Bacall Balks After Kidman Called 'legend'

mdankwah said:
^I don't agree with you on that one, she is in fact a very good actress, it's just an added bonus that she was married to Humprey Bogart

Agreed. She is a great actress-esp. the film noirs w/ Bogart. She actually put her career on hold when they were married/had kids.
oceanharlot said:
i dont think lauren bacall sounds snooty. just speaks the truth. nicole kidman isn't a legend. she's just a popular actress.
exactly :rolleyes:
I think Bacall should've directed this differently, but she's right, Nicole, regardless of the oscars and years on screen, she ain't no legend... look out there for the definition of legend, Nicole doesn't fit on that description. Succesful, beautiful, talented, yes, but not a legend, so I agree with Bacall, not on the way she said it.
I think its unfair to compare actresses of Lauren's era with actresses in Nicole's. Lauren is considered a legend, but from what I remember seeing her roles didn't seem all that hard, and at times it seemed like she was being type casted. Women barely ran in movies back then, unless they were dancing, let alone do some of the stuff the women today have to do AND pull off sexy, mysterious, fun, whatever.

In short, Lauren Bacall didn't call herself a legend, but I think Nicole is going to have a far better career than she did (though it won't be as romanced, because Lauren was in the "golden era" and there's a special place in film history for that). And so in a way it does sound like a snotty thing to call Nicole a beginner (afer 20 years working) and not acknowledge the quality of her work, which was really at question.

You don't have to be old to be a legend. You're a legend for what you did in your prime, or youth. But you just don't really get acknowledged for that work until that's all in the past.

Not trying to knock Lauren Bacall, but the notion that actresses were better back in the day I don't agree with. A lot of the time it looks like stage acting: overdramatic, and unrealistic. A lot of the actresses then were type casted and were loved for their personalities and romantic liasons more than their talent. Which... I guess is still true today about a lot of actors/actresses.

Point of this post: I think quality actresses are better now than the screen legends of the past. There has been more to learn from. But the problem is that there is just so much crap too... can i say that here?

Added: For fear of getting blasted for this, I will go and rent some older movies that I don't get to see so often to refresh my memory on why I have that view.
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Fair enough. I still maintain that Bacall was/is a legand. She doesn't do the same kinds of roles or films as Nicole (even though they've done 2 films together) so to comapre them is like comparing apples and oranges. But what Bacall did (and still does) she did well and she embodied a type and a era of cimatic history. For that I think she deserves to be called a "legand".

Nicole, I think, is a legand in the making. Though she's been acting for over 20 years it has only been in the past 10 years (with movies like To Die For, Moulin Rouge!, The Others etc.) that her career has really come into it's own. People began to recognize her for her talent as well as her beauty. Since winning the oscar she continued to take challenging risky roles (in films like Dogville, Birth, etc.) and balence them with more "fun" or "light" roles (the stepford wives, bewitched), and roles that are in the middle of the spectum (the interpreter). She's firmly estabished her identity as a gifted actress and an icon fairly recently. Does that make her a legand? It depends how you define the word. If you don't think she's a legand now, give her another few years and she will be one.
I completely agree with Lauren. Nicole is a fine actress but she's hardly a legend. Seems like everyone is being called a legend these days.
Nicole could become a legend. But we'll have to wait some 40 years before we will be certain.

Lauren Bacall rocks :heart:

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