love love love Alice in this video:
deboradematos: thanks for the translation

can you translate some from this?
You're welcome
In this second video, her aunt, Patrícia Vieira said that Alice got there, saw the clothes and said 'I like it, I like it' and usually she would get there and say 'too old, too boring'.
She also said that it's the first time Alice walks for her and she kinda honored that collection to Alice (and some other people). Patrícia said she's really proud of her niece and because of Alice's authenticity.
They were at Alice's house doing the fitting and Alice simply got up and went for a walk, out of nowhere. And they asked her if there was a party or something and she said no, I'll just walk.
She loved the collection and thought it was very her.
Patrícia said that Alice was her inspiration, and she used to say that her clothes were boring and looked old, then Alice said that it's younger but now she's also old so she's gonna wear it.
Alice turned to her aunt and said "This (the dress) is mine, right?" and Patrícia said yes, so Alice jokes and said "Thanks, so now I'm gonna go and choose more clothes (the part when she threatens to leave).
She says she's tired and then hugs her aunt.
Patrícia said that Alice made her see fashion in a different way, Alice kinda suprised said "Yeah?!".
Alice says she's lucky of having an aunt like that, a great sister (then I couldn't hear)
The interviewer asks what's her favorite piece from her wardrobe and Alice says now it's that dress she's wearing. And she already ordered a white one.
Then she asked if she travels with big suitcases and she said never, that her father taught her to be like that, not carry a lot of luggage. She hates the airport and have to wait in line.
The next question is how many bikinis she brought to Rio and Alice said two.
Then the lady said Alice did a fantastic topless yesterday, and she's like "you saw it?" and starts laughing kinda embarrassed and covers her breasts.
I could notice that she kinda struggles with portuguese, which is totally understandable since she hasn't been living here in so many years.