
im a 34B-C and 5'1. and god do they look strange on me. im also the one who stands out in my family, because (being asian) everyone is basically an A.

then theres the part of buying nice clothes which "distort" itself around the chest area. and it looked SO NICE on the hanger too!
I'm pretty happy with my breasts, I have to say. I'm around a 34B-C, as well, 5'4, and I really love having curves.
For fashions sake I wish I was smaller in the chest area. As BB-Doll mentioned, tops can look fantastic on a hanger/mannequin and awful on me. Especially ones made of silks/satins. It just never lays properly.
Also, it's terrible for me to go dress shopping. I'm two completley different sizes when it comes to my waist and my bustline. So I usually have to make the choice of, "Do I want this to fit my waist, or my bust well?". There is hardly an occasion that I can have both. For anything formal, I always have to have a lot of tailoring done.
Guys get it so easy compared with girls! :lol:

Unless you have a super slim build with big pecs and happen to like tight cut clothes! :p ... then you start running into the same problems, since guys clothing allow no room for that.
This is the best thread EVER
All boobs are great so you should be happy with what you have.
I'm a 32A or 32B depending on the brand, and I'm happy with it. They're proportioned to my body, and I think that's what's most important. As for guys, I've never met anyone who had a problem with my boobs - although that could be because the guys that are attracted to me don't see boob size as a huge priority. I usually prefer the more sophisticated ones over the Hooters crew anyway, haha.
I am a 32 B and have learned to love it...

I dont wear bras when I dont have to (camis are much more comfortable) and love strapless stuff and low cut stuff.
When I was younger it was so hard to accept my size, I wanted big ones like most of my Hispanic community, but alas this is how God wanted me to be, so I learned to love it...
Tudds said:
All boobs are great so you should be happy with what you have.
Yeah? You try wearing them for a while!

I was 36E from 16 on, and haaaaated my size. Strangers just felt completely free to comment and stare. Nothing like being naturally shy and having some guy you think is cute come up to you and say "hey, nice t*ts!" to make you feel like crap. In my 20's I worked as a temp for a while, and got a lot of extra work because the guys in charge of scheduling would sign up all the large-breasted girls even when there was no work to be done, and then turn down the temperature in the office.

About 5 years ago I had breast reduction surgery. Even though I had some complications, and had to have a second surgery, and have some pretty noticeable scarring, I haven't regretted it for a second. I'm about a C now. My back has definitely improved - mostly because I have more freedom to move and stretch and exercise than I had before. I love love love not having to wear the big 5-hook monstrosity bras. But mostly I love not having my chest be the first thing everybody looks at.
^ I completely understand you :flower:
My mum had the same prob, she had such large breast ( although she's skinny )
she had so much difficulties with her back.
Reducing them was the only option in order for her to feel physically and
mentally good.
Good for you Louisey! One of my good friends is petite but was a size D from the time she was 16 or 17 and she would wear loose clothes and always crossed her arms over her chest just to try and hide them. Plus like you said, they made her back hurt and she hated gym. Anytime she was mentioned in passing in front of our male acquaintances, they'd go "Is that the chick with big boobs?" :ninja: She also had a breast reduction surgery and she's much happier now.
^^yea I had big boobs really early, like a C in 5th grade, 10 years old, and I got a DD when I was 11, so being the ONLY girl in my entire grade, with any type of boobs was hell, everybody was flat, b/c your not really supposed to have boobs when you are 10, but here I was with a full C, and every PE class I DREADED, the guy's would make such fun of me when I ran, b/c we had to do 2 laps at the beginning of each class. They would stand there and make gestures with their hands, making it look like they were shaking imaginary boobs up and down, b/c mine would obviously move when I ran. I made a desperate attempt to always hold my shirt down, there fore less movement, but then they made fun of that. Everyone said I stuffed my bra till about 7th grade, so i constantly had to defend myself. The girls said the same things behind my back, b/c they were jealous ( nothing to be jealous of really, I didn't want them at ALL) And I got groped about 5 times a day by guys who were joking around. It was hell, so I can understand why ppl get reductions. I was thinking about it to b/c for about 3 years another person and I couldn't talk without my boobs being mentioned. Not 1 SINGLE time could they go unnoticed, so my chest got brought up about 20 times a day for 3 years, so that is about 22,000 times, lol. And you feel like the only thing that exists is your chest, and not you, it gets sickening. It gets OLD. But then around 8th grade it got better, I wouldn't take it any more and decked any guy who tried to joke around or bring it up. It worked, lol. And now I go to an all girl school, so it gets brought up about 5 times a year, lol, but in good humor, not in a negative way like before. I still get tun's of looks by ppl, but I always have, even when I was flat, I always had ppl stare at me, I used to think "god, am I THAT weird, b/c of all the constant looks" So that doesn't bother me 2 much. So now I know I won't get a reduction. I didn't go through all that Sh*t for nothing. They are part of me, I would feel strange not being 100% me, even if it is just about the outside, but it is the inside to, ppl with larger chests act differently than ppl with smaller ones. And I don't think I would like that change. But I understand why ppl get them reduced, plus I am lucky I am small but have a large chest, but I don't have any back problems, and don't think I ever will.

So big boobs small boobs, doesn't matter, they are all great. B/c I know having big bobs can be a pain, b/c certain things never fit, but having smaller ones can be a pain to, certain things just would look better if only you had a little more up top, and their is always that wondering...."if only i had bigger boobs" everything equals out in the end.

And i remember when i was younger around 2nd grade, i used to dress up around the house when it was just me and my sis home and stuff my shirt with water balloons, lol, b/c i wanted big ones just like Ginger from the spice girls. Stupid me got my stupid wish.:doh:

Sorry for such a long post.
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Erin said:
I'm pretty happy with my breasts, I have to say. I'm around a 34B-C, as well, 5'4, and I really love having curves.
Ahhaha me too. I think people should accept what God gave them, not sulk about it. :D
^haha, your signiture is the best ever!!

yeah, but, about this thread, i am fairly flat, but i am fine with it. but what i would not be fine with......this girl i know who is 4'11'' and a DD. hmm.
I've always thought I was really small breasted, I guess this stems from developing later than most girls I knew. Anyway, yesterday I went to buy new bras and asked for help from one of the ladies in the shop. And she actually thought I was a B or a C, when I wasn't even wearing a bra! I was in shock, but left the place with two B's and two C's. :woot: Unfortunately the smallest band size they had was 70 cm, and I need a 65...
i am 5'7,thin with 34D.i don't think it's too bigB) ...maybe if i was shorter i would...:unsure:
32AA I like them even though my friends think it gives them an excuse to make fun of me. Even my guy friends feel like they can openly discuss the smallness in front of anyone. I'm just like what, is it cause you're not attracted to them or what? But whatever, I like them the way they are. Screw everyone else.
It's time to throw my boobs in too. I used to hate my 32 A's (I'm 5'9), then I started to watch the catwalk, all small goodie bags, I learn to appreciate A cups. Then in a few months they swelled into a (almost) B, now I hate B.

It's like we're talking in a secret language :p
I dont get the fashion trend now bigger or smaller...its confusing...makes ppl wonder whether they got the right set or not...i think it depends on the person's frame...

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