Australia's Next Top Model

Hazel sort of reminds me of Scarlett Johansson.


i always want a tell-all where people talk about how things really happened, without the editing.

either way, i'm curious on how Izzy will look with white blonde hair.
I just hate the comic look she wears... Too costume, Hello Kitty, Ganguro girls...
I like Izzy's look and sense of style, she pulls it off with ease. She's very much into the kawaii-Japan/alternative scene and she looks fab so what's the problem? *shrugs*

Ok, now that the voting is open to the public, Simone has ZERO CHANCE and LIZ is gonna take this out, with MONTANA going onto succeed anyway.
^I haven't seen tonights episode yet, but based on the rest of the season Simone does actually have a good chance. She's got a great sense of humour, which can come across as bitchy, but she's never actually been bitchy towards any of the other girls.

I'm really happy with the top 3 this year. I think Montana will win, Liz will come second and as much as I love Simone I think she will come third.
it frustrates me so much that liz has like 0,5% chance of winning, when she has so much more potential than montana, who will be just another bland model and will never be a real top model
I hate the audience vote... stupid stupid stupid...
I don't dislike Montana but Liz is hands down the girl who should win!
I'm just glad Simone is still in, I think she is the greatest comedic genius of reality tv ever. Her epic "where were you?" right in Charlotte's face after the camping, had me spit my frappucino all over my mac.
I'm just glad Simone is still in, I think she is the greatest comedic genius of reality tv ever. Her epic "where were you?" right in Charlotte's face after the camping, had me spit my frappucino all over my mac.

Agreed! And did you see Charlotte's look back?!?! I love her cheekiness! The comment she made about how she'd love to meet/see one of the gossip columnists boys (or at least I think that's what she was saying) had me giggling out loud... Somebody please give this girl a tv hosting job!!!!
I actually don't mind Simone especially as NTM winner :P
Not for supermodel but for NTM winner she is quite good.
At least fun.

Liz has a great potential but yeah doubt she will win, it will probably be boring Montana ( way overrated).
Has anyone else been watching the bloopers on the website? They're hilarious.
wow can't wait for the next 2 episodes! The dubai episode and the finale!!
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i'd also love to see the commercials they shot for Telstra, both this and last season. but neither the Telstra website or Youtube have them apparently...

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