Alec Baldwin's Threatening Message to Daughter


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May 20, 2005
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The festering bad blood between movie-star exes Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger erupted Thursday when an angry phone message from Baldwin to his daughter was made public. On the recording, Baldwin can be heard admonishing his 11-year-old, Ireland, "You are a rude, thoughtless little pig."

"You don't have the brains or the decency as a human being," he says, apparently upset that she did not answer her phone for a planned call.

"I don't give a damn that you're 12 years old, or 11 years old, or that you're a child, or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the *** who doesn't care about what you do as far as I'm concerned. You have humiliated me for the last time with this phone."

He goes on to say that he plans to fly from New York to Los Angeles "for the day just to straighten you out on this issue."

The recording was published by celebrity news site, which said that the call was placed on April 11.

Baldwin's spokesman said in a statement Thursday that the 49-year-old actor will be "keeping his mouth shut and obeying court orders" in the best interest of the child.

"The mother and her lawyer leaked this sealed material in violation of a court order," he continued. "Although Alec acknowledges that he should have used different language in parenting his child, everyone who knows him privately knows what he has been put through for the past six years."

Calls to Basinger's attorneys were not returned. Her spokeswoman also did not return calls. Baldwin's attorney also did not return a call seeking comment.

Baldwin and Basinger, 53, were married in 1993. They have been involved in prolonged legal disputes over custody and other issues since she filed for divorce in 2001, which was granted in 2002. The couple's differences have been aired several times in public.

Basinger was charged with contempt of court in October for violating terms of a 2004 custody agreement. A motion by her lawyers to dismiss the charges was denied Wednesday in Los Angeles Superior Court.

and link to TMZ with actual phone message:

I feel so bad for Ireland being caught in the middle of her parents feud still, after all of these years. The message Alec left her was terrible but I think Kim manipulates the situation so bad. He took his anger out at the wrong person, unfortunately. Neither are great parents at this point; he has anger issues and she is obsessed with keeping Ireland for herself. That girl is going to be so screwed up when she's older, if she isn't already.
I don't know why I always end up reading gossip about this man :wacko: , but ever since I started, I can't even find him funny anymore, I keep watching his annoying SNL appearances with the evil eyes one would only give to a new neighbour. :ninja:
Alec Baldwin: Still Can't Shut Up


Big Gay Al just can't stop insulting his wife and daughter. His spokesquack released this statement to Extra, just hours ago:

"In the best interest of the child, Alec will do what the mother is pathologically incapable of doing...keeping his mouth shut and obeying the court order. The mother and her lawyer leaked this sealed material in violation of a court order. Although Alec acknowledges that he should have used different language in parenting his child, everyone who knows him privately knows what he has been put through for the past six years."

Since when does parenting = abusive language and threats of violence? He needs to hire Simon Cowell's rep.

(source: ONTD & & image from

^ I never liked Alec and now I can see why. He's all kinds of classy. :rolleyes: :yuk:
that poor little girl, shes going to have to go through so much therapy!
Personally, I'm never sure it's really love until I get called a rude, thoughtless little pig. After that I know I've won a special place in my new Daddy's secret heart. I scrub and scrub till I am clean.

It's so much better than when he ignores me completely. A girl can only hold her breath so long. I'm awaiting correction, Daddy. I've been a bad, bad girl.:rolleyes:

It's all kinda typical female subservient psychosexual development, ennit? A heaping great lot of women are raised with similar crap from their fathers. I wasn't all that much: "dingbat" was my father's harshest pejorative, but it hurt nonetheless, because when he used it, it was deserved and true.

I mean, I had me an Irish boyfriend who called me a dirty wh*re, thinking it'd make me all feisty and get me to do his washing up, but hearing the words in a Galway lilt, ya durty hoor, just made me burst out laughing. I can play that game, but not that seriously.

