there's little reason to make nice about your former boss. You notice that Alber said nothing at all about his.
I don't know if it's true, but Mutterlein seemed very well informed and she commented that they let him go and somebody else sneaked him up.

Something like an ultimatum makes sense to me. Also, I didn't want to say that it was out of the blue, I don't think that anybody would give up his job just because of some minor disagreement, it seems more like there was some 'icing to the cake' which made him leave, but that decision itself felt a bit sudden from the article.
Alber was dismissed, this is official. Google it.

Now, this doesn't mean mean he didn't push Wang into this decision. It doesn't mean mean he is not happy he was dismissed. And it doesn't mean this wasn't a decision that was decided a long time ago and that Alber doesn't have another job waiting for him.

Basically, it's useless for us to try and figure out unless you know more from a direct source. These firings and hirings are so incredibly complicated full of legal complications. These big companies are in a constant search for talent. It's how they stay alive. People move even more frequently than this, but it's only these top names that you hear about.

I have no gossip on Alber. Like most I'm surprised but not shocked. And like most I'm happy to see Alber move on. I'm eager to see what his talent can do for someone else, if not himself.

And BTW, Raf was not technically fired. His contract ran out. Christian Dior decided not renew it. They want to try the brand with someone else. It was the same situation with Alexander Wang at Balenciaga. Fair enough.

Dior probably let Raf know quite some time ago and let him look for work elsewhere. Usually big companies like this prefer to handle changes in talent smoothly like this. It's better for everyone. And I applaud them for Raf's graceful exit.

Who knows if Alber was afforded the same notice. Given his involvement in the business end and the growing tension, he probably knew his departure was happening sooner than later.

Now here is where the intrigue begins:

Did LVMH know Alber was going to leave Lanvin? Where they in already talks?

If they didn't, are they interested now?

This is all just my own speculation. But this is how the business works. Lots of questions and I'm sure none of these brands are happy they are being asked on a public online message board.
Even though his last few collections were not very remarkable and started to get stale, I adored Alber at Lanvin:heart:. I am really sad about him leaving the house. However, I feel pretty safe for Alber and hope he will end up being in a great company, but I am not sure what will happen with Lanvin:(. Fashion has become too dynamic for me
One thing I've been wondering all day: I think Alber would be a good fit for Dior, and a lot of people mentioned him. However, from the article that was posted it doesn't seem to be a decision that everybody involved has been thinking or known about for weeks or even months. Rather, it seems to be an ad hoc decision. Of course we don't know that for sure, but the fact that the people working at Lanvin only learned about Alber's exit today and the fact that there was some kind of disagreement involved makes it very likely that Alber only decided to leave a couple of days or maybe a week ago or so.

On the other hand, we know that Raf's decided to leave somewhen in summer. At this point, the Dior execs have known about it for at least three months I'd say.
So let's just say Alber at Dior is real, that would either mean that the whole disagreement thing is not as important and that Alber actually knows already that he's headed to Dior (and in this case, the offer from Dior would probably have been the reason for him to leave in the first place) or it would mean that after three months of debating and searching, Dior still hasn't found anybody to replace Raf.
Which seems unlikely to me, since according to Mutterlein, Dior let him go, so they weren't unprepared and certainly had somebody in mind for the brand.


Elbaz will go to Dior.

When i saw title on BoF "Alber Elbaz Leaving Lanvin, Label Confirms" frst what i thought was " Elbaz will go to Dior"

an then to read:
Business of posted:
"Elbaz’s exit from Lanvin places him in prime position for the post of artistic director of Dior, left open by the departure of Raf Simons last week."

PARIS, France — Alber Elbaz is stepping down from his position as the creative director of Lanvin after 14 years in the job, a spokesperson for the label has confirmed to BoF. The Israeli designer, who joined the brand in 2001, was responsible for transforming the once-ailing French couture house into a well-developed, global luxury label with his playful and feminine designs.

The break between Elbaz and the brand is said to have followed disagreements between the designer and Lanvin’s owner Shaw-Lan Wang and chief executive Michèle Huiban, though minutes after this report was published, the brand’s official Instagram account posted an image of the designer with actress Meryl Streep at Fashion Group International's Night of Stars with the caption: “We love you Alber!"

Lanvin employees were summoned to a company-wide meeting in Paris this afternoon to discuss the news, while members of Elbaz’s design team were informed of the decision earlier this morning.

It is widely reported that Elbaz has a stake of 10 percent or greater in Lanvin, which has no doubt played a role in keeping the designer at the house for 14 years. But the report of Elbaz’s departure casts doubt as to whether this was enough to retain him.

