Canada's Next Top Model...

sorry, no idea.

This week was a little too ANTM in concept, but still far superior. I love Jay's reference to the "Prada geeky girl". And sorry but Linsay needs to get her head out of her a** "I was born cool" Doesn't she understand geek-chic a la Megan? If she's so cool, doesn't she realize how uncool it is to hate on the "nerd"?! :rolleyes: The go-sees were interesting and I liked the mix of designers they saw.

When Yasmin gasped at Maryam's picture I thought "oh no" but then she said "...and I love it" Maryam has definitely set the bar high for being excluded but working hard. Her picture was gorgeous :heart:
Nikkita- I'm not a prude but Nikkita swear to much and it's annoying. She was crying in the elevator yet if Rebecaa did her, she and the girls would get on her case for being weak. She doesn't have the fashion body either.

Meghan- has the winner's edit and will probably win this.

Heather- I must be daft but i actually like her look. I think she needs a hair makeover but she is definitely HF to me.

Linsay- sorry but I don't get her. not for me.

Maryam is such a nice girl but she comes from another culture and the girl don't get them. But whatever, she is fabulous to me :heart:

Another fabulous one is Yasmin :heart:

I don't agree with who went home at all. o well.

BTW :heart: Elmer. He seems like a sweet an and genuine guy that would truly look after the girls and help them succeed.
Maryam is just amazing.I'm so happy she's still here.And i'm not suprised Meghan won the NYC challenge she is SO NYC.Wether she wins or not,she's got everything to make it.
did anyone else notice that Nikita was sobbing in the elevator on the way up to the CN tower but seemed to have no problem standing on top of boxes/a table at the top of a skyscraper? Um, yeah....
lol It was so funny. One minute she si the bully and despises Rebecca for having too many issues; the next she cries in the elevator and blames her dyslexia for not being able to find street. she annoys the heck out of me.
did anyone else notice that Nikita was sobbing in the elevator on the way up to the CN tower but seemed to have no problem standing on top of boxes/a table at the top of a skyscraper? Um, yeah....

She didn't seem to have any problem standing on the balcony at their Toronto pad either. :innocent:

I would have sent Lindsay home. I just don't get the appeal personally.

I quite liked Heather. It sounds like she won't be pursuing modelling however so I guess it's best she got eliminated.

I personally don't buy that Maryam came up with the idea to do her own photoshoot- I think she was prodded in that direction by the producers or whoever. Regardless, I loved her photo - it was gorgeous. And she was so cute at judging, standing clutching her envelope and then rambling on about how she was like the gecko. :heart: Maryam for the win (though I'd be okay with Megan winning, too).
I agree. I'd be happy with either of them. Normally I'd agree it was the producers, but Maryam has shown that during the Barbados thing, she was practicing, doing this and that while they were gone. Also, in the limo on the way to the airport or after arriving, the girls were joking about Maryam taking her own photo, so I think she is just that type of person.
BTW :heart: Elmer. He seems like a sweet an and genuine guy that would truly look after the girls and help them succeed.

^Yes I agree ~~ he is the best!!

Regarding Maryam and no passport, I wished they would explain what the problem is with it but I guess that would have taken up to much airtime.
And I loved that photo that she submitted. Gorgeous.
Also, did anyone else notice Nikita was getting excited about her 'diva' outfit but I think she was wearing Dries for her geek shoot?! I was like ugh, learn something....
I liked Heather :(... I would have chosen her over Nikita or even Linsay, but she says her heart wasn't in it anyway, so I guess it worked out for the best. I don't see Linsay's appeal either...

Maryam's photo was stunning, I was seriously going to cry... she's so endearing!! :heart: I hope there's no more travel involved from here on end!!!!!

I'm pretty sure Meaghan will win this... she seems the most ready in the most ways. Even though Maryam is so good... I doubt she will win since she had all these problems all along, and with the language barrier and everything, but I wouldn't be surprised if she's second best.
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^^ Thats exactly how I feel...

Heather over Nikita and Linsay ??? Ugh
Heather being eliminated this past episode was definitely the wrong call. She has way more potential than Lindsay and Nikita. However, I guess it needed to be done considering her heart wasn't in it.

The theme for this week's photoshoot was way too ANTM for my liking, I think that is why I absolutely loved Maryam's picture with the gecko.

Does anyone else find it questionable that Lindsay won the picture of the week? I don't even remember them showing a close-up of it.
did anyone else notice that Nikita was sobbing in the elevator on the way up to the CN tower but seemed to have no problem standing on top of boxes/a table at the top of a skyscraper? Um, yeah....

It was probably being in the elevator, even if they're not afraid of heights people can still find elevators daunting.
Ahhhh, first time I've actually tuned in regularly to a season of CNTM. I'm rooting for Maryam- the girl has the face! A close second would be Meghan, but Maryam for sure, if I saw her walking down the street, I would immediately think she were a model. She is absolutely beautiful, although I think she could do much better in photographs. I'm quite sure they are downplaying her look by choosing mediocre photos to judge for panel?
I remember now who Maryam looks alot like. Wanessa Milhomem. Or vice-versa. :heart: :blush:

Yeah, I noted the similarities between her and the lovely Wanessa as well.

I'm glad to still see that there's much love for Maryam here.
Wow this last episode has me fuming! I am so disappointed, I feel the it was a complete cop out eliminating the girl they did.

I really don't like any of the three girls left.
is there any way to watch tonights episode now ?
i dont have any channel with it on, and i wont see it until either thursday night or saturday..
both of which im working..
not off the top of my head. Unless you have satellite and watch time shifting. It might be up on

Well, the ending of tonight's episode is no surprise I guess. Yasmin :heart: Just the loveliest judge with a true eye. I'm on the fence about Linsay. She is on the edge between interesting and 'old' and she really needs to watch for that. I think her hair needs to be shorter or longer to be honest, to avoid looking mom-ish. What really annoyed me about the whole dress ripping thing in front of the judges, what how they bullied Maryam. I mean, did none of the judges see that? Regardless of what they are saying, the body language was very telling of the dynamic of the situation. And after tonight's episode, I just love Maryam even more. :heart: I find the group of girls there so caustic now and negative and I can't believe none of the judges told Nikita off for her use of the word '********'. I'm sorry - what? I think it's inappropriate enough to say it in a group of friends or what have you but on national TV? This is who they want to represent CG? Ignoring the fact that Nikita was going on and on about how this dress cost 'millions, probably billions'. Um, try like $200 for the toilet paper. Yes, it was a lot of man hours and labor and they were beautiful and interesting, but just because someone says something is 'museum quality' doesn't always mean it's going right into a musuem. It's a turn of phrase. Sheesh - I want this b*tch gone :lol:

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