Ok i know this is going to sound mean but, i think the world has totally over reacted to this news. Ok so shes ill, very ill. but today on uk news they had the president of australia issuing a speech, and a half hour piece on it. Every channel nearly has pieces on this. If i was kylie i woudlnt want this happening. And if i had breast cancer id be slightly offended as if everyone else with cancer didnt matter. I know threee people who have breast cancer and 6 people that have had it, so im all for awaeness etc. but i dont know its just all abit like we only care about famouse people with breast cancer. I think its one step to far the prime minister issuing a speech. Ok i know how i feel but im having trouble writing it down so i hope this makes sense. Ok maybe its just me but do they realise millions of other people have it too, its not some rare disease. I wish her all the best, and hope she gets better soon. Its sad for her to get it at such a young age.