I figure the Baldwin kid has figured how to play her Daddy well enough, rude thoughtless little pig or not. She'll have a glamorous and sexy future ahead of her, I'm sure. There are so many men to please.
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Sounds pretty much standard for parent/child. You haven't lived until your parents are kicking you out of the house/taking all your money/shopping you to the police.
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I'm shocked...what can a 11yrs old do to deserve that...
I'm so happy I got wonderful parents.
Both Alec and Kim have put their daughter in the middle of their squabbles time and time again. I wouldn't even doubt it if Kim leaked the audio of this phone call on the net. I hope they are both very satisfied now that they have (most likely) completely screwed up and humiliated an 11 year old girl. Alec's career was on the mend with "30 Rock", and you know what, I hope the show continues to do well because he will need the pay for his daughter's therapy bills!
Yes lots and lots of therapy in store for her..
That's just terrible!!! If I were her, 11 or 12 or 52, I'd have told him to come down and show me what he's made of, quit speaking tough on the phone.. What an a$#!! Talk about pigs! :lol:
It's sad the Kim and Alec keep putting thier daughter in the middle of their mess BUT is this so shocking? I've been called (and felt) worse (and yes at age 11). Parents today try to be the kids best friend- it's nice to see a parent tell their kids what's what and draw some clear boundaries.
Squirrel Bait--that's also what my father called me. Dingbat and Squirrel Bait--usually in the form of, "Where did you squirrel bait kids put my_____?" and "Don't touch that soldering iron, dingbat!" But he left my mom to do all the correcting and disciplining.

When I was really bad, as I was Wonder Woman, I'd have my brother play Nazi & tie me up with this giant spool of orange thread we had hanging around the house. Smart boy knew even then to tie my legs together.

So to this day, I'm not really sure I'm loved unless some guy who looks like my dad verbally abuses me with particularly gentle and silly names; a loudmouthed lady like my mom beats me--not too hard--with a section of Hot Wheels track; then someone brotherly ties me up, caterpillar-style, with a spindle of orange thread. Ah, sweet release.

Rich movie star kids got it easy. This Baldwin kid will just need some guy to be mean to her on the phone.
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true poppy, but i do think there's a happy medium between wanting to be your child's best friend and calling them a rude, thoughtless little pig.
I agree with PrinceofCats and Poppy. The conversation wasn't THAT outragous. The crappy part is that it's been leaked. I feel sorry for the little girl, but at least she can afford therapy... there are many other little girls (and boys) that are in a worse position.
Hes just a jack-*** seriously. "I dont care if you are 12 or -- whatever"
He's a jerk and always will be. Poor daughter of his, to have to take verbal harassments like that. I hope Kim has a stronger case now because of this.
Gosh, I wonder who leaked this to the media?:rolleyes:
Could you imagine having portions of your private conversations with family members leaked for the whole world to hear? My parents have said worse to me and vice versa, but I don't think they were bad parents. It doesn't change my opinion of him. He's funny and talented on 30 Rock and this situation should have been kept a private family matter.
Golden_butterfly said:
I'm shocked...what can a 11yrs old do to deserve that...
I'm so happy I got wonderful parents.

Seriously, feel blessed every day, not everyone is so lucky.

Rude, thoughtless little pig isn't so bad, where I'm from. She's a bit young though. But then kids are maturing faster these days.

The worst thing my father ever said to me (to my face, he's a master at saying the most horrible things behind your back, in the hopes they'll get back to you, and then he can deny it, ever the victim) was a casual "You want your mother around your children? Don't you think she'll ruin them the way she ruined mine?" Rocked my world and destroyed my heart on so many levels - so much worse than the usual profanity, direct insults, and occasional punches and kicks. My siblings and I are ruined, and our beloved mother, the only one that's ever really been there for us in life, who's tried so hard to stop his destruction, is to blame.

I've always envied Daddy's Girls. What must it be like, to be unconditionally loved and protected and fought for - not viewed as a possession, property to be controlled and sold and thrown away when you're not perfect, worshipping arm candy any more. Sometimes I want that so bad it makes me shake and want to throw up. Other times hate them for their security and happiness, and wish all men were dead, or at least not allowed to be around their children, damaging them.

Alec's pathetic, but he's not unusual.
MulletProof said:
I don't know why I always end up reading gossip about this man :wacko: , but ever since I started, I can't even find him funny anymore, I keep watching his annoying SNL appearances with the evil eyes one would only give to a new neighbour. :ninja:

that's so true. i was just watching a classic clip with him on SNL for the delicious dish sketch(though ana and molly were the funniest thing about it)...

i dunno,he's gone insane and completely over the line. i'm sorry but calling one's child a "pig" and then going on to insulting her mother like that for her to hear is beyond outrageous and stupid....and verges on the line of mental and emotional abuse.

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