What did everyone think of tonight's episode? Even though the concept is a bit boring, and an obvious attempt to please their advertiser, I actually thought it was a good exercise. It was good that they got to see a real model do a shoot (Yasmine) and I thought that for a lot of these girls, doing a campaign is about selling a product and yourself so it was useful.
However, Nikita is lucky that her haircut accents her cheekbones because as a person, I despise her and I think/hope she's going to get a rude awakening when she enters the real modelling world. It annoys me to no end when people think they can justify being rude and horrible by saying they are 'honest'. There are diplomatic ways of being honest and saying things straight out that don't involve bringing down those around you. Coming out as a lesbian on national television takes balls, making the person you despise aware of your disdain doesn't.
Anyway, I felt bad for Rebeccah obviously regarding this and it's no wonder that she didn't want to confide in the other girls when they enable Nikita's bullying. I think living with the other girls probably didn't as much or more to aggravate her issues. That said, if she wants to be in modelling or acting she needs to learn how to cope with people like this. Overall, I liked the pictures and the styling of the shoot.