Cat Power

I dont understand why her voice is anything special? She is very Lisa Moorish in her voice. Plus she seems like the most ghastly person. One of those ten a penny artists who have read 'how to be a rock star and hipster' too many times. In the January Mojo, she picked Dylan's Desire as her favourite of his records but the article was so inane, I was like SHUT UP. She keeps nattering on about how she would sleep with him. Well you and me both Chan but isn't that besides the point.
^ I would give anything to see her live! :woot:

I don't know about Lisa Moorish ( know her more from popping out rockster's kids than her music :innocent: ) but Cat's voice sounds so vulnerable, you hear every nuance of emotion in it. She draws you in to listen, to feel. I :heart: her.
SiennaInLondon said:
I dont understand why her voice is anything special? She is very Lisa Moorish in her voice. Plus she seems like the most ghastly person. One of those ten a penny artists who have read 'how to be a rock star and hipster' too many times. In the January Mojo, she picked Dylan's Desire as her favourite of his records but the article was so inane, I was like SHUT UP. She keeps nattering on about how she would sleep with him. Well you and me both Chan but isn't that besides the point.

like her or not, she has been making music since the early nineties. she certainly did not roll out of bed one day and decide to be a 'rock star hipster' - actually i think that a lot of her ways have hurt her career and i can't see her ever becoming rock star huge in music. artists are often awkward, not well-spoken, and even abrasive. she doesn't like to interview, and perhaps that's why. and as far as being the most ghastly person, please let's reserve that title for the paris hiltons of the world. :sick:
don't like her lending her song to a stella perfume ad that's on every ten minutes.
she really thinks she's in there with the fashion crowd doesn't she... :ninja:
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ragtag said:
artists are often awkward, not well-spoken, and even abrasive. she doesn't like to interview, and perhaps that's why. and as far as being the most ghastly person, please let's reserve that title for the paris hiltons of the world. :sick:
I try not to consider the Paris' thankyou. And nice rockstar fantasy you have there. Oh they are soooooooo troubled and poetic can't speak for sh** but the minute they sing...
What nonsense. Look at any of the musicians with integrity and you wont get this 'storm off stage', 'chuck a mic' garbage. Patti Smith didn't do any of that did she?
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strawberry daiquiri said:
don't like her lending her song to a stella perfume ad that's on every ten minutes.
she really thinks she's in there with the fashion crowd doesn't she... :ninja:

Um..the song that plays on stella mccartney's ad is "Kidnapped by Neptune" by Scout Niblett, not Chan :innocent:
1karina1 said:
Um..the song that plays on stella mccartney's ad is "Kidnapped by Neptune" by Scout Niblett, not Chan :innocent:
:shock: :lol: right you are.
i'll go express my distaste in her thread so. :p
SiennaInLondon said:
I try not to consider the Paris' thankyou. And nice rockstar fantasy you have there. Oh they are soooooooo troubled and poetic and can't speak for sh** but the minute they sing...
What nonsense. Look at any of the musicians with integrity and you wont get this 'storm off stage', 'chuck a mic' garbage. Patti Smith didn't do any of that did she?
no, storming offstage or chucking a mic is ridiculous behavior, and if she has done any of that, it's the exact sort of thing i was referring to as hurting her career and reputation. but i don't see any general brattiness in her and i doubt her hangups have hurt anyone but herself. i guess i just don't see what is so offensive about her. oh, and saying someone is awkward and not well spoken is not the same as calling them 'troubled and poetic'.
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No but is it not a wistful assumption? It certainly came across that way. Read the first pages of her thread... apparently she became known for not being able to finish a single gig without storming off.
^^ I don't think anyone in here is admiring her stage antics...
her music is engaging whether she acts like a lunatic and has a nervous breakdown every time she gets on stage or not :innocent:
She is on the cover of the current issue of Magent (a music mag based out of Philadelphia). The pictures are really pretty and the article is a good read.
^Baskingrobins, would it be possible for you to scan that for me? I don' thtink my bookstore carries that magazine, and i'd really like to see that article!

What nonsense. Look at any of the musicians with integrity and you wont get this 'storm off stage', 'chuck a mic' garbage. Patti Smith didn't do any of that did she?

Chan walked chucked her guitar and walked off the stage once because someone in the audience was shouting rude comments directed towards her. Chan says that she isn't entirely comfortable performing in front of thousands of eyes judging her, so i wouldn't blame it on antics for walking off stage. I would have walked off stage too, because i wouldn't be able to continue.
I don't htink that lessens her intergrity as an artist. I think she is just not a strong live performer, but she is definitely up there artistically.
You can't compare every singer with Patti - cuz that woman has more presense than... well, you know what i mean.
I have a question for you big Cat Power fans... What films was "I Found a Reason" in? IMDB lists these:

- V for Vendetta
- Saving Face
- The Secret Lives of Dentists
- Habibti My Love

I feel like there was a fairly recent indie film that this song was also featured in. Does anybody know which one (if any)?
MulletProof said:
as for her stupid personality...that's usually what sort of discourages me from her live performances (i've only seen her once though), she's never struck me as shy or even intrigued me with her i'm-so-arty emotional crap, i can only think of her as very talented as well as very disrespectful, ungrateful, egocentric and just plain pathetic to be around. i guess it's an issue with most women in rock music...because they're a minority, they really think they're a minority in the entire world and that drives them to fall into ridiculous attitudes that only end up portraying women as laughable posers
i absolutely agree with this
it makes me wonder how such beautiful, non-contrived and organic music can come out a personality who seems so pretenious
i am addicted to 'free' and i think 'the greatest' and 'living proof' are lovely songs ^_^
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Yes, you have to separate the music and the artist to an extent Chrissy... but he music sounds very mediocre to me anyway! :lol: Anyway I retain the right to change my mind but I don't think it will happen.

And yes Rollagaspar, I do compare everyone to Patti which means everyone comes off tainted! But hey, I'd rather live a life where I listen only to Patti and the best than a life contenting myself with less.
TheKiwi said:
I have a question for you big Cat Power fans... What films was "I Found a Reason" in? IMDB lists these:

- V for Vendetta
- Saving Face
- The Secret Lives of Dentists
- Habibti My Love

I feel like there was a fairly recent indie film that this song was also featured in. Does anybody know which one (if any)?

I don't know the answer to your question, but i have to admit that i cringed when i heard the song in "V For Vendetta". I know it's silly, but i get a bit selfish about the songs i love - only wanting to share them with those i care about. Hearing it on the big screen was like having a stranger reading my unrequited love letters.
SiennaInLondon said:
Yes, you have to separate the music and the artist to an extent Chrissy... but he music sounds very mediocre to me anyway! :lol: Anyway I retain the right to change my mind but I don't think it will happen.

And yes Rollagaspar, I do compare everyone to Patti which means everyone comes off tainted! But hey, I'd rather live a life where I listen only to Patti and the best than a life contenting myself with less.

that's what's so great about music.. and everything really... everyone reacts differently and likes/dislikes certain things for innate reasons that we can't really understand

liking certain music/clothes/art etc can be an emotional thing, and when you like it you like just like it--no matter who the designer/singer/artist is...

anyway, you make a good point in that if you don't like chan's music much to begin with then you're less likely to forgive/overlook her stage antics... while for those musicians that you do appreciate, their stage presence (if it's a good thing) can be just one more reason to love them ^_^

hope that made sense as i've been sort of rambling all day :blush:

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