
dancingellecat said:
I think breasts are overrated.

I'm like a 34 or 36ish in the smallest size. I could care less about my breasts, actually don't want them any bigger.

^^You're right..I dont understand all the fuzz about boobs...It's just a piece of meat..:blush:
Everyone goes on about big boobs but I think small ones are over looked - they can still be very sexy, in my opinion just to share hah
My boobs are flat as an ironing board. My sister calls my boobs(or shall I say lack of) grape seeds:lol: But I'd never do anything to it. Of course I would like them slightly larger but I'm not too bothered. But one thing: I can never find a perfect sized bra. Theyre either big or too tight (around my body)

I've never worn chicken fillets as I like to call them. Uncomfortable? Also, to the flat chested girls: have you ever worn a strapless dress?
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silvi said:
I have a AAcup...but that's me and I like it;) What for clothes should I were to show my little boobs?^_^ (maybe pics can help mi)

I think really low cut v-necks are kind off cool/classy for flat chested woman.
well, im not huge but i got the largest smallest boobs you've ever seen. they rock like mt. everest. it's all in how you carry yourself whether small or big it really doesnt matter just being comfortable with what god gave you is key...just faking and stuffing is disgusting

but i love taunting my flat breasted friends in saying "hey you got your chest on backwards or what?!" Karen Walker style
Kimkhuu said:
I think really low cut v-necks are kind off cool/classy for flat chested woman.

Agree %100. People always say "oh, she has no breasts, she shouldn't wear someting that low" but I think it looks sooooo much better.
But one thing: I can never find a perfect sized bra. Theyre either big or too tight (around my body)

I've never worn chicken fillets as I like to call them. Uncomfortable? Also, to the flat chested girls: have you ever worn a strapless dress?

If you're looking for a bra for less than A boobs, try Calvin Klein's My Choice. I'm about that size as well, but the My Choice bras (running about $20 each) make me feel like I actually have something to put in 'em!

And I've worn a strapless dress, but I was very, very nervous about it. I'd like to try some double-sided tape next time, because those '80s prom dresses in my closet cannot be allowed to go to waste.
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cowboyboots said:
i have one name to say..........lolo ferrari:shock:

ohhh myyyy gooodddd!!!!!

i still don t understand why some women get boobs that big, who r they kidding, it s obviously not natural and definitly not normal, so why that big?????:shock: :shock: :shock:
She obviously had a myriad of psycological disorders including chronic depression and dysmorphophobia. Her life was such a freakshow and didn't her husband kill her?
the case against her husband is still on going but it may seem that way. there is speculation that she was forced to have the plastic surgery by her husband. either way she led a sad life and it ended in a tragic way.
You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't.

It wasn't until college when I realized how big mine were. My other suitemates have B's and I am sporting a 36D. My roommate got breast implants, and having me for a roommate didn't help.

It kind of sucks. I mean, me being a fashion diva, I can't wear some of the clothes I want to wear. I would orginally be wearing a Medium if it weren't for the "girls". I wear from a large to an extra large. I also can't wear those cute terry cloth tube dresses that were so in last summer.

I hate wearing anything that shows off any cleavege. Because most guys are pervs, and I have to ride the elevator every day. Imagine how it feels to be in a cramped elevator with some guy's face in your chest. Not fun.
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I'm a b cup and in my opinion i have medium-smallish breasts... but i kinda like them :lol: and I don't want bigger boobs! one of my friend has big boobs but she ALWAYS wears the wrong bra, her breasts always look weird and extremely saggy.. *shudders* no offence to the other ladies with big breasts as they can definitely be attractive teamed with the right bra and clothes!
^^^ Yea, im a 32 DD, but they don't actually make that size so i have to get a 34 DD, but i just put it on the tightest buckle, so it looks and feels fine, i couldn't stand to wear a bra that doesn't fit:yuk: And i agree, with the right clothes big boobs can look good, and so can small ones. I much rather see someone with a B cup wearing a low shirt, than some one with a D cup, i couldn't imagine wearing anything like that. Thank god, mine don't sag or anything, I think that is b/c I never go without a bra, and always wear good supportive bra's.

sonjanicky29 said:
Im a D cup.I love them and i hate them.I'm really skinny so i don't know why my boobs are so huge(And they will most likly keep growing since i just turned 14:shock:)I'm in gymnastics and ballet so it kind of weighs me down:angry:.So its more of a love hate relationship with me and my boobs lol.


I agree with you 100%, sometimes I love them, sometimes I wish I was flat chested, I have to spend so much time and money, just to buy 1 bathing suit that doesn't push my chest up to my chin, everything is built to give ppl bigger boobs, BUT what if you have big boobs, and don't want them to look bigger. Lost cause. Im really thin 2, small rib cage, so it looks kinda funny, lol, tall long, HUGE boobs. I had an A cup in 3rd grade, a B-C cup in 5th grade, and a D-DD in the 6th grade, but I HAVE stopped growing Thank GOD. I do have a love hate relationship with them.
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Shape [ie. pear or teardrop] and 'structure' are more important that size.

Too big for the body frame is very unapealling.

Floppy & flabby is worse than none at all.
^^ Think i have tear drop.....but not sure........Can you list celebrities with both types of structure????
Not without showing nekkididitity here....

Just picture the profile of a pear or a teardrop cut in half.

Should also be 'in front' & 'upright', not hanging off to either side.

'Course, that's in a perfect world, and we all know this world ain't perfect.... :blink: ;) :blush:
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