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More than a minute and a half go by (and that's just including the audio clip) before McG even gets involved. And that is only because Bale involves him.
Here's what I got from it. You tell me - Who is in control of this set?
BALE: McG! You got something to say to this *beep* prick????
McG: ::defensively & high pitched:: I didn't see it happen...!
BALE: Well SOMEBODY should be ****ing watching him and keeping an eye on him!
McG: "Fair enough..."
BALE: This is the SECOND time that he doesn't give a **** what is going on in front of the camera!!!
McG: Alright.
BALE: ALRIGHT??! I'm trying to do a *beep* scene here and I'm going 'why the *beep* is Shane walking in there, what is he doin' there?' Do you understand my mind is not in the scene if you're doing that.
BALE: Stay off the ***ing set man. For **** sake! Alright let's go again.
McG: Let's take a minute...
BALE: Let's NOT TAKE A *beep* MINUTE!!! LET'S GO AGAIN! And let's not have YOU *beep* walkin' in!
well, we can look at it from another side, Christian IS a professional, that is why he got so mad, cause the whole scene was ruined and Christian is so into making/acting perfect and maybe he just got into character in that scene and than bam! and someone ruins it.
but then I just don't get how the sound is so good when this tape is made secretly
and why this appeared only now? it all happened way back in summer!
Oh f.u.c.k. that Cheung guy.
greasy a.s.s.hole.
well, we can look at it from another side, Christian IS a professional, that is why he got so mad, cause the whole scene was ruined and Christian is so into making/acting perfect and maybe he just got into character in that scene and than bam! and someone ruins it.
but then I just don't get how the sound is so good when this tape is made secretly
and why this appeared only now? it all happened way back in summer!
I disagree. It's pretty juvenile to not only get that mad in the first place, but stay that way as he did (it sounded like they had to hold him back from that guy at one point... ridiculous) and even more so, to totally lack restraint and just completely let loose on someone, apparently in front of the whole crew. The sky did not fall and that dude didn't singlehandedly destroy the entire movie; it was a mistake, an accident. It's not like he was whistling and strolling around on camera. No where else would Bale's behavior be acceptable, period. But since he's an artiste and especially because he's Christian Bale, people are falling over themselves trying to excuse it. He acted like a jackass and if he has a little bit of a fallout after this, I suppose he deserves it.
Still, though, I think Scott is right on and I agree with iluvjeisa too-- people expect their all favorite actors/musicians/etc. to be saints, which is not only impossible but quite boring as well. I don't think it's devastating that Bale isn't all peaches and cream, but I really don't get why people think it's funny or perfectly normal to act like he did.
SERIOUSLY. It's like, yeah, but he's making ~art~.
First of all, it's a freaking Terminator movie.
Second of all, no matter what movie it is, nobody deserves to get that kind of abuse. Lets give Bale the benefit of the doubt and say this was at the end of a 12 hour work day. SO WHAT?! The rest of us work 12 hour days without getting paid millions for it. Doesn't give us the right to snap at those around us, especially those who aren't on equal footing. Bale didn't just "snap". He went on a 4 minute tirade. There was plenty of time there to stop, to calm down, to think twice. He didn't. There is just no excuse for that. NONE.
I'm not advocating that Bale should be banned from making movies, because we all make mistakes. I do, however, think that's it's important that behavior like this is not excused. Bale needs to get help, first of all. And second of all, this should serve as a lesson to other divas on the set who think they can walk all over crew. It's one thing to forgive someone who sees the wrongs in his ways and amends his ways. It's totally another to make excuses for someone's animal-like behavior because he's an actor making 'art'.
me too!hmm is it strange if I think he is even hotter now :/
He deserves to be yelled at.