Andrea Casiraghi

Well, let's see:
In the interview, Andrea says that he finished his studies of politcal sciences in NY, and now he is currently living in Paris, where he works, in the embassy (sp?) of Qatar, he says he has organized events for that country, related to the culture and sports.
Apparently, he is working there since last summer.
They ask him about Tatiana, and he says that even though she doesn't form part of Fondation Motrice Stuff, she colaborates because they are both interested in helping people.
'What could you tell us about Miss Tatiana Santo Domingo?' they ask. "She is an excepcional young woman' was the answer.

The interviewer says that he is quite shy and doesn't give interviews very often. Andrea said that is true, and he only gives interviews about things that he considers important, as is the case for Fondation Motrice.

Finally, he says that he is very involved in the activities of the Principality, and that he tries to be in Monaco as much as possible, and that he admires his uncle, the Sovereign Prince.
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^thank you!
He couldnt be any more perfect. ♥♥♥♥♥
^you're right about the photoshop. she looks too good to be true

why did they photograph tatiana if he dosn't talk much about her in it? does she say anything in the interview?
Actually, she says nothing in the interview. And when Andrea is asked about her, he says that she is an 'exceptional young woman' and that's it. There's another tricky question about her at the Fondation Motrice, but he says that Tatiana is as much interested as him so she helps a little. He doesn't talk too much about their relationship. In fact, he doesn't.
For me, she appears in the photoshoot for the image. Andrea is most likely to be heir and he needs something to reforce that image and uses Tatiana. Something that Albert couldn't sell with Charlene.
I agree, Vangie. Andrea needs .... for lack of another word... he needs a "consort," so to speak. He's coming out as his mother's protege, so he needs to project an image of being "responsible." Again, I can't think of a better way to say what I mean. The classy steady girlfriend, with a clean image and who is discreet and supportive, is a good accompaniment to this image that he seems to be forming of himself. Andrea and Tatiana have a lot going for them image-wise. He looks great for having committed himself to this woman for as long as he has. She looks great for having never done anything embarrassing, and because she blends into his family very well. She and Charlotte act like sisters for so long already. Caroline treats her like a real daughter. I know, here I go again. I love to run in with my thoughts. I just like them a lot. I know Caroline is proud of him and she has for very long been wanting to urge him into the role of Monaco's heir presumptive. In many ways, I like it. It's a seductive idea. I feel bad for Albert's kids, but then, I have always been partial to the Casiraghis. :p

Thank You for the scans! will karma (if I can)
^Hehe, I know. I would like to see Andrea in the throne someday. I don't know if his consort will be Tatiana, wich is most likely to be, but I agree that he needs her for the image. Does he want to be the heir? I don't know. But I don't think so. I mean, it's like he has no problem in being the heir, but if he could chose, he'd go for living his own life, and that would be, no throne. But it's my opinion, I don't really know.
As Chewsteraghi said, it looks more like Caroline wants him to be Monaco's heir presumptive. She is somehow preparing him to the role. We can see how proud is she in the scans.
Bal de la Rose, (Rose Ball) March 27th, 2010:




His haircut is really growing on me. He looked so cute at the Ball! And are those roses on his shoes? I know he has skull and cross bone ones, but these look like roses. Perfect for the Rose Ball. :D
Apparently they are roses. That's what I read in another forum. Perfect for the Rose Ball like you said :)
Two pics I found from his holidays in Zurs:

why can't andrea ever wear a suit that fits his frame. there is no reason for him to have shoulder on his suit.

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