Cat Power

I guess those innate reasons are experience Chrissy. Like I may have passed a quaint little book shop a few times and a song may remind me of that shop. On the other side of the world, you wont know the shop so that little dimension wont be there when you listen to a song. But something else will.

Its quite intriguing in that the breadth of things that may influence taste is so vast as well as how we may never know ourselves what in our past has been recalled. Don't you love it when there is something in a song and you don't know what but on fiftieth listening it suddenly becomes apparent. I live for those realisations.

I hope I made nearly as much sense as you!
^^ i think i know what you mean.. the thing about experience definitely makes sense... :flower:

and the realizations that come after many many listens are one of the best things about music :heart:

I realized the other day that i had been mis-hearing a certain lyric for years and then suddenly the right words just clicked and the song will forever be different in a great way for me...

i think in relation to the experience thing the tone or mood of certain music can be just as compelling... whether it's the way someone's voice sounds, the way they form the words or deliver the song... there are so many elements involved that can make the music either great, mediocre or disasterous...
1karina1 said:
A translation would be great!

source: scanned by me
Here is all i could do for the translation, hope you will understand i did my best!!!

Panther and snake are her fav animals.
The interview was in her room in paris at the Ritz, where she opened all the gifts that Lagerfeld offered to her (smoking jacket, boots, jewels..).
She told about her new lover with honey skin, her hard last break up.

- How as an Atlanta girl do you feel about Paris, Ritz, Chanel?

It's magic, I tried to explain it to my grandmother this morning on the phone; she hardly realize. She had 5 children with different fathers and then educated my sister and i with no money she made everything by herself even lace!So when i told her about my shoot with terry richardson and catherine deneuve...

- When was that?

In 2001, during 4 years i quit smoking, i gave her for love a carson mc cullers book. She read it calmly and cried. She gave me a cigarette...She thought i "smoked like a man"

_ The Avedon shoot was more provocative you are almost naked?

That was the worst period of my life, i was drunk all the time. That time the alcohol gave me an estomach ache so i opened my jean's fly then he got the idea to tore my t-shirt and i forgot to close my trousers...

She also talked about her lucky miltary shirt, her brown boot bought in Paris and said that she always wear same clothes...She loves Karen Elson whith whom she sang gainsbourg, they met in a Balanciaga party and talked a lot about music and small bands like Dead Boy (with Stiv Bators).

- What kind of teenager were you?

I was really wise, because i was the new one who tried to be with the other girls, then i met my first best friend. Sheprotected from the mean girls who laughed at me because i was poor, always in black and Converse. I quit school!

-Beyond all different jobs you had what was the worst?

None of them; I've always been proud of my jobs; baby-sittig;barmaid;i did sandwichs i also worked in a photocopy store where i met Vincent Gallo; we became friends.
A young director wants to work with us, i'll play a young girl dropped on to a sofa who takes pills and alcohol..It shoudn't be too hard!!!

-Didn't you have the project to record an dub album in Jamaica?

Yes it's called Sun it will be released next year. But i didn't go to Jamaica
i met an old Wailer's percussionist, he's a great musician!
Before a cover record will be released ( Ellington, Gershwin, Cole Porter...)
I love old records, old cars, old shoes...

- You're a true retro girl?

Oh no it's too fashionable, let's say that i'm classical Piaf, James Brown... Just a voice and a mike "Please please please me" ( hot impro of Brown hit).
If I were at a concert and saw her throwing a fit... I know it would disspoint me very much. Probably because, it's just such a let-down... Someone who's music means so much to you, you would want them to respect it too.

I guess you guys are right, her fans will probably be forgiving... but for other who won't, we can't always blame them.:blush:
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I tend to not really consider an artist in a live context when listening to music. It's a totally different thing, you know? Writing & recording music, vs performing live. There are artists who have brilliant songs & recordings and suck live - and artists whose songs & recordings are a bore but put on an entertaining show. Who is more valid? Well, that's very subjective but i will take a good recording over a good concert any day.

