Angelina Jolie Had a Double Mastectomy

having one of the sexiest woman talking openly about it is fantastic.
if it can encourage just one woman to check, it would have been worth it.
I command on her courage as we know how Hollywood is with woman.
And best of luck
I've read that this procedure is very costly especially for women not of her stature. I don't know how much this procedure costs or whether it's covered by insurance, covered by gov health schemes, or the cost differences in different countries. Anyone have an idea?

It is a costly procedure, but as a medical specialist explained on CNN this morning, only women with cancer in their family should test for it. It's apparently a very rare gene to carry, only about 3 to 5% of women have it. So while it's recommended that all women do their mammograms, not every woman needs to have this test done.
It is a costly procedure, but as a medical specialist explained on CNN this morning, only women with cancer in their family should test for it. It's apparently a very rare gene to carry, only about 3 to 5% of women have it. So while it's recommended that all women do their mammograms, not every woman needs to have this test done.

Unfortunately, not everyone has their father's identity right.

Anyway, hopefully genetic tests will be quite cheap in the next ten years or so.
I know I am not alone in wishing that there were as much attention paid to afflictions like breast cancer - including the male variety - and other forms of cancer as is paid to HIV/AIDS and I think it is wonderful that Jolie wrote about her situation. As a journalist and editor, I have consistently found myself blocked when making this point in the past at editorial meetings because "cancer scares people" or, and I kid you not, "it's another c-word and we don't want to turn readers off...".

Not that focusing on HIV is a bad thing in terms of raising money for medical research but unless you are unlucky enough to contract it from blood transfusions, dirty needles or an infected parent, there are simple preventative measures that greatly reduce the risks whereas cancer can and does strike people who live the healthiest of lifestyles.

I know this might seem judgemental in tone but it really isn't intended to be. Truth can be harsh, which is why so many people shy away from it. As far as illnesses like cancer and HIV are concerned, as long as there is no cure, the medical trade will make shiploads of money selling expensive drugs and treatments that certainly prolong life in many cases - when was the last time someone you know in the developed world, in your social circles, actually died of AIDS? - but Jolie seems to have decided to opt out of that game by her actions, which are probably disturbing to a lot of people. But she doesn't come across as a nutter so she is probably very, very brave.
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To be honest most of Angelina "philanthropic" projects leave me cold, but this is something else.
She's going to be make a massive difference by coming out with her story, this is the perfect example of someone using the power of celebrity to the greater good. She gets all my respect.

I knew a family that all female elements, without exception, died of breast or ovarian cancer, most of them never got to see 50, this is simply the reality of this disease. The fact that Angelina decided to share her decision, will definitely encourage people to take action and discover what options are available out there.
What's interesting about Jolie's op-ed piece is that it's so well-informed, even mentioning that her type of family cancer history is one of those rare varieties that can be genetically tested for. It was informative rather than emotional.

Although the test is 3 thousand dollars (because Myriad has an ethical patent on this gene!) more insurance companies are covering it. It's just that genetic testing isn't very popular and many doctors ignore it as being of any value. To be fair, most genetic testing is worthless, revealing very little about your fate. But there are a few tests such as for the BRCA mutation that are actually very important signifiers for a person's potential fate.

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