Australia's Next Top Model

My favourites are Jess, Izzy, Amelia, Neo and Yolanda. They have some great models this season, it's going to be tough for the judges.
Some thoughts:

- I thought Paris was a major waste. Gosh, they could have done SO much more at Next, besides judge just their outfits. But of course, with 20 girls, it was impossible... and really just a waste to be in such an amazing city. They could have also tested with French photographers while they had the chance, rather than Jez, who they can work with back home. Great they got Natalia V on board, but really, wouldn't a pep talk like that be more suited to girls who are in the top 5 or something? Again impressive, but seemed like a waste.

BUT spoiler

They apparently go to Milan later in the series. So perhaps they actually can top Paris.

- Cassie was such a sweetie. I think they put her through that round, in hopes that she'd create some 'bogan' drama, knowing very well that she didn't have the potential to be a model. But she was way too nice, so they cut her loose. I loved how clueless she was :heart::lol:

- My favourites are Amelia, Yolanda, and Caroline.

- Izzy... Yellow teeth, chubby cheeks, horrible style. Never going to happen, even after a make-over. And she screams again next week.. so edgy.
(spoiler If you want to see what she looks like post-makeover... :innocent: )
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Just read some spoilers and ew, all I can say is I won't watch the rest of the season anymore. :yuk:
Aww Cassy lol. God bless her. Not a model but she's actually really likeable, unlike the other bogans that have been on the show.

Just read the spoilers. I'm not surprised to be honest. The judges at ausntm usually make it clear from day one who are their favs. and usually those girls make it until the end. I bet it's not going to be different this time.
Fox8 accidently uploaded the exit interviews for the next few episodes.

Next 5 girls to go:

Ep 4 - Tayah
Ep 5 - Annaliese & Alissandra
Ep 6 - Caroline & Neo
Alissandra : 175cm -> too small even if I like her pics

Amelia: She is looking like +25 years old even if she is just 18...

Annaliese: cute but her mouth is making her pics weird to me...

Caroline: She is too commercial and even if she is sexy, there is nothing which makes her special... and too small...

Cassy: Nothing to say...

Elizabeth Braithwaite: gorgeous face but she has to loose weight...

Hazel: Special face, but have to see more...

Izzy : Yes she is edgy, but I don't know if I like that and she seems to have weird proportions... plus, she is 21...

Jessica Bush: is also looking too old and too small...

Madeline: looking not that good in motion, but her pics are very good. but she is just 172 and 22 years old...

Montana: she will definately in the top 3.. she has the right height and a is beautyful

Neo: I like her, but she is def. too small, just 174 cm...

Rachel: could also be in top 5, but we will see...

Simone Holtznagel: too small and she is not standing out of the girls... I always have to take a look who she is...

Tayah: I liked especially her 2nd shoot, it's really cute...

Yolanda: she is 22 and just 175cm tall.. she was looking great in motion in the first shoot but her pic wasn't that amazing. I also didn't liked her 2nd shoot...
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Alissandra : 175cm -> too small even if I like her pics

Amelia: She is looking like +25 years old even if she is just 18...
Yolanda: she is 22 and just 175cm tall.. she was looking great in motion in the first shoot but her pic wasn't that amazing. I also didn't liked her 2nd shoot...

I agree with you on all except Simone. She's one of the stand outs for me. My ideal top 4: cropped by me
i don't know why they try to make Caroline look like a villain in every episode. she might have a bitchy face, but she look glorious imo.

so glad Cassy went home cause really, she didn't look that great nor take good pictures.

i'm having SUCH a crush on Neo. she's stunning.

Alissandra : 175cm -> too small even if I like her pics

Caroline: She is too commercial and even if she is sexy, there is nothing which makes her special... and too small...

Cassy: Nothing to say...

Neo: I like her, but she is def. too small, just 174 cm...

Yolanda: she is 22 and just 175cm tall.. she was looking great in motion in the first shoot but her pic wasn't that amazing. I also didn't liked her 2nd shoot...

i don't know what you consider to be too short. model size IS basically 5'9 and up and most of those girls fulfill that one.
Elizabeth all the way! she has the height, face and assets. the rest are too old and too short!

the only thing Elizabeth lacks is real confidence, although don't you LOVE the way the producers push those feelings further onto the contestants?

Elizabeth and Montana for Top 2.
i don't know why they try to make Caroline look like a villain in every episode. she might have a bitchy face, but she look glorious imo.

so glad Cassy went home cause really, she didn't look that great nor take good pictures.

i'm having SUCH a crush on Neo. she's stunning.

i don't know what you consider to be too short. model size IS basically 5'9 and up and most of those girls fulfill that one.

they are looking for a "topmodel" and they have to be able to do both, catwalk and editorials... and if you are 1,75 you don't have the chance to get easily jobs for runway... of course there are some models, but it's more difficult..

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