In 2014, Lanvin had estimated revenues of 250 million euros (about $321 million) but the brand’s once-rapid growth has slowed and it is widely believed that the label needs additional support — such as that offered by a major luxury group — to take the business to the next level. However, market sources say owner Shaw-Lan Wang is demanding too high a price, which may have frustrated Elbaz.

Nonetheless, Elbaz will surely receive a significant payout from Lanvin, echoing Nicholas Ghesquière's departure from Balenciaga in 2012. Ghesquière received $42.3 million for the sale of his 10 percent stake in the business.

Elbaz’s exit from Lanvin places him in prime position for the post of artistic director of Dior, left open by the departure of Raf Simons last week.

Updated 7:00 pm GMT on 28 October, 2015:

It has emerged that Alber Elbaz was discharged from his position as creative director of Lanvin at what the designer, in a statement, called "the decision of the company's majority shareholder," referring to Lanvin’s owner Shaw-Lan Wang.

The complete statement, signed by Elbaz, reads:

"At this time of my departure from Lanvin on the decision of the company’s majority shareholder, I wish to express my gratitude and warm thoughts to all those who have worked with me passionately on the revival of Lanvin over the last 14 years; express my affection to all my wonderful colleagues in the Lanvin ateliers who accompanied me, and who enriched and supported my work. Together we have met the creative challenge presented by Lanvin and have restored its radiance and have returned it to its rightful position among France’s absolute luxury fashion houses.

"I also wish to express my profound and deepest gratitude to all of the clients and friends, to the French and international press and to all those business partners who collaborated with Lanvin, providing us with support since 2001."

"I wish the house of Lanvin the future it deserves among the best French luxury brands, and hope that it finds the business vision it needs to engage in the right way forward."

Official Statment
Alber Elbaz: "I Hope that Lanvin Finds the Business Vision it Needs"

In a personal statement, Alber Elbaz has confirmed he is stepping down from his position as the creative director of Lanvin after 14 years.

Source :

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Suzy Menkes' Instagram feed makes for interesting reading this morning. She's determined he was well and truly pushed out and isn't afraid to be announcing it to everyone it seems.
He did SO MUCH for Lanvin!! Sad to see him leave, but he will most likely still end up at Dior or Givenchy! He is FAR from burned out :rolleyes: the man has pure talent, and so much more to give. Excited for his future!

Oh I very much agree with you!! The man's got heaps of talent. I'm not bothered by this departure (sacking?) at all. Whether or not his last few collections were stale, he left an impressive mark on that house in his own way.

Hoping for Balenciaga or maybe Dior, but he'd be a perfect fit at Givenchy too. That would mean that Tisci has to go somewhere, and that's worrying for me.

Now if only this this shake-up trend carries over to magazines.....God knows we can do with a few pink slips over there.
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Yeah Tisci should just stay at Givenchy until he realizes he's making boring clothes and that he should redefine who his muses are.
Suzy Menkes' Instagram feed makes for interesting reading this morning. She's determined he was well and truly pushed out and isn't afraid to be announcing it to everyone it seems.

I'll read ( didn't read till now)
I'm sure Suzy Menkes writes the truth.

There were some "Problems" between Elbaz and Lanvin owner Shaw-Lan Wang. Elbaz has or had? a stake of 10 percent in Lanvin. Shaw-Lan Wang was not too happy about it. ( i readed some articles in last hours) , than MRS. Wang brought Jason Wu to seat near her in the front row of Lanvin-Elbaz Show in 2012. The journalists were sure he will take a place of Elbaz but Wu told that he is privat there, something as that he never saw Lanvin Show before and only wanted to see it.

In this Point i wish Elbaz at the helm of Dior.
it would mean that after three months of debating and searching, Dior still hasn't found anybody to replace Raf. Which seems unlikely to me, since according to Mutterlein, Dior let him go, so they weren't unprepared and certainly had somebody in mind for the brand.


It did take them quite a while to find someone after Galliano so I don't think they would hesistate with taking their time. Especially since I think they want a better match than Raf.

Suzy Menkes' Instagram feed makes for interesting reading this morning. She's determined he was well and truly pushed out and isn't afraid to be announcing it to everyone it seems.

She's certainly not holding back!
I don't know if it's true, but Mutterlein seemed very well informed and she commented that they let him go and somebody else sneaked him up.

Something like an ultimatum makes sense to me. Also, I didn't want to say that it was out of the blue, I don't think that anybody would give up his job just because of some minor disagreement, it seems more like there was some 'icing to the cake' which made him leave, but that decision itself felt a bit sudden from the article.

No one is debating Alber's status. You referred to Dior letting someone go.

Yes, Raf's contract was up, but isn't it just as likely that he told them he didn't want it renewed?

Off to read Suzy ...

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