Balenciaga S/S 2024 Paris

While I share the perplexity of many here seeing la Horyn taking part in this travesty, basically a drag show - because this is what it is and this is what it's always been with Demna, even when he was still at Vetements: a very cynical drag show where destitutes are fetishised in stead of old-school Hollywood divas - I would like to point out that it's not a first for her: she also starred in the mock Fashion File 90's video presenting AW22. And nothing changes for me, since I already know she has a soft spot for the Demna (and for Raf), so I take her reviews of Balenciaga (and Prada) with a pinch of salt.

The thing is: she really looks shite in those clothes, doesn't she?
Feels like a swan song but it isn't because I've already been hearing someone in LA talking about how they're on-hold for being casted in the Balenciaga LA show in a couple of months. What was presented here makes me slightly nervous but also curious about what will be presented at that show - considering one of the douchebags/douchegirl/douchegay looks in LA was the Balenciaga Kardashian, visor sunglasses, spandex look.

I do like the Olsen bag and the more elegant womenswear looks though. But it's the same old.
Besides anything else if we strip everything the clothes are ugly, very ugly, ill fitting, and we are truly over it!! They need to set us free, it’s time for heavens sake!! We are really ready for someone new to take over so we can fall in love with Balenciaga again!! Please let this be his last collection!! Him and his awful friends just need to go away.. Especially Kim & Cathy too!!
Did Cathy Horyn thought that walking this show is some kind of a social commentary? I mean, demna's Balenciaga has passed its prime and it will never peak again. What a travesty and such tragic move.

This collection is nothing new. Like seriously everything I see in through the stores windows are always the same. At this point, it's time to revamp. Move on, people.
I’m here for Amanda Lepore and that’s about it.
The clothes are not bad because it’s much of the same. He doesn’t deserve the energy of being called dreadful for me especially when I fed this machine at one point.

the women’sgowns are nice if I must say so.
I haven’t bought balenciaga in a few seasons but like a puppy who gets kicked and keeps running back for more, I keep hoping for a new peak from him.

the “meme” oversize sneakers lost their luster ages ago.

The silhouette is the same every season and is passé at this point. It was edgy and of the moment but with it being passé, I can’t justify investing in this anymore.

Moving on for good now
I mean can we discuss how this is unironic pedo wear now. I mean when wasnt a hoodie with out of date ripped up clothes not Pedowear. When was any of this hunched over Lurch look not Pedowear. Isnt that how Pedos look.

remember balenciaga protectected demna while they jettisoned michele like he was the one making pedo advertisements. Now we have fashion elite on the runway - totally disconnected from optics. So normal to them.
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I think he's the one designer that makes me incredibly angry.

With others, you get some kind of honesty, whether it's desperate honesty, taking your self too seriously honesty, ridiculous honesty and "making fashion fun" honesty.

With him, it's just teenager youtube prankster energy : irritating, predictable, boring, lacking any intellectual thought and should fade away eventually as an annoying memory of a complete unnecessary era.

How such a charlatan not only got into highest level in this industry, but got lauded and has lasted this long, is a mystery to me.
With him, it's just teenager youtube prankster energy : irritating, predictable, boring, lacking any intellectual thought and should fade away eventually as an annoying memory of a complete unnecessary era.

How such a charlatan not only got into highest level in this industry, but got lauded and has lasted this long, is a mystery to me.
Wish I could like your post a hundred times. How he's there is not a mystery though, it only takes being aided, hyped and applauded by other hacks (literally everyone in his team and the people sucking up to his team are pure c*ked up charlatanry). So yeah, any charlatans left out there with dreams of making it in fashion? now's the time lol, wait it out and it might be too late in ten-years time when the younger generation gets fed up.

And yeah, I still can't get over the 'didn't know who Dries was but somehow I landed in this randoma*s school in Antwerp', that just reeks of a subpar IQ, insecurities behind the wheel and hormones so out of control you really think people laugh with you and not at you. Just like an odious teenager! I could not care less about the oh-so controversial campaign, or children for that matter lol, it's the attitude and dumb way of handling everything what was the last straw for me.
Surly Cathy was in on the joke because that's what it is now. The more she walked, the worst it got. I hope this wasn't a play for Raf's attention. He has totally overstayed his welcome at the house. Kering needs to archive those hideous sneakers and structured blazer and just let him go. Allow him to spend more time with his famous troll pals.
Hands down, THE BEST collection this season. Demna is miles ahead of the rest of the mediocre designers we’ve been looking at from NY, Milan, London and Paris.
Am i the only one to like the collection? the dresses are killing it, the atmosphere, the soundtrack, the handbags, the fact there is his mother & Cathy Horyn on the runway, the very edgy-side, the strong hommage to David lynch 's Mullholland drive.... Demna showed his point a view and you can like it or not, but you won't be indifferent...
Love it too!
I also thought this was a farewell collection...but not a farewell in good terms, it is clearly like a "F.U.C.K. you morons, I trolled you all again; and got bick bucks for it"!

Feels like teenage angst at 42 y.o.

Cathy Horyn looking like a beggar in (expensive) rags...reality always beat fiction (Zoolander looks like a serious movie after seeing this).
Not surprised seeing Diane Pernet here...she is always ready for anyone who wants to kiss her a.s.s.
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