Cara Delevingne

I don't mind the change of focus - her physique has changed... she's not runway ready anymore... and the trailer for Paper Towns looks quite good... I'm looking forward to whatever comes next.
^ Exposure.

I think she's looking a lot better recently than she did at her last Chanel show. :innocent:
'Paper Towns' Berlin Photocall at Zoo Palast on June 16, 2015 in Berlin, Germany
'Paper Towns' photocall at Claridges Hotel in London - June 18, 2015
'Paper Towns' Photocall in Paris, France - June 17 2015
Leaving her hotel in Madrid, Spain - June 15, 2015.
Out in New York City - June 12, 2015

Arriving at her hotel in Berlin - June 16, 2015
I know it's for press and stuff but I love her style lately! She pulls off the feminine look really well considering her own personal style is so androgynous

This July is all @caradelevingne all the time! Read her extraordinarily candid interview for her first Vogue cover by clicking the link in our bio. Photo by Patrick Demarchelier. Styled by @tonnegood
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This July is all @caradelevingne all the time! Read her extraordinarily candid interview for her first Vogue cover by clicking the link in our bio. Photo by Patrick Demarchelier. Styled by @tonnegood
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Such a boring cover. They have Cara and that's the best they come up with?!?!!
Such a boring cover. They have Cara and that's the best they come up with?!?!!
The interview is up on and it's very interesting. She was pretty candid. A good read.
US Vogue July 2015: Cara Delevinge by Patrick Demarchelier

Cara Delevingne
Patrick Demarchelier
Stylist: Tonne Goodman
Make-Up: Dick Page
Hair: Garren

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