AnOther Magazine S/S 2016 : 15th Anniversary Issue

Out of My Mind
Robi Rodriguez
Stylist: Lotta Volkova
Models: Lina, Rosealia Logueira, Ed Leezon, Joe Skliton
Make-Up: Adrien Pinault
Hair: Cyndia Harvey
Vanina Sorrenti for Chloé is such a surprise! Anyone remember her work for Chloé 01FW?:blush::heart:
Back to the Folks
Max von Bumppenberg & Patrick Bienert
Stylist: Mattias Karlsson
Models: Aida Becheanu & Rosalinda Zadarojnea
Make-Up: Mathias van Hooff
Hair: Martin Cullen
Thanks Melancholybaby!

Unfortunately this issue doesn't look too good. I don't think I'll be buying this issue.
Karl Lagerfeld Piece by Piece
Colin Dogson
Stylist: Katie Shillingford
Models: Alexandra Elizabeth, Greta Varlese, Lindsey Wixson, Binx Walton, Lineisy Montero, Freja Beha Erichsen, Kiki Willems, Lara Stone, Lily Nova, Peyton Knight, Mica Arganaraz, Stella Tennant, Molly Bair & Vanessa Moody
Make-Up: Lauren Parsons
Hair: Syd Hayes
Of Fish and Flowers
Julia Hetta
Stylist: Agata Belcen
Models: Anna Cleveland, Alfonso Peixoto, Angie Sherbourne, Eugenia Shishkina, Lorna Foran, Maisie Pearson, Sebastian Adastra & Tytiah Blake
Make-Up: Topolino
Hair: Tomi Kono
Moments of Being
Ben Toms
Stylist: Robbie Spencer
Models: Aamito Lagum, Sara Blomqvist, Agnes Nieske, Julie Hoomans, Kadri Vahersalu, Alice Toms, Amy Gwatkin, Amy Stickland, Deniz Unal, Denna Cartamkhoob, Erika Wall, Esther Theaker, Fumi Nagasaka, Harleth Kuusik, Molly Bair, Janina Pedan, Julia Hackel, Ksenia Pedan, Lizzie Cardwell, Louise Benson, Maeve Brennan, Mimei Thompson, Mykola Baal, Behags, Tasha Spencer & Polly Philp
Make-Up: Gemma Smith Edhouse
Hair: Mari Ohashi
Roe Ethridge
Stylist: Camille Bidault-Waddington
Models: Fernanda Ly & Greta Varlese
Make-Up: Sil Bruinsma
Hair: Rudi Lewis
Thank you Melancholy for all your efforts.

The more I see, the more I loathe. The lighting, photography and layout are so banal and desperately mimicking Instagram/blogger aesthetic that, this is the reason publications are dying. Why would anyone pay for a physical copy of looks that can be easily had for free on the interweb…? Top models and designer clothes don't elevate any of the weak photography here.

As much as I dislike her (and her exact expression and face angle in the shoot) , Kate’s is the only edit that resembles freshness and effort of the entire lot. Shame, I was looking forward to having a copy.
Thank you Melancholy for all your efforts.

You're welcome. If there hadn't been requests, I wouldn't have bothered posting all the eds. They truly are boring and uninspired (save for Hetta's and McLellan's eds).
I agree with Phuel and Rexy here....

A dynamic, provocative, sexy, colourful spring/summer issue? No, just yet another AnOther.....

Feels like 2005 to me but gloomier..... Won't be buying this!

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