AnOther Magazine #46 S/S 2024


PHOTOGRAPHY: Willy Vanderperre

Anna’s editorial is fantastic! I haven’t bought ‘Another’ in a while but I will definitely get my hands on this issue.
sorry for the double posting: the Prada editorial is a little underwhelming but I guess it does in hand with their collections of late…
I mean, you have Lina Zhang and Elise Crombez and the best you can do is that sterile close up
...Damn, Paul's never looked so hot as he does here... By far the best he’s been photographed physically. Just such a shame about the distracting effect employed. Another isn’t what it once was— and shame that Another Man is history, but it’s still good enough. Eh.
I’m rather annoyed at the overuse of that blurring and distorted effect as well, but even so it’s a strong effort and he looks fantastic. Few photographers are able to capitalize on what makes him appealing.

Yuen’s photos are not selling the goods. He looks great in a couple and like a bloated mess in the rest.
^^^ My suspicion is it’s not a matter of not knowing how to style him so that he looks his best. It’s more about this desperation to style him to look odd/quirky/faSHON to have him appeal to children, hence the mullet and the Amish beard. Because when he’s styled to look classically masculine, as he is here— of which is apparently deemed toxic-masculinity, Paul looks classic Roman gladiator gorgeous. Classically, masculine-depicted men in fashion is few and far between these days: It’s twinks, maybe trunks if we’re lucky, and boys tagging behind their big sisters. There’s this awful trend of infantilizing men while girls/women are presented as grrrrrrrrrl bozzzzzzzz...

(Mullet, come quick— look at that Roman nose and profile… and that hard-worked body doesn’t hurt…)
^ I saw the appeal for a split second but I’m still recovering from All of Us Strangers, particularly his scene when he realises that he died. I’m just in awe of his acting but also see his face and I’m like.. k, thanks for the 6 days of depression.
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I’m tearing up even thinking about that scene! The “twist” was spoiled for me before I went to see it, so I knew it was coming, and yet it still hit me like a bulldozer.
I don’t even like Anna, but the story is amazing. Of all the new wave photographers since Jamie Hawkesworth, Carlijn is the best, I am yet to see a bad story by her.
I’m tearing up even thinking about that scene! The “twist” was spoiled for me before I went to see it, so I knew it was coming, and yet it still hit me like a bulldozer.

dude me too! I’m at work.. gotta get those numbers ready through the tears. 🤣

TMI but found one of my relatives that way a bit over a year ago and.. I just blocked it out and carried on but I always imagined he was ‘hanging around’ and that he had all of these questions. Paul knows his acting research! there’s no way that came out instinctively.. but that, and the scene where he sees the parents, it’s so brief and so subtle and you just know he knows. Great actor! so glad the pandemic found him lol.
^ I saw the appeal for a split second but I’m still recovering from All of Us Strangers, particularly his scene when he realises that he died. I’m just in awe of his acting but also see his face and I’m like.. k, thanks for the 6 days of depression.

God, he looks good... (No tweezed brows, manicured beard, shaved legs-- and safe to conclude, no shaved bush...)

I got the one with him on the cover, of course. Julianne’s cover is also good— reminds me so much of how Madonna’s face could resemble if she hadn’t been desperately seeking to look like Kim K— and act and dress like Kylie Jenner. There’s also a 22 page feature on Philippe Parreno.

(More than anything, what really hits me in the heart is Andrew’s character’s act of harmlessly rejecting Paul's character and how that very simple, innocent act could really impact someone IRL. The scathing reality of rejection—whether that’s personal or professional, that every single one of us has experienced from either end, could very well be that final nudge to send us/someone over the edge… That was the punch to the throat from this film. ...Still prefer Dune: Part Two LOL)
Love the Willy Vanderperre fashion editorial.

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