Andrea Casiraghi

Taking the kids to school in Kensington, March 5th, 2018

Source: via Iceflower on The Royal Forums
Flashback time

Andrea Casiraghi and Caroline Sieber in 2002/2003




Caroline Sieber is one of the most stylish women on the fashion scene today. She is married to Fritz von Westenholz and hangs out with the flashy crowd like Lauren Santo Domingo. See her thread here:

At the time that she was dating Andrea, the press thought her name was "von Stauffenberg." Eternal mystery! :rolleyes:

Source of the pictures is ¡Hola! (dot com) via wayback machine
ears later, after he was married with children, he went to Madrid to get an MBA at the appropriately-named Instituto de Empresa (business institute). Again operating in sync with family members, he chose the same business school as his other stepbrother, Prince Christian Heinrich.

I think he never went to study in Madrid, it was only a rumour.
Hi chewsteraghi, thanks for the old photos. I wish that site was still up. Here is Andrea & family at this year’s national day in Monaco, from Instagram
I saw this guy that looked like Andrea on his heyday yesterday, so it got me wondering what Andrea looks like now, and :spiraleyes:.. holy s*t, the man is only 38 and he looks 61 now. I know plenty of people in the 30-45 category and sure, the pandemic ran over some of them but not like this!


Honestly, these before-and-after pictures is what they should print on the boxes of cigarettes, not the gruesome ones no one cares about.. say no to cigarettes! :skull:

Can’t just be smoking that’s aging him… (Although anyone pushing 40, it’s really time to give up that habit.)

He’s one of these types that have tissue-paper-thin skin. And unfortunate for many of European descent, it’s not uncommon. They’ll look great in their 20s— but when they’re pushing 40, theiy start to shrivel up, prune up with the skin of cigarette ashes, and really do look like they’re pushing 60. That, and the unfortunate genetic inheritance of fine hair also means that these men will likely be plagued with male-pattern baldness by this age also— if not sooner. (…Now, Germanic and Norwegian men on the other hand…)
^ Yeah, I'm sure it's partly the dad's genetics (the Grimaldi gene strikes me as more time resistant lol). I actually think baldness can look refreshing, it's this thing what screams defeat:
hair copy.jpg
(cute when you're 20, not so cute when you're pushing 40!)

I poorly researched the situation here (by, going as far as the previous page in this thread :rofllaughing:) and it looks like.. he doesn't really do anything all day? so I guess it's the cigarettes, but also a weird sleep pattern plus the netflix and chill lifestyle haha.

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