Kylie Minogue diagnosed with Cancer

I hate cancer... :( so sad....

I hope everyting will work out fine for her! all my love and best wishes to Kylie...:heart: :heart:
Ok i know this is going to sound mean but, i think the world has totally over reacted to this news. Ok so shes ill, very ill. but today on uk news they had the president of australia issuing a speech, and a half hour piece on it. Every channel nearly has pieces on this. If i was kylie i woudlnt want this happening. And if i had breast cancer id be slightly offended as if everyone else with cancer didnt matter. I know threee people who have breast cancer and 6 people that have had it, so im all for awaeness etc. but i dont know its just all abit like we only care about famouse people with breast cancer. I think its one step to far the prime minister issuing a speech. Ok i know how i feel but im having trouble writing it down so i hope this makes sense. Ok maybe its just me but do they realise millions of other people have it too, its not some rare disease. I wish her all the best, and hope she gets better soon. Its sad for her to get it at such a young age.
Are you serious? The Prime Minister issuing a statement on Kylie's health? Do they even know each other personally or anything? That's really strange.
Australia doesn't have a president , it has a Governor General . B)
^^i thought it was Prime Minister..??
anyway...good luck to Kylie. I'm really shocked by this news.
:heart: I wish Kylie a quick recovery. I hope it's true that this is an early stage.

I've seen this close around me. Three too young women who died of this f****** dissease. One who's fighting like hell to defeat it at the moment. And another brave one who is now [still] free of the killing cancer cells and has lost both her breasts. And don't want to have fake breasts! She's so brave. She said when you see the dead so near by this is just trivial. I'm still alive and can take care of my child. She has an 8 year old daughter.

Take care girls. Check reguraly. And donate please for [Breast] Cancer Research. Cause we have to realise we do this not only for others, but also for our loved ones and most of all for all of us!! :important :kiss:
kikowwjd said:
she is SO NOT that kind of a woman...:blink:

are you a moron? she has been a breast cancer advocate for years, she has travelled to East Timor to boost morale and done a great deal more. I bet more then you can say youve done!
actually she issued a statement that the ssurgery was successful! was on yahoo
tiamaria said:
^^ sorry to be a b*tch

No I get what you are trying to get at tia, but I think perhaps it should not be a generalisation that the "world" has overreacted. Some people may have, most have not. To me, such publicity indirectly jolt people out of their slumber into awareness. I wonder how many people research "breast cancer" / "cancer" after hearing the news. Like it or not, it takes a public figure to be able to do that.

Also, my brother lives in Australia and when the news first hit us and was in headlines everywhere, I asked him about it and he actually said it wasn't such a big issue in Australia. People weren't talking about it THAT much. So, I'm surprised about the 1/2 hour thing on her.

On a sad note (which I truly hope with my heart is not true) I just saw this:-

False Hope13/01/2006A publicist for Kylie Minogue has denied reports in The Sun that the singer’s been given the all-clear from breast cancer. The story claims doctors treating the singer told her last week that the chemotherapy had successfully destroyed all the cancerous cells in her body. It also suggested an overjoyed Kylie had returned to Melbourne to celebrate with her family and friends. But her Australian publicist told the Sydney Morning Herald, “There’s no validity to this. It’s not true.” There’s been no word on whether Kylie is still receiving treatment for breast cancer, which was diagnosed in May of last year. Get well soon Kylie!

thats so sad if its true and sick on the suns part for issueing things like that if there not true :(

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