Originally posted by As You Like It@Apr 23rd, 2004 - 11:07 pm
My engagement ring is a family heirloom. It had been my husband's great-grandmother's engagement ring back in 1911. I have tried without success to photograph it.
It is very subtle..the stone is set down in the band, and the band has some Art-Noveau-style curlicues incised into it.
I think I will try again tomorrow to photograph it...tweak the camera settings a bit.
Oh, and it is a diamond. I NEVER wanted to have a diamond--I don't generally like them much, but I do like this ring an awful lot, mainly because the way it is made is very cool, and because it has great sentimental value in my husband's family, and I am very honored that Todd's grandma passed it down to him to give to me.