Helen Of Troy

huh? this was on Friday 11th Fashist-Online

First Fashist! had heard American fashion model, Erin Wasson was being considered for the role of Helen in the upcoming big budget Hollywood movie epic, Troy. It was a rumour. Remembering the Nina Brosh in Star Wars rumour, how many reported that, and were wrong (the role went to Natalie Portman. I believe Nina Brosh was never even considered). Fashist! waited to to find out more. Then recently, it looked like the role was to go to actress, Claire Forlani. Nothing is officially was announced.

Until now. And Helen will not be Claire and will have a fashion connection after all. - HSB
I'm quite surprised.
Hboogie- about the blond thing, I think the Greeks were quite fair before the ottoman/turkish invasion. Also, I'm not sure but somewhere Helen is refered to as being light-ish in colour. Who knows...
ohhh i figured out who she is!!

Diane Heidkreuger

she was the model in the Giorgio Armani Acqua di gio ad!!!

she is stunnning!!!! :woot:
she was one of the models of the chanel allure fragance

Oh, and I was ready to be all jealous of her, but she modelled for my favourite fragrance - Allure, so I like her. Petty isnt it? :P
a bit out of topic, just for your information, since foxinthesnow mentioned this

Ancient Greeks were blond with blue eyes and light skin...

Helen of Troy can easily be blond, but she needs to have some kind of a 'strong caracter' she was from Sparta, an area where people were very proud, very fit/athletic and very strong minded.

Any darker greek 'versions' came only following our 400 years occupation by the Turks.
The :angry: occupation ended only in 1821 and we can still feel the bloody effect here :angry: In areas of Greece that were never occupied by the Turks -like some small rocky islands- 'natives' are still sun blond, tall and statues-like , very stunning people, since they kept away from the Turks ::::
(Please don't take this the wrong way) but :blush: I was curious, where did you find this information regarding the ancient Greeks being blond haired and blue-eyed? Do you really believe that the ancient Greeks could have been?

What do you think of the theory that the ancient Greeks had cultural connections/ties to the Hittite Empire (evidence has shown that this civilization had dark hair, eyes and skin);moreover, historians state that as the palace civilization of Minos' Crete flourished, on the mainland of Greece another great antecedent of the Greeks was developing -- the Mycenaeans (famous by Homer in his epic tales of the Trojan War and its aftermath in the Iliad and the Odyssey.) We know Mycenaeans built the great palace civilization, in large part as the conquerors and heirs of the Minoans, but they were quite literally the first Greeks; their physical traits, as evidence has shown, were dark haired, dark eyes and skin. Before, during, and after Homer's time evidence has shown increasing, and stablized, trade with various Eastern contacts that the Greeks had.

The Phoenicans (dark haired & eyes people) feature prominently in the tales of Odysseus as merchants and pirates. Hesiod shows the influences and marital ties to the Near East in his writings. The Hesiod story of the castration of Uranos by his son Kronos is a version of a succession story that appears in the Hittite and Ugaritic mythology in the ancient Near East.

We know that Sparta's earliest history is hidden in the period of what some call "chaos" and "unrest" following the collapse of the Mycenaean palace system. In 950 b.c. Lakonia, the home of Menelaus and Helen, groups of Dorian speakers returned from the areas of the ancient Near East and northeast and settled permanently -- known famously as Spartans. These people have been described as "war-like, aggressive, dark people."

What do you think? Again, please don't take this as an attack, I would really like to know :flower: ...
hey no offence Persephone ;) my 2 euro cents

To start with Crete, Minoans were not considered 'Greeks' in essence, their culture was completly different -and quite much older- than that of Classical Greece. Believe it or not, people from Crete feel they are not 'really' Greeks but Cretans.. thats even in our days, they even talk of 'independance' from Greece, even their dialect is quite different -in sound- from modern greek, they have their own traditions, they have their own mentality.