This might seem off-topic, but there are some people who are very, very uncomfortable onstage, performing live in front of an audience. I think Chan is one of those. These days artists pretty much *have* to play live though - it's the only way some of them make money. Maybe artists such as these (Fiona Apple is another that comes to mind) would be more prolofic if they could record their music - create their art - without having to succumb to a whirlwind of touring and press, and still make a decent living.

I remember something Joni Mitchell said that fits into this, which i thought was very clever. I paraphrase: "No one ever said to Van Gogh 'That's really good. Paint it again!'"
I :heart: her..a lot- and i think theres nothing wrong with being a little crazy.
bleuFunk said:
I tend to not really consider an artist in a live context when listening to music. It's a totally different thing, you know? Writing & recording music, vs performing live. There are artists who have brilliant songs & recordings and suck live - and artists whose songs & recordings are a bore but put on an entertaining show. Who is more valid? Well, that's very subjective but i will take a good recording over a good concert any day.

This might seem off-topic, but there are some people who are very, very uncomfortable onstage, performing live in front of an audience. I think Chan is one of those. These days artists pretty much *have* to play live though - it's the only way some of them make money. Maybe artists such as these (Fiona Apple is another that comes to mind) would be more prolofic if they could record their music - create their art - without having to succumb to a whirlwind of touring and press, and still make a decent living.

I remember something Joni Mitchell said that fits into this, which i thought was very clever. I paraphrase: "No one ever said to Van Gogh 'That's really good. Paint it again!'"

You've made some really good points.. i especially agree with the fiona apple comparison because she's someone who i have loved music-wise for years but have for the most part been disappointed in when I've seen her live performances (on saturday night live for example)
she just looks so awkward and uncomfortable on stage which detracts from the strengths of the music in its more "pure" studio form where it's closed off from outside elements..

i think chan and fiona definitely have some similarities in their sound and delivery, and the awkward stage presence is probably just another similarity
Slap Magazine.


Two more pictures and the interview:
In every interview or article or review about Cat Power is always going to mention the troubles she's had in the past. I don't think anyone can ignore it, it's obviously a part of her, especially her music. Her lyrics usually deal with something personal and emotions (as opposed to something physical) and obviously autobiographical. Her voice also has this very ethereal and fragile quality that especially when hearing a slow song or some sort of ballad I always makes me a bit wispy and introspective. Like bleuFunk mentioned, Fiona Apple and IMO, Janis Joplin, Cat Power and her performances and personal life will always be associated with her. There shouldn't be anything wrong with that considering how it's so prominent in their music.

SiennaInLondon said:
No but is it not a wistful assumption? It certainly came across that way. Read the first pages of her thread... apparently she became known for not being able to finish a single gig without storming off.

I think you have a valid point. It's very much a part of her allure, that in any second you might see her go through a breakdown. The thing that bugs me now is that since she's gotten pass those hard times, it seems like everyone (critics, radio personalities) is treasuring her as some sort of "darling." They're so proud of her that she was able to make it through that live performance... like seeing your child up ride that bicycle by him/herself.... I have no idea if I'm making any sense.

Sorry, I got lost in a stream of consciousness there....
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Chan Marshall (Cat Power) in Magnet Magazine

credit for scans: blessed_beast @ livejournal
^ooh, karma to you! i hadn't seen these images - i'll have to pick up that magazine while it's still on the stands. ^_^
^ yes, thank you! i need to find a place that sells that mag
Chan singing at the Chanel Haute Couture S/S 2007 show!:woot:

source: gettyimages
^ :woot: is there a video that goes along with that?!
i was surprised there was no cat power on that new karl lagerfeld/vogue mix cd, since they are buddies. but this makes up for that :heart:
...this is a pretty big gig for her, considering how she feels about live performances. wonder how she, please! :flower:

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