Helen Of Troy

Well, she has a boyfriend, so we can all breathe a sigh of relief!
My votes would definately go to Natalie Portman or Christy Turlington, they're both :heart: ly!!!
helen of troy :lol:
sorry i dont know........
there was a thing on Yahoo.com and it gave me this photo....
That might be from the Tv Miniseries?
I like to think of an animated Helen. Too bad Hertzigova is no actress. For example Josephine Baker was a Helen for me!
personally i like kristen kreuk... she is sooooooooo beautiful
:rolleyes: Hi I wanted to correct many of the false ethnic theories that Lena claimed whichmade (us current) Greeks dark. I am a Greek American with dark hair , green eyes, and fair skin who many people say I resemble Cat Z Jones. I turn a fierce bronze in the summer and never burn. I do not have dark hair because of the 100% Turkish invasion DNA . That THEORY is dead wrong and revisionist history that stemmed from AngloGermanic historians hundreds of years ago. Who could not deal with the fact that darker people such as the Egyptians, Assyrians, Arabs could be intelliget and created all this cool stuff. Especially noth Thealways dark bronze and light Greeks who were genius and not Aryan milk white100 percent as Lena would like to believe..This was never mentioned before if you read early works or study art history. (I am a painter and teacher)that we were all blonde and fair and were LATER ethnically darkened. Greeks were dark and fair as they are today. Turkey was in Hungary and other Eastern European culture s for a long time as well. My Hungarian friends are very blonde and fair brownish hair looking. We are dark because of the CLIMATE!! and Southern Euro sun Please take an anthropology and genetics class to edify your brain and educate people. I am very tired of people using the outdated GREEKS WERE BlondeWHITE. theory it is racist , self loathing if you are Greek and puts us down with our fellow Meditteranean bronze cousins(Spain, Italy , Portugal) and please dont throw in the Moors theory either. I love my bronze dark coloring. which is fair in the winter also and thats not 100 percent Turkish its a beatiful mix from my heritage which always was Dark and Light from the start. GOD BLess
I was not talking 'racist or arian' dear Theone, nor did i mentioned that all ancient greeks were milky white. I respect your opinion and your right to voice it, please do respect mine.
It's a real undeniable fact that greek areas never invaded by the Othoman empire (eg. Hydra island) has a greater share of bond, fair skined people, until this very day.

Excuses if i upseted you, in any way. It was not my intention.

I absolutely respect
Egyptians, Assyrians, Arabs could be intelliget and created all this cool stuff
and their culture. I can also assure you that i'm not racistic or self loathing, I'm certainly proud of my 3/4 of greek heritage.

No hard feelings, i'm all for your right to voice your opinion and dissagree :flower:
Christy Turlington gets my vote... :innocent:
Lena said:
a bit out of topic, just for your information, since foxinthesnow mentioned this

Ancient Greeks were blond with blue eyes and light skin...
Helen of Troy can easily be blond, but she needs to have some kind of a 'strong caracter' she was from Sparta, an area where people were very proud, very fit/athletic and very strong minded.

Any darker greek 'versions' came only following our 400 years occupation by the Turks.
The :angry: occupation ended only in 1821 and we can still feel the bloody effect here :angry: In areas of Greece that were never occupied by the Turks -like some small rocky islands- 'natives' are still sun blond, tall and statues-like , very stunning people, since they kept away from the Turks ::::

Somebody should smack you silly, if you know sooo much about Greek history, and are so confident that the ancient Greeks were a bunch of blondies, then you obviously are an idiot (sorry to say this). If you really are into Greek history then you would have read many many clues into why the Greeks were dark featured peoples just like they are today. When Homer talks about Helen and Achilles, he distinguishes something about them, the fact that they have light features blond golden hair e.t.c. He stresses about there beauty soooo much that it is almost like they were something exotic, which every person who is into Greek history knows that they were some of the Greeks that were considered exotic and thus beautiful because of their lighter features. Greeks dont have dark features because of Turks, that is the stupidest assumption to make, Turks were dark featured as well but they were more ***** eyed hook nosed mongoloid looking (no offense, look at some of the ottoman artworks). Just to prove your theory wrong, look at the Italians, specifically the southern Italians, there is a great deal of them that are of an ancient Hellenic bloodline (not that they consider themselves Hellenic today, just to clarify) but they look exactly like most modern day Greeks. Look at the Turks that are on the west coast of Turkey, a majority have Hellenic blood (but they are Turkish) just like there are Greeks with Turkish blood etc etc etc. But to claim that Greeks were Blond???? You are insane, maybe the more northern Greeks had some light featured peoples, but it is pretty certain that 90% of the ancient Greeks were of dark features, so get back into reality and go read a book, a real historical book, you will find all that I have just taught you in those, I hate Greeks that dont know sh*t about their own history! :( :(

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