Greeks sure had "cultural connections/ties to the Hittite Empire" but so they did with all cultures surrounding Mediterranean sea -to say the least.
Mycenaeans had their own 'kingdom' and they were more 'Minoans' than 'Greeks' since they came to the mainland from Crete. Keep in mind that in antiquity, Greece was basicaly a kind of 'federation' of different kingdoms linked together by common language and religion.
Spata, Mycenae and much more Minoan cultures were not greek in essence, they were separate cultures that later came together under the dominance of the Athenian state. What people call 'classical greece' is the effect of the Athenian culture -and politics- on all the diverse cultures of the area.

Being a greek that lives in Greece, I can assure you some 'untouched-by-Turk-occupation' areas are still full of blond 'natives', most Gods were blond with blue eyes, most statues were currying the colors of arians, i'm even blond myself.
Generations back, the Greek part of my family was all green eyes, blond hair and the palest, transparent skin ;)
Relatives from the Austrian/Italian part of my family have light brown eyes :lol:
(my Austrian-Jewish connection ;) )
not that her hair is real blonde. :blink:

but you see, I must be critical. :boxer: after all, she is going to be playing opposite my orlando bloom.:crush: :lol:
Originally posted by utopia@Apr 14th, 2003 - 2:13 pm
but you see, I must be critical. :boxer: after all, she is going to be playing opposite my orlando bloom.:crush: :lol:
:pirate: I have to share him with you! Mara, too!
Originally posted by Lena@Apr 14th, 2003 - 5:01 am
hey no offence Persephone ;) my 2 euro cents

To start with Crete, Minoans were not considered 'Greeks' in essence, their culture was completly different -and quite much older- than that of Classical Greece. Believe it or not, people from Crete feel they are not 'really' Greeks but Cretans.. thats even in our days, they even talk of 'independance' from Greece, even their dialect is quite different -in sound- from modern greek, they have their own traditions, they have their own mentality.

Greeks sure had "cultural connections/ties to the Hittite Empire" but so they did with all cultures surrounding Mediterranean sea -to say the least.
Mycenaeans had their own 'kingdom' and they were more 'Minoans' than 'Greeks' since they came to the mainland from Crete. Keep in mind that in antiquity, Greece was basicaly a kind of 'federation' of different kingdoms linked together by common language and religion.
Spata, Mycenae and much more Minoan cultures were not greek in essence, they were separate cultures that later came together under the dominance of the Athenian state. What people call 'classical greece' is the effect of the Athenian culture -and politics- on all the diverse cultures of the area.

Being a greek that lives in Greece, I can assure you some 'untouched-by-Turk-occupation' areas are still full of blond 'natives', most Gods were blond with blue eyes, most statues were currying the colors of arians, i'm even blond myself.
Generations back, the Greek part of my family was all green eyes, blond hair and the palest, transparent skin ;)
Relatives from the Austrian/Italian part of my family have light brown eyes :lol:
(my Austrian-Jewish connection ;) )
:flower: Thanks Lena! I was confused... As you can see by my name, Persephone, I'm fascinated with Greek mythology as well as many other ancient civilizations (cultural, mythology, literature, etc.) Again thanks for the info ;).
Too bad that Christy Turlington is not an actress, because I think she would make a perfect Helen.
Originally posted by Jaime@Apr 15th, 2003 - 5:34 pm
Too bad that Christy Turlington is not an actress, because I think she would make a perfect Helen.
absolutely jaime, :heart: Christy ;)

my pleasure Persephone :flower:
Considering all of the technology in films why not just create a Helen. Use a real actress for the acting and then enhance her.

If not, then my vote is for Christy Turnlington.
Christy Turlington would be a great choice. :woot: :heart:

I like the idea of Jennifer Connelly too. :ninja:
What about Monica Belucci. She's not a great actress, but she's trying. And she's beautifull.
Originally posted by Astrid21@Apr 15th, 2003 - 3:59 pm
I like the idea of Jennifer Connelly too. :ninja:
B) yes, I think Jennifer is certainly striking enough to play Helen...I think I'm still pulling for a brunette, despite historical evidence to the contrary... ;)
Originally posted by HBoogie@Apr 15th, 2003 - 5:13 pm
:flower: Welcome Misha! :flower:
Hi, HBoogie ! Thanks for your nice wellcoming. I'm visiting this forum for a while and I like it. My English is not so good, but I'll try:-)

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