US Vogue
Until seeing them all together like this, I'd never realized how often they pull the hair back. The covers are so uniform it hurts. Overall, I don't think they make very good cover choices. Using the actors sells, but none of the covers seem to actually convey anything about the chosen celeb--just that they pick the clothes without thought of who will wear it and how it looks on them. Kiera's dress is very unflattering on her, and Nicole's is a given. I think, though, that I'd choose January (Sienna), (Kate) and September (Kirsten) all as bests. Love the colors and composition of Sienna's and the fact that it's not what I've come to expect from them (i.e. predicatable & boring). The colors again on Kate's and the overall pink floral theme on Kirsten's. Worst goes to October (Sandra)--I don't even know where to start between the bright pink and the setting. Then there's the strange attempt at a summer cover for June (Uma) and the horrible March (Natalie) cover. Natalie's face completely destroys it, but it probably doesn't help matters any that she's very, very high up there on my most-loathed celebs list.
Vogue China
Hmm. . .I think they've done better than most this year, but I'm not terribly impressed either. The February (Du) cover is striking, but I think she would've looked better in a different color dress. Lily D's covers are both great (May and November), but that could easily be my bias talking. September's is also fabulous (Du, Ward & Sasha) with the colors and the composition. It's the one that manages to grab my attention and keep it. Worst is harder. . .January with Kate Moss is bland and I wish it wasn't so dark. March (Gemma) does nothing to make me reconsider my opinion of her as a really tall infant. I like the idea behind July's (Doutzen) but the end product isn't so good, and on August's MariaCarla looks like she's just seen a ghost.
UK Vogue
I think what annoys me most about any of Vogue UK's covers is the text. Not overusing it--they do okay there--it's the font they reuse month after month in seemingly increasing amounts. ("The Fashion Bible" on March, "Fashion Shapes Up" on April, "Kiss Me Quick" on May, etc.) The best cover--without a doubt--is January (Elise) It's crisp, clean, eye-catching. . .I love it. I can't even tell you what was inside the magazine or if I even liked the contents. I just know I had to have it. Elise's is the only one I'm going to choose for best because none of the rest stand up to it, but--and I'm surprised I'm saying it--Gemma's is actually very pretty. Worst, goes to June (Kate Moss #2) because of the slouching. March with Kate Moss again because it's so reminiscent of her Dior ads, which I also hated. I think there are some with potential though--May if Natalia's head wasn't covered with text, February's if Sienna was actually in front of a plain background, and April if Rachel didn't look so unhappy.
Vogue Paris
The covers look so underwhelming altogether like that. But best goes to August (Hilary). . .love the crisp and clean, and I think her facial expression doesn't look so... strange in print. Worst is--without a doubt (yes, again)--November. If anyone deserves a cover less it's- well, her. She hasn't accomplished anything and probably never will. To make matters worse, what in the world is she wearing?
Vogue Italia
Interesting ideas, but eh all the same. Heather Bratton's are lovely, Hilary's are not, Iselin's is just wrong, and I can't figure out what they were thinking with all the white on March (Amanda) and April (Coco) where I simply can not see the "pure wonder" they speak of. But I do love January (Irina & co.) as it's one of the very few places I'm completely sold on the androgyous theme. December's (Karen) is also very stunning.
Best goes to Dec/Jan '05/'06 (Lily D) [#69] because it's the one that gets my attention immediately. August (Amanda) [#76] and Septmber (Raquel) are also winners. I especially love how they mimicked the dual tones of the jacket in their text on the latter. Worst is a three way tie for February's (Doutzen) [#70] because it doesn't look likey they even tried, March (Leah) with the akward-looking pose and barely distinguishable text, and December (Coco) with the lighting and gaping mouth.
I never thought I'd say this, especially on a magazine with so many celeb covers, but I kinda like them. Even if I hate them, the composition works, and it's a far cry from what American Vogue puts out. If the Janet Jackson cover wasn't there, I'd have trouble finding something bad about it. I also love the August & September covers (Natalia & Christina). Now that I'm looking at them like this, W is great cover-wise. If nothing else they know how to compose them and they aren't overwhelmed with text.
Ouch! I hate them. Every last one. Best is 40 (Kate Moss) even though I could always do without the bleach blonde & tan look. 39 with Mariah Carey kinda works, I guess. It's not bad, but not fabulous either. The colors are gorgeous on 42 (Drew Barrymore) but the wig, makeup, and retouching are overwhelming. The eyes in the V on 43 are just plain frightening. Way too much of a close-up on 44 though it would've worked better at a different angle.
& now I've completely lost steam, so maybe I'll finish another day. Great thread, btw.