Live Streaming... The F/W 2025.26 Fashion Shows
Montana is rather boring.
She's like Amanda 2.0.
Alissandra though had the worst because I think she still looks just as stupid after her makeover then she did before.
good, Alissandra is gone now. never connected with her. i hope Rachel will be next, her face gives me nothing.
Montana is growing on me. but srsly, she has like NO personality!
Urgh they eliminated Annaleise
And I'm started to like Montana after the makeover, she looks super stunning and quite different, she reminds me of Constance Jablonski a bit.. O_O hahaha
I like Simone's makeover too, make her looks quite femme fatale ice queen Veronica Lake-ish hahahaa.
Madeleine and Rachel's makeover are good too
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I really like Simone, Jess, Montana, Liz, Neo, Hazel and Amelia. Really good cast this year, but we all know Simone will win.